
Blood Towers

We've been told that war is as old as human kind. What would you say if I told you it was much, much older. Throughout the history of all existence the desire to rule has been instinctual in all living beings. No one, wants to be a slave. To that end war has ravaged the cosmos since intelligent life began to spread itself across the universe. Those born of higher planes invading and conquering those below them wildly until a treaty of the strongest beings finally brought some order to the slaughter. No longer would those of a higher order be allowed to wantonly murder their way across the galaxies. A universal system was put in place to regulate the ascension wars, wherein the lower planes would be granted the ability to evolve and resist the higher planes via the Blood Towers. Conduits of universal power that were both blessing and curse. They indicated both the triggering of your planes evolution, as well as its imminent destruction should you fail to resist.

Billy_Bunn_5040 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Delvers Duel

Stunned silence prevailed, no one present could believe what they had just witnessed.

"Did he really just do that?"

"Is he insane? What happened when Olsen wakes up and tells his father?"

"What happens if Olsen doesn't wake up?"

These thoughts and many more were swirling around in the heads of the onlookers, within Joseph's mind only one was present.

"No one, NO ONE, talks like that about my mother."

It was only after a few moments had passed and Joseph was allowed to calm down, that he realized how monumentally f@#ked he was.

"I just kicked the shit out of the city lords son…what the hell am I gonna do now?!"

As panic began to set in, he felt a strong reassuring hand on his shoulder calming him down immediately. He looked up to see Aden's wide smile and a big thumbs up,

"Good work boy, bout time someone taught that arrogant bastard a lesson."

Joseph let out a large sigh as relief washed over him, he knew that Aden at least would stand with him. This was incredibly good news as Aden had the same noble rank that the city lord did, so there wasn't a whole lot that Doren could do to him.

Joseph's thoughts ran back to all the times he turned the other cheek to Olsen, the bullying, the extortion, the girls he used and discarded, these and many other sins had piled up so you could say he had it coming. The problem was that Olsen's father loved him to the point of obsession, his wife had died giving birth to Olsen, so Doren treasured him above all else and was extremely unwilling to discipline him in any meaningful way.

This had led to Olsen doing whatever he wanted whenever he wanted, causing problems everywhere he went. These incidents were all quickly swept away by Doren, either through bribes or other pressures.

Now that Joseph had retaliated one could only guess as to how furious Doren would be. If he were an ordinary orphan then it was more than likely he would simply disappear, however, Aden was there to defend him so it was relatively certain that his life wasn't in danger. But there were many many other ways for Doren to exercise his authority over him. Only time would tell exactly how bad this would get.

"Don't worry to much boy," Aden's calm voice cut through the fog of Joseph's fear. "I won't let anything get out of hand, besides I have a pretty good idea how to resolve this."

Joseph didn't know what kind of crazy idea had just popped up into Aden's head, but he was pretty sure he wouldn't like it.

Aden then walked over to Olsen's unconscious body and picked him up, slinging him over his shoulder he then continued to lead the way back to the guild hall.

The rest of the return trip was silent, everyone was preoccupied with their own thoughts about the several things that happened today. Fortunately though, when the guild hall came back into view, all thoughts returned to the excitement of the awakening. Here were 12 new delvers for the human race, their potential and future achievements unknown. It was high time to answer at least one of those questions.

After everyone had shuffled into the front doors and stood in the lobby, several guild members appeared from adjacent rooms and stood at attention in the front. Aden approached them, delivering the unconscious Olsen to a lady to his left who took him to places unknown, then turned on the newest batch of delvers with a wide smile. "These guild members behind me are your awakening proctors. They will assist you in the process of assimilation and awakening."

These words confused a majority of the new delvers, one of whom raised a hand to ask a question.

"Sir," they queried, "The system voice said all we need to do is bring the stone close to our chest, it didn't mention anything about assimilation."

"Your right," Aden began. "What the system didn't bother to tell you is that while your abilities may be awakened by bringing the stone to your chest, it didn't tell you exactly how much energy would be required to do so. Nor how the grade of your abilities may be negatively affected if not enough energy is supplied. The only exception to this energy exchange rule are those who use catalyst items."

"Why would they be an exception sir, and how does the energy exchange affect my grading?"

Aden turned towards the new questioner frowning slightly, which immediately silenced them.

"As I was saying, the catalyst is an exception because it provides the energy for the awakening by itself, requiring a very minimal amount of energy from the individual. This is because the catalyst is overwriting the innate ability inside of you with its own. The normal awakening is simply providing a kick start to a dormant ability within you, which is why it takes so much of your energy to awaken it and assimilate with it. Think of it like discovering a new limb, like an additional arm that you have to figure out how to control and that now needs a massive amount of nutrients because of neglect."

All of the new delvers nodded their heads as they finally understood the process, and they began to wonder just what their abilities might be.

"First up!" Aden shouted, drawing everyone's attention back to him. "Will be Cherish Vorshield, you will follow the gentleman farthest right."

A shortish girl with thick brown hair jumped at the sound of her name. She was pretty with an oval face, green eyes, and soft pink lips. She was slightly heavier but not so much that she was unhealthy or unattractive. She looked rather pleasant with decent curves and a lovely smile. She shuffled off to stand next to her proctor who, after introducing himself, lead her away for the room which her awakening would take place.

"Next will be…!" Aden continued to call name after name, taking only about a minute to call everyone except Joseph himself.

"I guess your with me then boy." Aden said with a sarcastic grin on his face. Joseph simply chuckled, shaking his head he replied wryly, "Very smooth old man, very smooth." They both had a good laugh and began to shuffle away to the room Aden had set aside for Joseph's use. It was at this moment that a thick bloodlust was felt covering the entire guild hall. All those who were not inside the awakening rooms felt their breath hitch in their chest, and sweat started to poor from head to toe. A feeling of approaching death was all that they could process, a primal fear that most have net yet encountered.

Aden quickly released his own formidable pressure to counter act it, freeing those affected and allowing them to find shelter from further influence.

"BRING HIM OUT ADEN!!!" A powerful voice bellowed outside, shaking the walls of the guild hall and causing several small cracks to appear. "I KNOW THAT BRAT OF YOURS STRUCK MY SON!!! BRING HIM OUT!!!"

Joseph couldn't move, the rage and bloodlust he felt directed at him overcame his natural defenses, rendering him completely unable to move. There was nothing going on in his brain, only the blinding fear that something leagues more powerful than him had come to claim his life. Despite Aden's earlier support and declaration that he shouldn't worry, Joseph couldn't help himself. He may be calm and collected in most situations but that was against foes he actually stood a chance against. No amount of training would bridge this gap and he knew it.

It was at this moment that Aden again placed his hand on Joseph's shoulder, bringing him back from the very edge.

"Don't worry son," He said gently. "I told you I have an Idea."

Aden then immediately walked out the front doors to see Doren floating several meters in the air. When Doren saw Aden appear he flew down to meet him face to face.

"Where is he!" Doren thundered, "where is that f@#ker who struck my son!"


A loud slapping noise echoed across the courtyard, everything and everyone had stopped dead in their tracks at the sound. This was because Aden had slapped the city lord so hard he had actually left the ground and slammed head first into one of the statues.

"City lord Doren!" Aden shouted commandingly for all to hear, "For your failure to execute righteous judgement according to the laws of the kingdom, and for your dereliction in your duty as a father, not to mention your desire to slay an unawakened boy in clear violation of the law, I hear-by challenge you to a Delvers Duel!"

Joseph's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, "You can't be serious!" He shouted at him. "This was your idea!"

Aden turned his head back and smiled, "Pretty great right?"