
Blood Of Gods- A New Dawn

When a young child far back in the medieval times runs for his life he will find a new home. Chased by soldiers, Saved by a witch, too afraid to make friends. He walks into a realm only meant for true bloods. true bloods are those closely related to gods. He befriends the caretaker of this realm, a magical statue. He learned powers beyond imagination. but when he leaves the safety of what he called home. he learned he had become immortal and didn't age past his prime. Now he finds himself in modern day of 2050 were magic and technology are both vital. but when a great power enters a world unoticed by many. well greatness calls to greatness and sometimes it makes chaos.

Wolfs_Street · Fantasy
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2 Chs

How Long?

A few days went by of teaching Sophia. She learned quickly thanks to her being smart. But I felt if I could create her than I could create others.

As she studied each book here I sculpted more creatures. Improving upon the ones before. I placed a wolf with black jewels for eyes.

After a while of preparing and fasting the spell he came to life.

"My Lord?" He said.

I created more wolves like a pack. But each had the ability to turn into a werewolf. I looked around as I felt like this was becoming home again. But I wanted to create one more being. I wanted to create a dragon.

The next few days I spent creating the dragon. I focused on it so much I forgot about what was going on around me.

But as I gave it life I also gave it power. To create a soul was to also create the limit to ones power. So what if I made the king of dragons. He was immortal. His breath could burn through earth.

"My Lord." He said as I smiled.

He might be only slightly bigger then me. But if I ever left he would grow.

I created more magical items. Each time using what I was taught by Selvester I put mana into the metal cards to act as prepared spell. If I ran out of mana I could absorb it from the card easily.

But when I sat down for dinner using the spell I learned the food appeared. We each ate and then with the pocket watch they all went into.

If I ever needed them I could simply call upon them from the watch and they would come without questions. It was like a little universe in there for them.

But two wolves guarded the entrance. But as I looked around like I had done so many times. I need it was time to leave. I don't know how much time had passed. But as I looked at the maps I asked. The numbers in the corners formed. The year was 2050.

It had been over two thousand years. I almost passed out. But I stood their stunned in the end.

"It really has been two thousand years." I thought walking towards the entrance.

"Follow me. It's time we left." I said walking through the wall.

"What." I said losing my breath as Iooked around.

The cave I could barely remember was gone. I was standing on a grass field. As I turned around it looked as if I walked from nothing. The mountain here was gone.

"I might have to return here one day." I thought as I started walking. The grass feilds was right next to a forest. As I entered the forest it seemed stranged. But I could hear something in the distance before trees.

As me and the two wolves walked I stood looking ahead and below. I looked up a little as well.

"What kind of kingdom is this." I said in shock seeing a city for the first time.

Large metal building reached up high for the sky. Large metal flying objects went over it. Strange boxes of glass and metals moved on wheels without horses pulling them.

"It really has been a long time." I said shocked.

So much had changed and I didn't know what to do. My white and grey robes seemed far too old for a place like this. I tapped my chest and the tones became a simple white shirtbwith a grey cloak over it.

"This might do." I said walking towards the city with the two wolves.

I walked up on hard yet smooth rock. The blacker stuff seemed even harder as moving boxes on wheels went by.

I looked around curuosily as moved back away looking at me strangely. The people here wore coats with zippers and nice colorful shirts.

"Weirdo." Somebody said walking past me.

I ignored him and walked into a small section between the large towering buildings that seemed to have garbage.

"Sorry but I think it's best to keep you a secret." I said as people looked at me strangely after holding up a small handheld objst made of glass and metal.

They scurried away as I put both the wolves into the pocket watch. I walked between the buildings giving myself a break from the crowds.

"Sorry." Someone said behind a corner ahead to my right.

"We don't want your sorry. We want the money you own us." Someone else's voice said.

I walked around the corner and saw three people with two holding a man against the wall. The man seemed older yet also far weaker.

"Leave him alone." I yelled at the three men.

They wore clean clothes and one of them seemed to be the boss.

"What." The boss said looking at me.

"Kid it's not worth it. Run." The older man said as they punched him the gut turning to me.

He sled against the wall in pain.

"I already ran once." I muttered walking towards them.

The skinny young man at me throwing a fist for my face. But I tilted my head he fist went past me and my arm came if under hitting hard in the chest. He fell to the ground clutching his chest.

"Get him " the boss said.

The other man ran at me with a knife that came from a small handle. As he lunged for my face I brought my right arm and deflected the attack past me. I took my left arm grabbing his shoulder and my right slamming on his arm.

A loud crack came as he dropped his knife. I knocked him on the head and he fell without a sound.

"Hand that man the money you have." I said as he looked at me both confused and worried.

"Just because you can beat them doesn't mean you can beat a mage." He said pointing his finger at me.

A small fire ball came from the top of his finger and zipped towards me. I flicked it with my finger destroying it.

"Well that was weird." I said putting my hand into my pocket grabbing the pocket watch.

I black sword formed in my hand as I put the watch back.

"Okay I'm done." I said walking towards the boss as his arm fell off and he fell to the ground.

My sword went away and I helped the older man up.

"Who are you." He asked kindly.

"No one special. But can you do me a favor." I asked.

"Sure what you need." He asked.

"I need some money and wanted to sell some things."

A few hours later we were standing inside a bank as we finished making my bank account.

"You have five million in your account sir." The banker said shocked.

Turns out being able to create gold from stone is useful.