
Blood Bound to Elias

[Warning: Mature Content R18+] "My blood is keeping you alive, so from today onwards...you belong to me." - Elias Stone --------- Do you know the story of the boy who cried wolf? Amaira was the girl who cried, vampire! Of course, no one believed her because vampires don't exist, but how else would you explain what she saw that night? Her sexy and handsome neighbor, Elias Stone devouring a woman's exposed neck! "You're crazy!" they said. "Stop reading so many weird books!" they said. But Amaira knew what she saw and she was going to prove it! After many failed attempts, she finally got into his house disguised as a babysitter for his baby brother, Kenneth. 'Don't put your hand near the baby's mouth was the only rule given to her by Mr. and Mrs. Stone, but what choice did she have when the baby started choking on God knows what? Amaira stuck her finger in baby Kenneth's mouth and one bite from him changed her life forever because it was how she became a ghoul and ended up being bound to the devil. ----- Excerpt They told her to stay away, he was unstable under the curse of the red moon, but being bound to him, Amaira could feel how much he needed her and could hear his voice in her head begging her to come to him. Without seeing her, Elias could tell she was there when a surge of sexual desire infiltrated his body. "You shouldn't be here?" he started, keeping his gaze solely on the ground. "I could hurt you." Despite his warning, Amaira didn't leave but instead went closer to him. "Look at me, Elias." When he rose his head to look at her, she met his red eyes with her blue ones, "You won't hurt me." With those words, Amaira slipped off her coat before pulling her turtleneck blouse over her head and unhooking her bra. Her jeans went after, shortly followed by her lace panties. She was fully exposed in front of the horny devil chained to the wall. His hunger for her increased tenfold, but while the rest of his body betrayed him, words of concern still managed to leave his lips, "You'll freeze to death." Amaira had no idea what took over her, but all she knew was that she needed to please him. She smiled innocently before tracing the bulge in his pants with her index finger, "Then how about you warm me up?" {This story contains r-18+ explicit content, BDSM, horror, and gore} [Please check the author's review before proceeding to the story :)] Check out my other novels: Never A Bride [Ongoing] Blood and Butterflies [Ongoing] Let's connect: Instagram: dolly_.roma Discord: DollyRoma#7887 ** The beautiful cover art belongs to me and was commissioned by elkshan (Find her on Instagram)

DollyRoma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
269 Chs

It sounds crazy

"Don't you think it's weird that women that enter Elias' house never come back out?" Amaira questioned as she watched him lead a beautiful woman inside.

Jenna stared blankly at her, "And don't you think it's weird and kind of creepy that you spy on our neighbors every single day?"

"No, not at all," Amaira told her as she adjusted the lens on her binoculars.

"Mom! Amaira is spying on our neighbors again!" her fraternal twin sister yelled.

Amaira glared at her, "Yell louder, maybe she didn't hear you."

"Amaira! I told you to drop that weird obsession of yours!" their mother yelled from downstairs.

Jenna smiled, "Looks like she heard me."

"She'll hear you scream next if you don't get out of my room," Amaira warned her without once taking her eyes off Elias' open window.

Jenna hopped off her bed and strutted to the open door, "Whatever, it's boring in here anyway."

Amaira hummed as she stared attentively into Elias' empty room. 'I wonder where he puts all his victims?'

Three years ago, a family of the most beautiful people Amaira had ever seen moved into Roma Estate. They were all pale in skin color, had naturally red lips, and had the most exotic eye and hair colors...they almost didn't look human at all.

Despite their eerie appearance, they seemed like a normal family to Amaira, but her opinion of them changed when a year later, a completely normal-looking guy moved in with them.

There was nothing special or beautiful about Elias Stone, and he looked nothing like the rest of his family, he just looked...normal, average even!

It wasn't the money and it certainly wasn't the looks, but one way or the other, he got all the most beautiful girls including one of Amaira's friends. The last time she saw Veronica was when she entered Elias' room.


They labeled her as missing and even her parents gave up on finding her, but Amaira had a feeling she never left the Stone family's residence. For an entire year after that, she's watched beautiful women go into the devil's room and never come back out.

Unfortunately, it was a mystery only she cared about solving.

"Why hasn't he taken the woman up to his room yet?" Amaira whined as she continued to stare into the empty room.

"Another victim huh?" a masculine voice suddenly said from beside her.

Amaira squealed and the binoculars fell from her hands out the window. She glared at her boyfriend, "Michael, what the hell?"

He rose both hands in the air, "Sorry, I'll go get-"

"No," Amaira cut him off. "I got it, it's fine."

Michael didn't want to frustrate her further so he didn't argue with her and sat on her bed to wait like an obedient puppy.

"Amaira!" her mother called out to her as she rushed down the stairs, but she already knew what she was going to say and was in no mood for her lectures on privacy and whatever.

"Not now, mom!"

Amaira slammed the door behind her and rushed to the side of the house where her binoculars fell. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw nothing on it was broken and was going to rush back inside when she heard a low groan.

Her eyes threatened to pop from her skull when she looked up and saw right through the Stone's living room window.

Blood flowed like a river from the woman's neck, dripping to the tiled floor making the sound of a dripping faucet. Her body was limp and looked cold to the touch, she looked to be already dead.

Amaira's eyes weren't fooling her, she wasn't dreaming or imagining, there really was an unrealistically handsome man devouring the neck of the woman Elias brought inside his home.

She stood frozen in fear and remained as quiet as a lamb, but the monster inside the house couldn't focus on his meal due to the loud noise of Amaira's racing heart. Bright red eyes met her ocean blue ones and he honestly wasn't even surprised to see her watching.

'If I stay here, I'll be next,' Amaira thought before screaming, "Vampire!" It was a very stupid thing to do at that time, but in her defense, she was absolutely terrified.

Amaira raced inside her house and immediately called the police. "This is Roma City Police Department, what's your emergency?"

"There's a vampire in my neighbor's house!" she anxiously told the officer.

"Oh Amaira, it's you," she heard the female officer say before shouting, "Hey guys! Amaira says there's a vampire in her neighbor's house!"

Loud laughter followed before the officer said in between laughter, "Okay Amaira, we'll send our best vampire hunters."

Amaira slammed the phone down and muttered under her breath, "What a bunch of assholes."

'They'll all come crying to me with apologies when they find out I was right all along,' she thought as she quickly closed all the doors and windows. 'I knew there was something weird about that family, they must all be vampires!'

Amaira saw a shadow slowly move along the kitchen wall and she slowly took up the knife that was on the kitchen counter. She took a deep breath before turning around to attack and ended up screaming.

Jenna, who was wearing a green avocado face mask started screaming as well when she saw the knife in her sister's hand. The screaming went on for God knows how long until their mother interrupted.

"Hey hey, what's with the screaming?!" she yelled. Her eyes widened when she saw the dangerous object in Amaira's hand, "What were you planning to do with that knife?"

"It's not what it looks like," Amaira defended herself. "I thought it was the vampire I saw next door," she told them and explained what she saw, but from the looks on their faces, she could tell that they didn't believe her.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I'm not making this up!"

Police sirens sounded in the distance and Amaira's face brightened, "The police are here, you'll see that I'm telling the truth!"


DollyRoma: Thank you for giving this novel a chance, it's my WSA entry so I'd really appreciate any support that can be given. :)

This is my WSA 2022 entry!

Let me know what you think of this first chapter! :)

DollyRomacreators' thoughts