
Blood Fiend Vampire

• Human turned into a Vampire Slave; would he accept the curse of becoming a being drinking the blood of humans? • Earthling is forced by his Vampire Master to undercover the existence of other realms; does he adapt to their cultures in order to survive as one of them? • Heir of the Everett wealth destined to become one of the heirs of the Dark Throne; can he inherit the Dark Throne and become human once again? • And he becomes something he never wanted to become: a blood fiend vampire. Tale of a vampire, who becomes a “hero”, in his pursuit to become a human, who wanted to save himself from killing his mother.

Jaxmaa · Fantasy
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87 Chs

...So Gruesome...

It wasn't surprising that the Blue Forces that got word of the danger approaching the Royal Castle couldn't have the calmness of composure at their disposal — moving up and down at their headquarters.

A gray haired, mildly dark skinned elderly man bearing the title of Dark Blue Force was more anomic than anyone else there, peculiarly because he was receiving pressure pertaining to the situation from the two ranked officers above him: The Monsters Controller and the Beast Incharge.

Currently, he hurriedly paced into his majestic sized office with a piece of squeezed paper in his tight squeeze, and reached out for a glass of water with the other one, mind-linking Owen Milo as he gulped down the entire glass.

"Answer me Owen... answer me..."

Owen was the Monsters Controller, meaning he was the holder of the second to the highest rank of the Blue Forces. To mind-link a busy mind as his own normally takes time.

Time ticked slowly as the Dark Blue Force waited for his mind-link to be answered, the paper in his hand being squeezed more.

And at last, the link was established.

«Henry! I'm listening.» Owen's young but matured voice cheerfully demanded at the other end of the mind-link.

«I just confirmed that it is a yes. From how they dressed, they are Higher Electeds of the Gold Gang.» responded Henry in a composed voice as he sat down and threw the squeezed paper to start the computer on the desk.

Silence assumed dominance.

«This is ridiculous. All ways... one of the weaknesses of an assassin is to his motives.» Owen's matured young voice broke the silence and paused. «Currently, what is their destination?» he asked after some while of thoughts.

Henry moved the computer mouse with his left hand like it was a part of his body, zooming in on one of the live security videos of the Left Hand Shoulder's underground ways.

«Destination is the new Royal Castle.»

«On a ceremonial day like this.» Owen's voice wondered. «The Gamma Royal Force and the Security Ensurer should both know about this. Immediately. Also, brother Robert and his co should be alerted.» he ordered and snapped the line.

Looking closely at the live video, Henry was suddenly frozen. The woman leading the other six people was:

She was...

His current reason to come out of his daze was how she quickly slammed the camera that was recording her frantic movements. "Yes, Owen." He glued his eyes on the blank monitor with a tinge of horror hiding in his eyes before he murmured: "Armless?"


«Shitting yeah, Henry! Don't worry, I'll shitting tackle the shitting shit, so you better shit your mind into a slumbering shitting peace.» Robert adjusted his trouser belt with that said. He cut his mind-link with the Monsters Controller and looked at himself in the mirror.

Luckily, he was not a part of the Blue Forces hanged by Gold during his previous encounter with the Gold Gang.

"Trust your shit in me, Henry. I am gonna shit all those gold beasts to their graves today once and for shitting all." Looking at his reflection, he emotionally became silent at the memories of how he couldn't do anything as his colleagues were brutalized to their deaths all alone by Gold. "I will shitting avenge." he swore, his eyes becoming a little wet.

Their deaths kept hurting his memories, rising his vengeance trait to a different level. For that reason, it was time for the world to notice Robert's most memorable vengeance ever.

The Blue Force shifted into a different scary form right inside his cave house that was situated in the Left Shoulder's mountain. He shifted not into the Hunch form but instead into a form above that one: The Mighty Form: A nightmarish hulk of claws, having elongated long fangs and developed whipcord of muscles around his body, plus all the features combining the most fearsome traits of wolf and man;

Precisely a living carnage:

"Ready to kill."


They moved fast like shadows, soundless, through underground pathways, their direction being south east, Max encircled by them from front and back side and side, Armless right behind him receiving an update before mind-linking the gold army following her lead:

«Gold said we must do this all safely and hurriedly. I retell once more, our aim isn't to attack the Royal Castle, it is to protect the Vampire as much as we can potentially do for him to get there unscathed.»

Her facial expression became hard before adding:

«Just in, Robert Milo and the rest has found out about us.»

Max glanced at her with curiosity as he eleantly ran using Vampire speed. He couldn't stop wondering for a moment how she had become armless by name only.

After shifting to her Primordial form, a form which resembled that of a huge primordial wolf, Amless grew both her lost limbs. She chosed this form for it was the best in the sense of great long-distance travel, both in terms of four-legged speed, and as well in remarkable hardiness.

[Warning: You are running low on Blood]

[Your Vampire body is in human blood demand for better functioning]

[Blood Time: 3h: 7m: 3s remaining]

'I need to drink some human blood.' Max dismissed the notifications rising up in his eyes.

[You have successfully summoned Void Emotion]

'I am glad that my only mask is back in my hands.'

Max's speed was incredibly inhuman. His eyes continuously flashed red behind the mask he was putting; running at his full Vampire speed to go get Evelyn;

But right then, a Mighty formed Werewolf beast and his co eachly-swiftly took the air into the darkness at one of the far endings of the belowground pathways;

And Max saw him through his instinctively activated Spider Vision.

It was about to get gruesome.


A Senior Royal Force that was recently informed by his immediate senior Royal officer, ranking above him, the Security Ensurer, that is to let Hazel know about the possible threat glaring at Royal Castle, has made his way to the main grand ceremonial hall where he could find her.

Hurriedly on reaching his destination, he paused and took in a long-deep breath so as to appear calm likewise as composed as the Gim he was.

A variety of mind-calming low tuned traditional songs welcoming him was really helpful for him to put on the mask of calmness he was hardly maintaining.

Likewise, the mild-gold-brown color of gentle twisting lights, smell of combining expensive perfumes of the guests, and their mild laughters, and their contagious calmness, and their roaring noise, and the calm winking air... all coldly whispered into his panting mind that everything was going to be fine.

A single glance was enough for him to spot so many wealthy, esteemed, outstanding and honored guests standing pridefully tall as they peacefully conversed in a light-hearted manner; a smile triggering fact for him. Without further waste of time, he made his way in between the crowd in order to pass on the information to the Luna Princess.

Meanwhile making his way through the crowd, the Royal Force swore inwardly that none of those in the hall could stand as the most outstanding as the main purpose of the ongoing ceremony, Hazel Baren Bhojadev, the current Crowned Luna Princess of the Royal Empire.

Before he could even reach her location, her alluring eyes spotted him as she slowly danced with her future mate.

What's the stage of Power Stones? Nothing close to achieving the goals I set, unfortunately. Keep supporting!

Jaxmaacreators' thoughts