
BLOOD PILL The Defiance Of Vampires Vs Humans [Original]

In the world of Qiniel, vampires and humans coexist by a miraculous solution. A pill that took time and hard work by a brilliant human female scientist to make it be known as the vampire quencher. In this world of it's dark histories, blood was shed for many years, and villains were known to be legends. Within this story, it will reveal the time of present events. Where defiance had taken place and a young man who was destine to restore balance between vampires and humans once again. Will he succeed in bringing peace between vampires and humans? Or Will he become the night and fearsome creature, he swore not to be? Will he succeed in bringing peace between vampires and humans? Or Will he become the night and fearsome creature, he vowed not to be? For this tale of event will uncover mysteries happening in Qiniel. --------------------------------- A dark fantasy novel created with a lot of time and effort. Story is ongoing at the moment. Some chapters maybe longer then the other. —————————————— ‣Cover created by me ————————————— If you enjoyed this dark fantasy mystery novel, please show your support for more of this series. More chapters will follow soon.

PinLinxNE · Fantasy
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Chapter 2: The Encounter

In a bright and early morning, just before the exam. Keagen yawned, then got up out of his bed, swallowed five red tablets, and dragged his feet to the bathroom with his eyes still half closed.

He gazed at the mirror for 2 minutes straight, then took up his tooth brush and started brushing his teeth.

''My third day of the exam. Well, I'm pretty nervous, of course, but aside from that, I have to make my mother proud.''

Keagen, finished his dental hygiene and went for a shower.

''Well, let's just say it had been a long study last night, and I almost forgot to take my pills. It's kind of strange, though, how I've been taking this red pill for a long time and never considered what it's for. [*Sigh*] Anyway, sadly, I've let my curiosity take over and regretted it afterwards. It turns out that the disease I have researched doesn't exist.''

After finishing his preparations, he ate the breakfast his mother had prepared. And as he was enjoying his breakfast, he dares to question his mother about the pill. For within himself, he was afraid of the unspoken truth.

Later in the afternoon, Keagen had an internal monologue with himself while being nervous before opening the test paper: "Okay, this is it, mathematics. [*Sigh*] Let's see what this is all about.''

Keagen flipped open the paper to see the questions presented to him.

"Hmm, it's not as horrible as I expected. I think I can do it after all. But before I begin, I'm curious about how the others are doing.''

Keagen began to raise his head and look around at his classmates. He realized that some were taking it easy, while others were wiping droplets of sweat from their faces.

"Okay, I see that most of my classmates are doing well. The others—I don't know what's so hard about this test; they're sweating like they're dying,'' said Keagen to himself.

After he had observed his classmates doing their exams, he then looked at his friend doing her exam very calmly.

''It looks like that study session that we had didn't turn out to be a waste after all. She looks really confident,'' said Keagen, having a thought within himself.


Keagen turned towards the voice and realized the teacher saw him peaking at the other students doing their exam.

"Keagen, please pay attention to your test,'' said the teacher.

"Yes, miss, sorry about that,'' said Keagen.

"That's fine, just focus on the exam, okay,'' replied the teacher.


An hour had past; all the students had completed their exams as class was over.

Keagen, in the meantime, was in a happy mood, stepping out of his classroom and beginning to walk down the school hallway.

After reaching his locker, A sudden, warm hug from behind took place. Being greeted by his female friend. Keagen, at that moment, having an internal monologue, ''Huh, Sayjie seems like she did well.''

"Hey Keagen, how was the math for you?'' Sayjie inquired.

"Hmm, well, it was good; I feel like I passed it. How about you?'' Keagan inquired.

"The same. Thanks to you,'' replied Sayjie.

''Well, you're welcome; I'm glad I could assist you in any way,'' responded Keagen.

Sayjie smiled for what she heard from Keagen.

Suddenly, a young man named Brenard was shoved towards the locker, causing a scene in the school hallway.

Everyone, including Keagen and his friend, notice the young boy leaning on the ground with his books scattered around.

''Thanks for making me fail, loser. I hope you pay me 40 dollars tomorrow, for compensation,'' said Kendrick as he kicked away Brenard's book before departing.

''I feel so sorry for that boy. That guy Kendrick always does that; such a big bully,'' said Sayjie.

"Yeah, I wish I could help, but—I was told to stay away from fights like these,'' said Keagen.

''Oh, really, so you can fight? Interesting. Did your mother tell you not to?'' Sayjie inquired.

"Yeah, something like that,'' replied Keagen as he placed his right hand behind his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

''You know, you can't stay away from a fight forever. One way or another, having a bully around like that guy. He might try to attack you someday. Which to be frank, you do look kind of simple and fragile. Please don't get it the wrong way though,'' said Sayjie, explaining her point of view.

''No, it's...it's no big deal, and you're also kind of right about that guy; he seems to act like he's the big dog around here. Anyway, if it comes down to it, I won't take a hit from him like that rich kid over there,'' replied Keagen.

Sayjie chuckled and replied,'' Okay, tough guy, he's right behind you.''

"Huh, where?" Keagen asked, suddenly turning to look behind him.

Sayjie laughs at Keagen after fooling him, ''You should see the look on your face, Keagen. It's really funny.''

Keagen replied with a serious face,''Sayjie, why would trick me like that?''

"Oh, come on, lighten up; I was just messing with you, Keagen,'' replied Sayjie with a cheerful look.

"Okay, I'm see that I was being little stuck up awhile ago, and also to be honest; I was really startled,'' replied Keagen, showing a little smile.

"Sorry, but still, I definitely had you looking like crazy. Anyway, I'd better get going. See you tomorrow?'' Sayjie inquired.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow,'' replied Keagen.

As Sayjie left his presence. Keagen looked back at the young rich guy, scooping up his scattered books, while every return back to their customary activities.

''Yeah, I know, I'm probably wrong for not helping, but honestly, I don't want no beef with that guy. I mean, he is tall, strong and could easily place me in a bin. But at the very least, I'll pack a punch before I go down. Aside from that, I'm not put up for those things. The rich kid, on the other hand, he capable of managing. Well, if he had told his father, things would have went side ways with that bully. You know, getting sewed until he's on the streets or his parents would been angry with him, causing them to repay the Silvion families. Well, so I've heard from somebody having a conversation about him.''


Later in the evening, Keagen walked down the street to head home. Within that moment, he felt a sudden urge grew within him. His mind was in constant thought of blood, until he can only see red within his vision.

"Darn it! why now?'' said Keagan, mumbling to himself.

He swiftly grabs his bagpack from behind and place it down in front of him. He reached down into his backpack, pulled out a pill bottle containing red jelly-like pill and poured a few into his palm. Keagen then hesitates for a moment, glazing at the pill in his palm.

''I've been taking this pill for years without any improvement of my wellness. I wonder, when will I get well or maybe if I'd ask my mom, she'd tell me to stop take it afterwards. What I'm saying? She will still tell me it's good for treating the non-existence disease, anyway. [*Sigh*] 'To hell with this, maybe it's the one causing this urge, so I'm just gonna put away for a time being,'' said Keagen, after having a internal monologue.

Keagen getting ready to place it back in his bag pack, but felt a sudden chill of fear on what might happen to him if he prolongs. So, he changed his mind, poured the pill back in his palm and said to himself, ''But then again, what if I'm wrong. It does help relief this frightening disease I have... Oh well, I'm gonna take it.''

Just as when Keagen was about to take the pill, a brown dog suddenly charged at him, bordered by a fence, barking aggressively. 

Keagen being frighten by the dog, had caused him to scatter his pills on the ground.

''Damn it! My pills, what am I going to do now?'' Keagen exclaimed in terror, losing focus on the dog.

The dog that had been barking ferociously at Keagen had immediately gone silent and fled from the fence in terror.

Meanwhile, Keagen continued to worry about his pill, knowing that the hunger was taking its toll on him.

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!

A black boot halted next to Keagen.

"So, I've finally found you,'' stated an anonymous voice.

Keagen was astonished by the stranger's presence. He began staring at the boot, then all the way up to see a man dressed in an unusual suit, a brown long coat, and a vintage punk shades.

"Who are you?" Keagen asked.