
Blood Towers

We've been told that war is as old as human kind. What would you say if I told you it was much, much older. Throughout the history of all existence the desire to rule has been instinctual in all living beings. No one, wants to be a slave. To that end war has ravaged the cosmos since intelligent life began to spread itself across the universe. Those born of higher planes invading and conquering those below them wildly until a treaty of the strongest beings finally brought some order to the slaughter. No longer would those of a higher order be allowed to wantonly murder their way across the galaxies. A universal system was put in place to regulate the ascension wars, wherein the lower planes would be granted the ability to evolve and resist the higher planes via the Blood Towers. Conduits of universal power that were both blessing and curse. They indicated both the triggering of your planes evolution, as well as its imminent destruction should you fail to resist.

Billy_Bunn_5040 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Delvers duel (part 2)

"No it's not a good f#$ckin idea!" Joseph retorted. "What the hell are you thinking!"

"I'm thinking," Aden began while crossing his arms in front of his chest, waiting patiently for Doren to stand up again. "That it's high time we changed the narrative around here."

Joseph stood silently for a few moments, not really understanding what Aden meant.

"I'll explain it to you later boy, for now I have to deal with this idiot."

At this moment Doren had recovered enough to stand, his clothes were covered in dirt and there was a large red handprint on his face.

If looks could kill both Aden and Joseph would have died a thousand times, the pure unbridled rage rippling across Dorens face would be almost comical if it wasn't so frightening. It caused his facial expressions to change rapidly from disbelief to murder, making it seem as though he might have been having a stroke.

"Are you out of your f#$king mind!?" Doren challenged, "You know good and well that if we fought the city itself would be in danger."

"I am perfectly aware of that," Aden replied, nodding his head as if he was about to educate an unruly child. "What you have forgotten is that the delvers duel permits the selection of champions, and i select Olsen Brant to be my champion in this duel."

The color instantly drained from Dorens face, a look of horror dominated his features as what just happened made its way slowly through his mind before hitting him like a ton of bricks.

"You bastard!!" Doren cried, "You want me to fight my own son?! The last precious memory of my departed wife?!" Tears had started falling from his eyes at this point, as he contemplated what he may be forced to do. Then amidst the fog of pain and disbelief, a voice cut through it all bringing him back to reality.

"Remember," Aden said firmly, "None of this would be happening if you hadn't spoiled the brat so much, he is out of f#$king control and you know it."

Doren winced at the accusation, he did know it, but how was he supposed to risk damaging the one precious thing he had left from his beloved wife?

"Do you think your wife would be proud of the son you've raised? Do you think she would be pleased with the job you've done?"

The continued barrage of questions laid bare Doren's insecurities, and poured salt into his wounded heart. He knew she would be disappointed in him, but he didn't know how to correct it at this point, the boy was too far gone.

"I'm giving you a chance here Doren, to begin to break down and reshape not only your son, but yourself as well."

These words were heavy blows shattering what was left of Dorens bravado. He collapsed on the ground sobbing into his hands repeating over and over, "What have I done!?"

Aden took pity on the man, walking over too him and raising him back up to stand on his feet.

"You are the city lord," Aden said as he helped Doren calm down and regain his composure, "pull yourself together and think clearly for a moment."

Doren was confused, not only were his emotions making coherent thoughts difficult, but the stress of Aden choosing his son as champion still weighed heavily on him. It was at that moment that he paused, a glimmer of hope springing to life, if Aden had named a champion then so could he right?

Doren grasped Adens hands firmly, looking desperately into his eyes and cried, "I claim the right to name a champion as well!"

A smile broke across Adens face, nodding to himself he thought, "It finally dawned on him." He of course didn't say this but instead shook Dorens hands firmly and said, "That is your right, who, do you name as champion?"

Dorens eyes immediately went past Aden and zeroed in on Joseph, he then pointed at him and said, "I choose Joseph thornwood as my champion, he shall fight in my stead."

All eyes turned to Joseph at that moment, it was no light thing to be selected as the consequences for losing were severe. Often death was preferable to the loss of a Delvers duel as the loser literally loses everything. Their lands, titles, wealth, name, family, and even their abilities as only those who have been awakened can participate in such a duel. The winner receives all that the loser has, the ruling being enforced by the system itself. There was nothing worse than being stripped of your abilities, it took years to build up the internal strength required to try to reawaken your abilities. And even if you did have the strength you would still have to climb the tower again to get another awakening stone.

Once you've been selected you had seven days to prepare for the duel to take place, which fortunately meant that both Olsen and Joseph had time to awaken and get familiar with their abilities.

Aden nodded when the decision was made as this was exactly the thing he had been hoping for. "Perhaps this will be beneficial for both of them." He mused to himself before turning his head back towards Doren.

Patting him on the shoulder Aden said, "So be it, the challenge shall be issued according to the systems laws after the chosen champions have awakened."

Doren quickly nodded his assent and went inside the guild hall looking for his son to assess his condition. He blew right past Joseph, not even sparing him a glance as he passes by, but this suited Joseph just fine.

Aden then walked up next to Joseph and smilingly said, "It's all up to you now boy, if you can remember only one thing please remember this, A spirit once broken heals only two ways…by the transcendence of what it once was, or the destruction of that which broke it."

After these words were said he steered Joseph through the many hallways to the room he had prepared for Joseph's awakening.

Entering the room all one could see was an extremely complex series of writings scrawled all over the floor, walls and ceiling. There was a large open circle in the center of the drawing where one could sit or stand, and another smaller circle behind it where the proctor would stand to assist.

There were several glowing stones set at specific points on the drawing, allowing it to draw energy from them to power its many functions. Not least of which is the sealing function, meaning it sealed the room from outside influences or detection.

Joseph was stunned upon entering the room, he had never before seen a more complex formation. The many precious stones were worth more gold than most normal people would see in a life time. Joseph looked questioningly up at Aden drawing a small chuckle from him before he explained.

"I've been preparing for this moment for twelve years boy, ever since I brought you here. I knew that this catalyst your using was something extraordinary, so the proper precautions had to be taken."

Joseph now understood that Aden had cared for him much more than he originally believed. No one in their right mind would spend the kind of time and money that Aden had spent, just to buy a little more time for Joseph's growth to catch up to those who may be targeting him.

"We'll don't just stand there boy!" Aden said, giving Joseph a firm pat on the back sending him stumbling toward the center. "Let's get this awakening started shall we?!"

Joseph couldn't agree more, he had waited his whole life for this moment. He was about to really find out the worth of the thing his parents sacrificed their lives for. He could only hope and pray that he would be able to endure the process long enough for assimilation and awakening to occur.

What most people don't know is that using catalysts, while powerful, are also extremely dangerous. They literally change the physical make up of the individual to suit their needs, for weaker abilities this wouldn't pose much of a problem as relatively little would require change. However for an ability like the one that is coming from the angel blood, you can bet a monumental amount of changes to Joseph's body will be required.

"Are you ready son?" Aden asked gently after they both arrived at their designated spots. "Remember that once this process starts it cannot be stopped, you either succeed or you more than likely die due to energy back flow. I will do all I can to help but it really is on you so…shall we?"

Joseph took a deep breath to calm his nerves, then removing his shirt he sat down comfortably in the central circle. Crossing his legs he took one last moment to reaffirm his determination then said.

"Let's do this!"