
Blood Wolf in Twilight

After death he has two choices, since one is better then the other he goes for it. Lets follow him along in his knew life. I own nothing but OC and Own Ideas

Pink_Ghosty · Movies
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002- Training and Growing up

Two weeks had past, although he said that he was going to work with his new powers and abilities he put that off, instead he was mapping the woods at the moment. The whole town was surrounded by these and he didn't want to get lost while he was exploring them or if he ever went in them just to mess around.

During this time he learned where the cut off was for the vampires and werewolves, just like the movie he found the flowing creek/river that cut of the two sides. There were actually a lot of places that he found in the movie, the flower field, the battle filed, the diving cliff, he explored each and everyone of them.

It wasn't until he found all those spots and mapped out all he knew about the woods that he started his real training, he found out that his drawing skills were better because he need to be precise when making Runes and Enchantments. So the map he had looked like a 3D model, using this he planned on making his first rune and enchantments.

The runes though were something he was keeping on the side, since the difference between enchantments and runes were big. Runes were more of a one time type thing, he was going to use those to make some defensive and offensive weapons, though they were for emergencies only.

As for Enchantments they were a long lasting thing that only needed to be redone every few years, they were also sturdy to the point that they couldn't me messed with when imputed.

Over the next week all Liam did was go around the forest marking certain parts with enchantments, they were basically boundaries so he would know when something supernatural went through. It took him forever since the forest stretched for miles on miles, it took him until the end of that week for him to actually have them all in place.

He actually went to Bella's house and put some in her window and room while her dad was gone for the day, when he got inside he saw the room hadn't changed a bit. Now the window and room were warded so that no supernatural could get in without her inviting them in, it was different for the rest of the house but her room was safe.

Liam just didn't like the way that they all went into her room without permission, especially Edward who was a creep and watched her sleep. After putting those all in he left nodding his head since he thought he did a good job, she might be a shield but that only worked when she was actually a vampire.

For the next year all he did was work on the Enchantments and Runes, he had them down fully within that year thanks to the knowledge that was given to him. With a satisfied nod he went ahead to work on other things in his life, unlike the ones looking to get rich off of copyrighted things he only invested.

At first his dad was skeptical when he asked to use some of his college fund for it but when he saw the gains he let him have free reign, Liam was happy about it and kept it all locked away. Now that he was sitting on enough money to retire on he started to make the Marvel films, though he really didn't want to copyright anyone.

These comics and movies weren't in this world though, so he decided to make them himself he was glad that DC was made though, thankfully the actors were in play too.

Three Years Later.....

At the moment a eleven year old Liam was in his backyard nodding at his plants, a few Runes and Enchantments made them the best plants in the world. He was grow Tomatoes, Potatoes, Peppers, Lettuce, Garlic Etc. he was honestly having his own mini farm going.

Looking to the side there were some free range Chicken, these were the only ones he was willing to care for since Cows and Pigs took to much time to butcher.

"Liam! Are you making dinner or am I?" His mother Laura said with a smile as she came out to the backyard to check on him. She was happy seeing what he was doing they even got rid of the pool so that he could do all of this, their backyard was a mini farm she was liking it.

"I will you had a long day at work so I need to be the one to at least cook meals." He said smiling back at her while taking off his working gloves, they both looked at the plants he was working on but neither said anything seeing what he planted. At the moment it was Weed and Tobacco plants, thanks to the ruins though they wouldn't harm his body.

Laura just smiled seeing that she didn't mind, she was an open minded woman and knew that it was good for kids to experiment, they just agreed he wouldn't mess with them until he was sixteen. "Alright well I am going to take a shower, your father said he would be home in thirty minutes."

"Alright I am making steaks tonight so be ready." Liam smiled and walked into the house behind her, he already had the meat seasoned and ready to go. Going to the kitchen he blasted the hot water and started to wash his hands and arm like a surgeon would do before surgery.

Going into the fridge he brought out the three five pound steaks, the beautiful marbling on them were so inviting. Putting a little butter into the pan he threw put one in along with it, setting up a pot to a boil he started to make broccoli to go with their meal for the night.

Forty minutes later his dad was already home in the shower, the last steak was being cooked while all the sides were already done, setting the table he looked into the living room. "Mom the food is ready, the last steak will be done here in a moment. Once dad is out the shower we can sit down to eat."

"Alright, I am going to wash up." she said but it was a little muffled since she was snacking on chips, he could only shake his head at that.

Soon they were all sitting down for a meal, everyone talked about their day, Liam told the same thing almost every day since he really didn't do much other then practicing cooking, instruments, and working on his crops. His parents raise a brow at him making him sigh, he knew they wanted him to make more friends but he just couldn't do it.

To everyone else he might be a kid but he knew that he was twenty year old man in a kids body, as for making friends that would eventually need to start if he really wanted to.

Three More Years Later...

Liam was panting and rolling around in bed suppressing his yells, he might be alone at the moment but if they neighbors heard they would be there in a moment to see what was wrong. At the moment he had just turned Seventeen at when the clock struck midnight, the werewolf gene inside of him was coming out along with his powers over blood and body fluids.

The pain though was something he had never felt before, his body was breaking and being put back together, all his senses at the moment were being enhanced more then he could imagine. Coughing up blood he felt his spine snap as his body started to produce fur on it, silver fur started to take over his whole body as he laid there.

The Cullen's who came to town months ago were out of his head, he didn't even think about them knowing about them and even if they did he would just brush them off. All his instincts were telling him at the moment was to go for a run, thankfully his window was open so he jumped out and started to run straight to the tree line.

Liam knew that the plot was going to start tomorrow seeing as he was changed, Bella hadn't been to school yet so she wasn't in town, now he was just wondering who his mate would be. He was hoping that he wouldn't get that imprint thing but it looked like he would have to deal with it.

Finally cutting through the trees a four foot Silver wolf with red eyes was looking over a cliff, he could feel eyes on him from both sides of the treaty line. Looking to the left he could see two wolfs standing there watching him with interest, and to the right he could see three vampires.

They were Carlisle, Esme, and Edward as for the wolves they were Sam and his beta Jared, Liam looked at them all before jumping into the water that was below. By the time he was in the water he already shifted back, thanks to his new strength in just a few pushes he was already five miles away from them.

When he was back on land he was naked, thankfully it was late into the night so he didn't need to worry about anyone catching him walking around naked. Running home he made it there in seconds clearing the backyard, hopefully at school the Cullen's wouldn't notice his change in smell.

Liam could already smell the wet dog on him, frowning he felt around his blood and knew that since it changed thanks to the wolf that it was making him smell that way. Shifting it slightly the smell started to fade, instead seeping from his pores was now just a regular woods smell that he usually smelt like.

Smiling he went to take a hot shower, even if he could feel that his body temperature was above normal temperature he still wanted a shower.

This is mainly done so I get Ideas for my other two books but I will update this as often as I can.

Pink_Ghostycreators' thoughts