
Blood Of Gods- A New Dawn

When a young child far back in the medieval times runs for his life he will find a new home. Chased by soldiers, Saved by a witch, too afraid to make friends. He walks into a realm only meant for true bloods. true bloods are those closely related to gods. He befriends the caretaker of this realm, a magical statue. He learned powers beyond imagination. but when he leaves the safety of what he called home. he learned he had become immortal and didn't age past his prime. Now he finds himself in modern day of 2050 were magic and technology are both vital. but when a great power enters a world unoticed by many. well greatness calls to greatness and sometimes it makes chaos.

Wolfs_Street · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"Run Artemis."

In the dead of night I was running for my life from monsters. Not the ones from books, but the human ones. The army was supposed to protect us and yet they betrayed us.

I heard footsteps catching up as I ran.

'I don't want to die.' I cried inside my mind as I heard them get closer.

"Haa." I tripped over a trees roots and slammed into the ground.

"Got you boy." I heard the solider say holding his sword above me.

"Leave the boy alone." Another more feminine voice said out of no were.

I looked up in front of me and not that far away was a girl dressed in black and blue cloaks.

"What you going to do about it girl." The solider said distracted by the girl.

"Don't you know anything. Don't mess with a witch." She said as the bones from the trees shot under the man's neck.

He couldn't even scream as he tore at the vines. Two more vines grabbed his arms and pulled him down to his knees.

"Just die already." The girl whispered as the man stopped breathing and fell to the ground.

"Great were that boy go now." The witch said looking around.

I was taking off further into the woods and found a small cave to hide in. As I entered I prayed no one would find me. I grabbed a stick and started walking around as I ventured deeper inside.

Whoever that witch was she was strong. Perhaps she could even had saved the village. But the thought left my mind as I remember the flames and smoke.

"Why me." I said walking into the darkness.

I turned a corner and I could see a small amount of light coming from a wall. I walked closer and tried to feel it. But I went straight through.

I was in a beautiful room made of dark wood and gold. Books lined so many tall shelves. Small tickets on tables and staffs. A few swords and bows cought my eye as well.

"Wow." I said walking around.

I grabbed a book and remembered I didn't know how to read.

"Welcome True blood." A calm voice said from somewhere nearby.

I started getting nervous about being cought in here suddenly. Was In that witches home or another mages place.

"Calm down. This is a place for people like you. Stay as long as you wish." The voice said as I walked around and saw a stone statue of a elderly mage talking stuck in a pedestal.

"Well you are a young one." He said as the stone seemed to move roughly.

"It's okay." He said waving his hand the table that was empty, was now filled with foods.

Not porridge and apples but so much. Steak, fresh bread, salads and even a slice of cake.

I walked towards it and then stopped.

"It's okay. It's for you. As long as your here I will make sure you live." The statue said.

With that I started eating. I started feeling the stress leave. A few days later he started teaching me to read and write. I eventually learned to cast a spell to form orbs of light.

"What should I call you sir." I asked one day.

"That's a interesting question. You can call me Velester." He said proudly.

From that day on I called him Velester. I was learning to read and write. To cast spells. He even formed a small track for me to run around. He taught me to use a sword and bow.

Before I knew it I had aged a lot. Years had passed without me leaving. I was about eighteen now. But as more time went on I realized I stopped aging completely.

I wondered why and I put it to the fact I was in a realm between realms. It must keep me in my prime is what I came up with.

After learning so much I wanted to understand more. I learned languages of all races. I learned their traditions and history. I learned to forge items and bend reality ever so slightly.

Then one day I woke up. I only knew it was day thanks to the magical maps. But as I walked around the book shelves it seemed quiet.

"Velester." I called out with no reply.

I walked were he always was and and I saw him completely still. His eyes instead of glowing a reassuring life, were now empty.

"Velester." I yelled and grabbed on to him.

"What happened to you." I yelled.

Right next to his pedistal was a book.

"Please. Not you. Not now." I said worried.

I took a step back seeing the book he said he would give me one day. I picked it up and opened it.

"Advanced summoning magic." I said turning the first few pages.

"Soul creation." I read and saw a picture. It was Selvester.

I started reading quickly about everything to do with the spell that made him. The creator of this realm learned to make souls and plant them into special objects. He had given a soul to a statue.

I read the spell over and over again trying to comprehend it. I held the book holding my other hand out trying to cast the spell.

"Return to the calling. Break the bonds built. Hear my voice. Created by me, never forget me. The soul that was once return again." I said so many times as tears formed in my and I fell to my knees.

"What happened." I whispered.

I slept for I don't know how long after that. But one day I simply moved on and read the entry book. I carved wooden figures and sculpted creatures I had only read of.

The entire time I thought of Selvester. Of him waking me up each day to wonderful food. About how he helped give me a home. The days he played his violin as I read.

So many memories and now he was gone. I tested my spells and created my own. Until I felt ready to create a soul.

A small wooden figure mixed with metal. The eyes were made of two blue jewels I found. It was the size of my hand as I placed it on the ground in the large room.

She had two wings on her back. The hair carved long with some waves to it. White armor that was both thin and strong. A cloak made of blue and gold fabric I had made all by hand.

I sat down looking at the small figure.

"Acpandio." I mutter waving my hand.

The figure and everything about the figure grew in size. It was slightly shorter than me if I stood up. Three weeks of hard work on this. Now it all came down to this.

"Kind, Smart, Breath, Loyal, Honor, Strong, Brave, fast as the wind, strength of a mountain, heart of a angel, eyes of judgement, Trickery of a demon." I said all together as I had learned taking a breath for the next part.

"Your master calls upon this spirit. I am your Creator, your loyalty to me no knows bounds. By my side forever. Live." I said as a shockwave of power left my hand entering the statue.

I felt tired but could still stand.

"Did it work?" I said slowly wondering what would happen.

From the ground up the wood became what it was supposed to be. Skin like porcelain, long dark hair. The hands delicate yet held amazing strength. The arms skinny yet moved. Her eyes became blue like the jewels. Then a spark of life entered. The wings glowed a soft white light.

"My lord?" The figure said looking at me. She was more beautiful then I imagined.

"Yes." I responded.

She looked around carefully then back at me.

"Thank you for this gift." She said kneeling slightly.

I had really done it. I had created a soul and then a actual being. A angel.