
Blood King of BloodHeaven

For unknown reasons, the main character wakes up in the body of a recently wounded young king and finds out that he has come to rule a really small kingdom on the outskirts of the continent.

Kriuswerus_Pl · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

The priestess was a truly perverse paradox in Viegord's eyes. A woman with an undeniable lousy body. In clothes that unequivocally caused huge erections in men's pants and stimulated their inner beasts. And yet she represents something quite the opposite, she is a priestess. Even though Viegord didn't know what the cult features of these religions were. However, from the very tone of the priestess's voice, there was delicacy and embarrassment. As if standing in that outfit in front of another human being was uncomfortable for her, but she forced herself to do it.

(Viegord)-I received your application for funds to renovate the church. And I came in person from the fact that I was planning to check my Status and stuff. But first, official stuff. As your king, I require that you send a list of your own to the palace. The list is to include separately each item that needs repair, what is needed for the narpa and the cost of materials and labor.

(Viegord)-Or...Richard. Once we receive the list, your first task is to hire the right people based on the damages and requirements. And as a workforce, gather people with appropriate physical attributes who are currently unemployed. They can be people from the Slums, but for the duration of the work, an additional pair of guards is to be in this place.

(Richard)-Yes, My King...

(Priestess )-It was quick, Your Majesty.

Viegord looked at the slightly confused priestess and saw that she was analyzing him. Even though her voice sounded like she was completely speechless. However, her eyes revealed the truth of her hidden intention.

(Viegord)-To be honest, the topic of renovating this church has been on my mind for some time.

As Viegord said, the priestess's mouth opened in a sneer, and with a slight chuckle she said looking at Viegord.

(Priestess )-Being, a regular customer in the BloodHeaven Pleasure district?

At the unpleasant words of the priestess, Viegord looked sharply into her eyes. And with a clear intention of murder, he said.

(Viegord)-No...While I scourged a disobedient subject who did not know his place. Have you heard about it?

The priestess's face changed from brief contempt to intense panic. And her gaze wandered around Viegord's eyes, unable to look at them directly.

(Priestess )-I am a priestess,,,,

(Viegord)-Then you'd better know your place, because as punishment for offending the King, it might start to adorn your work. And I will not say, women with scars are not popular among men. As much as I like it, it shows a tough character. Don't you think so, Richard?

Richard's face was painted with many drops of sweat at the moment, but he still tried to maintain a stable position and composure.

(Richard)-It all depends on what kind of scar it is and how the woman is built. As far as I'm concerned, it's a slightly disgusting trait. However, everyone has their own tastes, Your Majesty.

(Viegord)-Substantially. And now, Priestess, I'd like to check my Status.

A priestess with confusion in her face and a strong sense of fear. She led Viegord and his guards, with Derek standing aside and writing a new column signed city renovation. To the blue stone in the central part in front of which Viegord was standing and the priestess right next to him.

(Priestess )-The procedure is relatively simple, Your Majesty put your hand on the sacred Crystal and don't let go until the status is shown. It can burn your hands a bit, because the Crystal automatically draws magical power from the person who wants to use it.

Viegord placed his hands on the Crystal as instructed. The crystal started working almost immediately. And Viegord's hands began to feel the increasing temperature, and the crystal itself began to glow light brown and blue. The pain gradually increased, but it was not intense enough to force him to pull his hand away. And after a while, the Viegord Status appeared on the surface of the crystal. Which he, after taking a blank sheet of paper and a pen from Derek, began to write down.


Name: Viegord Dimitri von BloodHeaven

Race: Human


Class: King[34lvl], Mind Mage[Available], Water Mage[Available]

Elements: Mind, Water

Title: King of BloodHeaven, Lord of Whores, Bloodthirsty, Tyrant, Murderer.





<Offensive, Skills

<Defensive, Skills

<Support, Skills

<Civilian Skills


Viegord's stats were really poor, he was only slightly stronger than a peasant working in the fields. And it was only because he had the class "King". And according to the records found in the library, Viegord became king at a fairly young age and it was due to numerous decisions of the Minister. Viegord did not focus on personal development, and the promotion of the class to level 34 was after simply a side effect of forced performance of duties.

Viegord at this point was staring angrily at the crystal. Much to the confusion of Richard, the priestess, and the guards. However, none of the subjects had even a thought to interrupt the ruler.

His stats were really low, and given that his clothing also enhanced the stats shown. Viegord dreaded to think what numbers he would have if he had been naked during such a scan. However, just by looking at the stats, he knew he had to pull himself together and try to increase his personal strength.

The sad fact is also his current range of skills, which are ridiculously small due to being pampered by servants and provided by numerous subjects.


[Offensive, Skills]

>Basic rapier combat[lvl.12]

>The dominant glance of the Lord[lvl.58]

[Devensive Skills]


[Support, Skills]

>Strengthening cry of the Lord[lvl.21]

{Civilian Skills]



>Science student[lvl.54]


If Viegord had to describe it in one or two words, he would call it "Perfect Puppet Status." Everything he sees in abilities shows him how imperceptibly he has been raised to be easily defeated. Viegord speculated that his predecessor must have been surrounded by a theoretical circle of ignorance. He generally regarded himself as God knows what and did not develop himself. And the Minister, and probably most of the Nobles, encouraged him to be more carefree. Viegord had a headache about the many theories he was in. his predecessor was shaped and how many dangers awaited him, so after looking at skills, only two of which seemed interesting.

,,The dominant glance of the Lord" this skill is completely passive. And it consists in inducing psychological pressure on people who are lower in the social hierarchy. And the higher the level of said skill, the greater the pressure becomes. And at higher levels, the skill can even kill. However, remembering that the maximum level is 1000. Currently, this skill can cause at most a slight headache or a feeling of old age, depending on the opponent's strength.

,,Strengthening cry of the Lord" this ability is passive active. This is an ability that can be activated with a single word during combat, a simple shout of "Go to Battle". As well as during speeches. The ability increases the stats of targets by 10 percent and drastically increases their morale. However, the alien level is quite low and the buff is ridiculous compared to those above level 100. Not to mention the buffs offered by the maximum skill level.

Viegord obtained both skills from the moment of obtaining his class, and in order to obtain a new skill, he must reach the 100th level of his class or develop skills that would suit a given class, and their leveling would be accelerated by the class itself. The general class bonus increases the leveling speed of skills affected by or supporting that class.

Other skills are the result of the Nobility's compulsory course of study, and although the skills are practical, they still require a lot of work.

(Viegord)-What do I have to do to get the Mind Mage class?

At the King's words, the gaze of the two people changes drastically. Richard had an expression of joy on his face followed by an expression of deep contemplation in search of a solution to the problem. The beautiful face of the priestess, on the other hand, showed a slight panic for a short moment, which made Viegord have an unpleasant feeling about the woman.

(priestess)-Your Majesty must herself advance the current class to a minimum of level 50 in order to be able to choose a second class. To choose the next one, you need to be at least 300 in the first class and above 150 in the second class....

However, the explanation of the priestess was interrupted by Richard, who seemed to be having an epiphany or an epiphany due to the deep contemplation going on in his mind.

(Richard)-my king. There is another way, I think I understand what the King is trying to do. However, at the moment and with the resources, I would suggest using neutral Mana Crystals. This is quite an expensive way because Crystals are expensive. However, in the treasury, the King should have two Large Mana Crystals of a neutral nature, which should be suitable for the current level of the King. Allow you to advance 20 to 30 levels in the King class.

(Viegord)-Go get those crystals yourself, you have my permission. And in the shortest possible time return with them here to me. They don't talk to anyone, and if anyone asks you about them. I'll say I did, but don't go into details.

As Richard started towards the exit. Viegord looked at the priestess, whose panic was faintly visible on her face. He didn't care though, even though Viegord sensed that there was something wrong with it all. Now he had to keep it to himself.

(Viegord)-Do you have any questions about the task entrusted to you?

(priestess)-What...Yes. My King. How much time do I have to deliver the list?

(Viegord)-You have until tomorrow. The sooner you complete the list, the sooner you will receive support from the Kingdom and the work will begin. It's natural. Now, since we have a moment, let me clear something up. What are your responsibilities besides....bringing people here to check Status. And as far as I know Guilds also have such crystals. Know what your responsibilities are?

Now the panic on the Woman's face became even more pronounced. Viegord planned to clean up, and she was powerless. She planned to ask her business partner for help. But she knew that even if she told him, he wouldn't be able to help her. So swallowing, she replied.

(Priestess)-My duties... On a daily basis, simple people who do not belong to any group come to me. Including the nobility and the populace, and I provide them with access to the crystal and answer their questions.

(Viegord)-Hmmm....So as I thought. However, from now on, you will receive completely new responsibilities. Because looking at the terrible condition of this room, I'm not talking about damage. It's dirty here, as if it hadn't been cleaned in years. And I understand that you're on your own, but what's the point of putting you in charge of a church when your only action to take care of this place is to write one document once a month. And from what I can see, that's not even acceptable.

(Priestess)-My Lord.....

(Viegord)-Do not interrupt me. This last warning will tell Richard to use the Whip on you next time. And that would be a huge loss. Now hang on, the renovation plan remains the same. And if you plan to keep your position as head priestess in this temple, I suggest you pull yourself together and get over this mess. He's planning to increase the staff in this establishment anyway, and I'm not talking about servants or slaves. If that's what you hoped for. This is the church and if the Gods are to favor this Kingdom. The temple dedicated to them is to be our testimony about giving our faith to them and asking for their blessing. So I hope that by tomorrow both the list and the dirt in this church will be cleared. Now, Richard, hand me the Crystals and tell me how to use them.

Richard walked in midway through the last lecture for the Priestess. And without disturbing, he stood next to his king clutching two crystals emanating Gray glow.

(Richard)-It's really simple. The king only needs to grip the crystal with both hands and let his own magical power inside them. This works almost instigating, but the absorption time of one crystal is 30 minutes. So maybe the King will sit down.

Viegord then followed Richard's instructions. And to be honest, absorbing such crystals was a really euphoric feeling. Face the flowing energy that anesthetized him to external things. The general feeling of lightness seemed to neutralize the feeling of passing time. And putting away the empty crystal, which after a while turned into dust. It made me want more. Viegord speculated that if these crystals were available in bulk, they would become one of the most popular drugs on the market.

After leveling up the Class, Viegord activated the second class and chose the Mind Mage. He had a feeling that this branch of magic would be an invaluable tool for the ruler. And if the information in the books in his personal library don't lie. His new abilities should really positively help him run his kingdom more efficiently.


Name: Viegord Dimitri von BloodHeaven

Race: Human


Class: King[34lvl], Mind Mage[1lvl], Water Mage[Available]

Elements: Mind, Water

Title: King of BloodHeaven, Lord of Whores, Bloodthirsty, Tyrant, Murderer.





[Offensive, Skills]

>Basic rapier combat[lvl.12]

>The dominant glance of the Lord[lvl.58]

>Telekinetic Impact[lvl.1]

[Devensive Skills]


[Support, Skills]


>Strengthening cry of the Lord[lvl.21]

{Civilian Skills]



>Science student[lvl.54]


On the way back to the castle, Viegord with a slight smile knew what he would be doing in his free time in addition to gaining knowledge.

However, before they got to the castle, Viegord decided to stop by a shop with magical articles.