
Blood without Fire

Magic or violence? A story of a young man who was thrown by fate into unknown lands and given an unknown task. Whether he will try to learn about himself or take out his anger on everyone around him remains a mystery. You know who A Song of Ice and Fire belongs to, and my name is definitely not George I am just the author of this fanfic. I'm working on two fanfics in total, so some of you may accuse me of not posting enough. I apologize in advance for that. Gonna do my best to write three chapters a week for each of the two fanfics. Want to know what the piece is about? Read :) Hope you enjoy and yes its throne gaming

RHpositive · Movies
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40 Chs


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And of course, a new chapter is here, hope you like it. ◙


Each new day brought more questions than answers, which was not within the bounds of reason. Isaia was already uncomfortable with the idea of leaving the forest, and now the cavalry had arrived, adding even more reason to fear the plains.

After all, it was unlikely that he would be able to get away from them in the same way as if he had been chased by a person on foot. There were no roads here, and the terrain was not very favorable to vehicles, which meant that anyone who wanted to be aggressive or arrest him without reason would have to catch up on their own.

With his increased strength he was sure that if another person did not appear, with the same strange oddities of circumstances as he had - a skill and ability that did not fall under the logic and obviousness of the reasons for its appearance, it was unlikely that anyone would be able to keep up with him.

Horses were different, they didn't need roads or other infrastructure. They can move on stony terrain and off-road as well as humans, some would even dare to say that they are much better. Someone very intelligent.

On top of that, the chase could take a bad turn if the said riders started using long-range weapons, which some of them also had. From what he saw, the bow that one of his previous attackers had was of a much more mediocre and inferior quality than those carried by the recent riders.

Isaia seemed immersed in delirium and nonsense. It was as if he were in another period of history, namely the past, considering the appearance of the strangers he met and the weapons they used.

Even more delusional were thoughts of another world, a trend that had been riding the crest of a wave of popularity over the last few years of mankind's imagination.

Isaia used to keep these thoughts to himself, occasionally reminding himself that it requires finding logic in what he witnessed.

It was worth noting the young man's attention to detail, for he was most interested in what they were wearing. Perhaps it was not attention to detail, but subconscious concentration on what bothered him the most, and therefore the requirement to give priority to it.

Again, he was not allowed by squeamishness to steal and then wear what others wore, but still the skill with which these things were made hinted at the advanced skills of the manufacturer himself.

One can only wonder if this was a boon of industrial production, or if there were people skilled and talented enough to work so adeptly with leather to create objects of superior quality.

The leather armor, not even the individual parts of the appearance, but it was the armor that made one go off in thoughts.

Leaving aside the quality and level of material superiority of these horsemen over those encountered earlier, it is worth noting that, unlike weapons, armor spoke of a different structure of local society.

From the Isaia's point of view it was difficult for him to bring forth the large number of people he had met, and yet the strangers before were in similar rags as himself, or even worse, and lacked even the primitive luxury possessed by the recently seen horsemen, but that was only secondary.

He could not boast of a serious stockpile of knowledge of historical aspects, but he did know the basics. Armor had fallen out of use as swords and bows had gave way to firearms.

Even if the armor were made of metal, it would still not be able to protect its wearer from a projectile, being useful for its intended purpose.

Before the advent of firearms, armor was intended for one purpose only, which was the protection of the individual who wielded it. The requirement to seek protection was due to the harsh and very dangerous mores of the places where it was vital.

Modern society does not accept the presence of weapons and armor, based on the community's established requirement for security by law enforcement agencies.

If there is no one to infringe on the life and interests of an ordinary citizen, then there is no need for additional personal protection. Accordingly, those who would wear armor when going to the store or to work will be appropriately ridiculed by the rest of the community.

Hence the conclusion that the environment and region in which Isaia found himself is remote in its moral and legislative framework, at least in its customs and normative sources.

The presence of an entire troop that is so eager to defend itself using leather armor speaks to their confidence in its usefulness, which at least follows from their attire. If armor were not useful, it would have been abandoned long ago. Leather, in the matter of protection, has long been valued by warriors for its ability to preserve the parameters of maneuverability and agility, while giving the wearer the confidence to avoid excessively serious wounds.

It may not be as useful as the one made with high quality metals, as the latter can completely cancel out an arrow fired from a bow, but still, shallow cuts and critical wounds could be avoided. He wondered if he would meet someone who was wearing iron armor, putting the final cherry on the cake of absurdity.