
Blood King of BloodHeaven

For unknown reasons, the main character wakes up in the body of a recently wounded young king and finds out that he has come to rule a really small kingdom on the outskirts of the continent.

Kriuswerus_Pl · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Tom 1 Chapter 4

The law in BloodHeaven wasn't too hard to understand. Hierarchical law prevailed in this country. That's not how Viegord understood it. He, as the head of the country, has unlimited powers and is not bound by any governmental law. Viegord literally ordered the young women to be gathered from part of the city, given them a love potion, and raped. And then, apart from people's reluctance and insults, nothing would threaten him. Because the Knighthood took the oath of allegiance when entering the service and they were physically unable to disobey his and the other person who is Richard, Who is the head of the knight corps.

However, apart from the king's omnipotence. Other members of the country must comply with numerous laws, the violation of which can result in numerous penalties, mainly corporal or cash. The problem Viegord saw was that the nobility had an additional right that allowed them to evade responsibility by paying the appropriate amount to the state treasury. This really did not please Viegord, the nobles are also supposed to be afraid of him and feel that they are not unpunished on his land. Viegord decided in his spare time to edit most of the laws of his land and create some new ones. It will take a lot of work, but that's not a problem for now.

After learning the basics, minimally, Viegord had no mental strength and made his way to the royal bathroom with difficulty. Which, as you might expect, was dark purple. Which Viegord thought was a bit of an exaggeration, but decided to leave it for tomorrow. Because not only does he have to go to the Golden Trigger Village. But first of all, review the documents he has neglected recently.

Viegord planned to go to the royal bathroom to take a bath before going to bed. However, a knock on the door and a sound coming from behind it thwarted his plans.

(Richard)-Sorry for the unrest. But the Minister said to convey that there are documents waiting for Your Majesty to sign. And that those that will be of greater benefit to the kingdom are on the right. And that the said documents are waiting in the Throne Room

Viegord's eyebrow twitched in nervousness. He didn't like it when someone decided in advance what was better. And this applied not only to political fields, but also to everything else. So with a slightly angry voice he said.

(Viegord)-Of course... Tell the Minister that his consultation regarding the "Validity" of the documents will be considered. Now let's go to the Throne Room to check these documents, next then a meal would be perfect.

Viegord heading back to the Throne Room with the guards, Richard and his youngest son, Derek. Whom he had summoned, however, Richard proved himself in the eyes of his king by summoning his offspring moments earlier.

However, it was on the way to his goal that Viegord realized a very important aspect of his new life. In this fantastic candles, full of magic. His position of ruler has severely limited his possibilities, part of his time will always be snatched away, in favor of documents or political matters. It's not entirely bad, but knowing it leaves a nasty taste in your mouth.

As Viegord sat on the throne, a small dark wood table was placed next to him, on which were two stacks of documents. After a quick count, there were about 40 of them. More on the left side, which the Minister described as less important.

(Viegord)-Derek, your task is to create a new category in the ledger for signed and rejected documents. Richard, send one of the guards to prepare and deliver a new locker to my quarters. It is to have three deep drawers so that documents of this size fit in their entirety. Derek, the documents he signs, you are to copy them, without my signature, of course. And keep a copy with you and give it back to me when you've finished this job. Perform.

Viegord began by checking the book of accounts, which contained the current state of the royal treasury as of today. The Royal Treasury currently holds 56,000 gold coins. Which is a really low amount, according to previous entries in the ledger. The treasury in golden times exceeded 1 million gold coins. Still, that explained the tax increase, but that, too, would have to be investigated and corrected by Viegord.

The currency of this world is quite simple, 100 copper coin is worth 1 silver coin, 100 silver coin is worth 1 gold and 1 platinum coin is worth 100 gold.

The documents that Viegord started with were documents that the minister had declared less important. There were more, so he started with them. The first document in this group was a document that increased from 2 gold coins per month to 5 gold coins, for the only Orphanage in the country located close to the Slums in the capital. According to the document, the Matron of the Orphanage also collects gold from the church. And according to Richard, the Orphanage is in a really bad state, and in his personal opinion, there is something wrong with the Orphanage. So Viegord ordered Derek to write down on his schedule, or rather to-do list, an inspection of the condition of said state building.

Many of these documents Viegord had to abandon because of food scarcity, the need for visitation, or the expense in question at the time. Like most of the documents given by the Minister as the better ones. The minister wanted to use state money to renovate the richest district, open a bar and an exclusive brothel. In addition, he wanted to arrange a banquet in honor of his healing and avoiding death. Which was a stupid idea, and this case should be left forgotten.

The list of places to visit, verify or take care of one's own business was long. However, as of today, after issuing the orders for the next morning. Viegord went to the dining room, where for the first time in his life he ate dishes with really peculiar names. Like a groan from a mountain griffin. These monsters are quite common and dangerous. But they live on a slightly higher ground in the west of the country, you walk in the vicinity of two western villages there are cases of fatal attacks by said monster.

Viegord lay back comfortably in his new bedroom, with quite a lot of mixed feelings in his head. In a way, he still can't believe what happened to him. It can be described as a natural reaction to these exceptional circumstances. And to be honest, getting ready for bed now, he wasn't sure about the decisions he had made today. Tom's case was handled too mercifully. He should have killed him for trying to regign even though it was pointless. However, Viegord, then and now, does not want to create an image of a tyrant. I mean, he plans to rule with a heavy hand, but Tom will be an example. However, the result of the example is to be not only fear but also worship.

The issue of agriculture can be solved in many ways, but it will be important to prepare before the visit. And Tom himself, his field, his family will be the perfect test material for his future relationships with lower-level subjects. Who are to become the driving force of his kingdom.

However, the question remains, Minister. The minister is a threat, and even in these brief encounters with him, Viegord knew that the man's presence would do no good. That's why Viegord is going to visit the church first. Viegord plans to go there not only for the political issue, after getting the documents, but also to define himself in terms of level, class, statistics. And lay the foundations for his personal development, but also for his personal Guardians.

Viegord's dream was quite peculiar - he dreamed of his house. He was sitting in his room, thinking in front of the computer. Consumed by his own feelings, seeing no purpose in life. The dream ended when he heard a knock coming from the only window in his room. However, before he could fully look at the said page. He woke up, but before he did, he saw the outline of a woman. The only thing he could remember was that the woman in question had horns.

Viegord awoke with a slightly quickened breath, sweating all over. And for a while he just sat and breathed, trying to control his heart

(Viegord)-What was that?... Damn. It wasn't a nightmare...maybe a little. But who was she? And why did I feel such fear. Okay, gotta freshen up.

Viegord didn't quite understand what had happened. But after the bath, when the emotions subsided. Viegord tried to match the visit of the horned woman with similar events in the many books he had read. And based on this knowledge, he speculated that this woman might be a goddess or a powerful being who had taken an interest in his peculiar case. However, considering if the woman in question qualified for such powerful beings and didn't destroy him in the moment of covering. He may either have plans for him, or he treats him like an ant that has a slightly peculiar coat color.

Driving through the city, Viegord looks at the streets of the city and to be honest, he was really disgusted, but also pleased. The people he initially saw were mostly nobles who were shopping or walking around the city. Their looks didn't matter much to him, but the fact that everyone was leaning towards him was nice.

However, the farther he traveled from the castle, the houses became poorer and the people more and more poorly dressed. These people were of the middle class or lower, but everyone knelt at the sight of the royal carriage. Not like the nobles who merely bowed or made a welcome bow in the case of Noble Women.

Viegord had seen the terrible state of this part of the city, starving people in the streets, suspicious people in dark alleys. Small children steal fruit from the stall and run away from the man chasing them. And his mind pondered solutions to these many problems. And although he had many ideas, they required money and time. And all this required a lot of preparation. However, he knew that he would have to do it, and the people would have to live in such conditions for some time.

The church looked quite poor, from the outside it looked architecturally like old churches from around the Renaissance. The church had only one bell tower and probably consisted of only two rooms, the main hall and the vestibule. And from the fact that he did not see a rare building around the church, he speculated that the priests were sleeping on the sacristy.

The church itself was made of dilapidated gray stone, and a dilapidated wooden roof. It was nothing like the church of the previous world, apart from the outward appearance. Inside, apart from many benches for the faithful. There was an altar with a great gray stone, and the crystal itself looked like a rock with a pointed oval crystal driven into it. And around the crystal there were 6 statues, and around the benches there were smaller statues depicting other gods. Viegord did not know their names, but he plans to obtain this knowledge from library books. But not now, so as not to damage his reputation.

The priestess was waiting by the crystal. A woman of unknown age, belonging to the race of Elves. Viegord saw the elf for the first time, but it wasn't her ears that caught his attention. But her really peculiar clothes. The woman was dressed in an Indian dancer's outfit, if his association is correct.

The body of the Priestess was mostly uncovered, she had a rather peculiar breastplate that seemed to consist of many dark purple stripes that covered the nipples, part of the breast and belly. But still everything is perfectly visible and enhanced. Around her hips she has a light purple almost transparent veil or a long piece of cloth that covers her ass and her entire left leg. And yet her dark purple panties or whatever that part of the dress is called is clearly visible. The Priest's hair is dark gray and her eyes are green. Her beauty cannot be denied, and his searching gaze pierced him from the moment he crossed the threshold of the Church.

(Priestess) - Welcome, Your Majesty. In the house of the gods, what business do you come with?