
Blood without Fire

Magic or violence? A story of a young man who was thrown by fate into unknown lands and given an unknown task. Whether he will try to learn about himself or take out his anger on everyone around him remains a mystery. You know who A Song of Ice and Fire belongs to, and my name is definitely not George I am just the author of this fanfic. I'm working on two fanfics in total, so some of you may accuse me of not posting enough. I apologize in advance for that. Gonna do my best to write three chapters a week for each of the two fanfics. Want to know what the piece is about? Read :) Hope you enjoy and yes its throne gaming

RHpositive · Movies
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40 Chs


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And of course, a new chapter is here, hope you like it. ◙


"Who are they? Where have they come from? Why did they dress up like that and what are their motives?" - Isaia had no answers to any of these questions.

The improved eyesight not only helped him to see the unexpected visitors from afar, but it was also possible to follow them, but not for long.

The risk of being detected was too high, which would be an exorbitant price to pay for unrestrained curiosity. Of course, it was not without the use of sensations, which were enhanced by the manipulation of blood. They made it possible to follow the movements of this peculiar troop at a safe distance.

But even his senses and improved eyesight could not provide answers to the questions, so he had to make do with staying idle and concealing his presence.

No one could guarantee that he wasn't the cause and purpose of their search, and the fact that the situation could easily escalate and spiral into an unnecessary direction didn't need to be reminded after the events of three days earlier.

Just then, a thought occurred to him, suggesting that he take a risk and stay in one of the rather tall and lushly sprawling trees to observe from a short distance and gather information.

Sooner or later they would have to start talking, which would give the young man an even better idea of the linguistic peculiarities of the area.

Perhaps he would not understand a word, but it could be that they spoke one of the languages Isaia knew.

European language families of Latin origin are likely to be distinguishable if he hears them in person, without being in a crisis situation. During previous encounters with people, the situation had been heated enough, not allowing him to concentrate solely on what was being said, because they often shouted or demanded something, but it was difficult for the young man to distinguish.

The people here are obviously not Asian, so there's no need to think about the fact that he might be in such faraway lands. They mostly resembled Europeans, hence the urge to hear them speak and try to come to some conclusions.

And thus remain in a tree, for the crowns could provide some shelter, but then he changed his mind. It was enough to think a little about the possible coincidences of circumstances, and reason immediately prevailed, suggesting that it was better not to risk following phantom assumptions.

There was a chance that one of them might decide to inspect the tops of the trees, looking closely, and it would be more trouble to deal with people than with a pack of canines, who would eventually give up and go away.

However, the thought of all sorts of risky endeavors still lingered in one puzzled head. He was eager to find out what they were looking for, and it was possible that if one of the riders had moved a little farther away from the others, he might have been able to try his luck.

Unfortunately for Isaia, that was not the case, though he had no idea what to make of the rider himself. If the previous strangers looked more like a band of refugees, even though they were armed, the current ones looked like soldiers, no less.

And soldiers have more pride, discipline, arrogance, and everything else available to them, which means the accompanying resistance will be annoyingly high.

So, seeing how the riders got tired of their activities after a couple of hours and left where they came from, Isaia was a little glad.

After all, he would not have to improvise and think up on the fly how to be with the rider separated from the others. It would not be difficult to dispatch the rider, it would be enough to apply the blood manipulation on the horse, and he would deign to embrace the ground with all his limbs, but the further fate was in doubt.

He would clearly be aggressive to the one who appeared in his sight while simultaneously the horse stopped showing signs of life. Even if the rider's guesses about the cause of the animal's death turn out to be wrong, it won't stop him from setting himself up for hostility.

There was no point in killing the poor fellow; he needed him alive and able-bodied, and there was no need for blood as such. Especially since the rider could warn his companions, or at least arouse their interest by noise.

Isaia did not know where he was, and there was a possibility that in the eyes of the people he met he was really a trespasser, and this area belonged to them, then it would be very difficult to call his actions justified in the eyes of others.

- What the hell, first the ragamuffins with prehistoric weapons, and now the Horse Guards have arrived. - Isaia could not help but speak out, analyzing the events of today, although not too rich in diversity of events, but quite rich in emotions and surprises.

How could an uncomplicated person not be indignant, if every time he wanted to find answers to his questions and understand what was going on around him, he came face to face with more and more strange things.

As if it wasn't enough for him to worry about getting clothes, finding a way to find out something about his location, finding out about the cause and origins of the skill, magical and inexplicable enough at that.

Now there is the added worry about the reason why people use such primitive transportation as horses, while still calculating his chances of avoiding encounters with them.

He was absolutely certain that the time would come when he would have to go out into the open terrain, and then his greatest fear would be to constantly check his surroundings for mounted figures.

However, there was one nuance that the young man could not lose sight of, these riders behaved so confidently, and carried swords and shields with them, that there were doubts about the competence of law enforcement agencies.

Sometimes he even had thoughts of their absence in these lands, if this kind of crowd can group and behave so unrestrained. If they didn't have shields, he would have thought that they were carrying knives for some primitive reasons. But the presence of shields required that a more correct term be applied to the sharp iron.