
Blood Bound to Elias

[Warning: Mature Content R18+] "My blood is keeping you alive, so from today onwards...you belong to me." - Elias Stone --------- Do you know the story of the boy who cried wolf? Amaira was the girl who cried, vampire! Of course, no one believed her because vampires don't exist, but how else would you explain what she saw that night? Her sexy and handsome neighbor, Elias Stone devouring a woman's exposed neck! "You're crazy!" they said. "Stop reading so many weird books!" they said. But Amaira knew what she saw and she was going to prove it! After many failed attempts, she finally got into his house disguised as a babysitter for his baby brother, Kenneth. 'Don't put your hand near the baby's mouth was the only rule given to her by Mr. and Mrs. Stone, but what choice did she have when the baby started choking on God knows what? Amaira stuck her finger in baby Kenneth's mouth and one bite from him changed her life forever because it was how she became a ghoul and ended up being bound to the devil. ----- Excerpt They told her to stay away, he was unstable under the curse of the red moon, but being bound to him, Amaira could feel how much he needed her and could hear his voice in her head begging her to come to him. Without seeing her, Elias could tell she was there when a surge of sexual desire infiltrated his body. "You shouldn't be here?" he started, keeping his gaze solely on the ground. "I could hurt you." Despite his warning, Amaira didn't leave but instead went closer to him. "Look at me, Elias." When he rose his head to look at her, she met his red eyes with her blue ones, "You won't hurt me." With those words, Amaira slipped off her coat before pulling her turtleneck blouse over her head and unhooking her bra. Her jeans went after, shortly followed by her lace panties. She was fully exposed in front of the horny devil chained to the wall. His hunger for her increased tenfold, but while the rest of his body betrayed him, words of concern still managed to leave his lips, "You'll freeze to death." Amaira had no idea what took over her, but all she knew was that she needed to please him. She smiled innocently before tracing the bulge in his pants with her index finger, "Then how about you warm me up?" {This story contains r-18+ explicit content, BDSM, horror, and gore} [Please check the author's review before proceeding to the story :)] Check out my other novels: Never A Bride [Ongoing] Blood and Butterflies [Ongoing] Let's connect: Instagram: dolly_.roma Discord: DollyRoma#7887 ** The beautiful cover art belongs to me and was commissioned by elkshan (Find her on Instagram)

DollyRoma · Fantasy
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269 Chs

Hashtag massacre

Mrs. Stone angrily pulled her drapes together after the people who crowded her residency finally dispersed. She glared at Elias, "What the hell were you thinking? We could've been caught!"

The appearance of the room hazed before it returned to how it originally was. The fresh bloodstains returned to the walls and the aftermath of the feeding of a hungry, vicious monster soiled the carpet and anything else nearby.

"I didn't do this," Elias told her.

"Then who did?" Anabel questioned.

"Don't play dumb, Anabel," the woman Elias had in his bed earlier started. "You know exactly who did this."

Her appearance changed from the woman Amaira saw being devoured. Her hair was now a very golden orange and her irises a beautiful mix of blue and green. This young woman was Helen Stone, the second oldest of the eight children of Anabel and Victor Stone.

"He's sealed away inside Kenneth, he can never come out," Anabel argued.

"The seal is weakening," another voice entered the argument. "And it's going to keep weakening unless that girl is dead."

Helen rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Great, Oliver is here."

Shiny platinum blonde hair, beautiful silver eyes, and looks to die for. Oliver Stone was the seventh child making him the youngest excluding Kenneth, but he exuded maturity way ahead of his years.

Anabel looked at the corpse of the young woman before them as she spoke, "I still don't think it could be him whether the seal is weakening or not. Elias brought this woman home, he must have something to do with what's going on."

"Can you not call me that anymore? The actual Elias is coming back so-"

Anabel quickly clasped her hand over his mouth, "Don't speak so loudly, anyone could be listening."

Helen rolled her eyes, "Who? That annoying little bitch from next door?" She scowled, "Why can't we just kill her?"

"Because if we kill her, he'll kill us," Anabel tried to reason.

"I thought killing her would solve the problem," Elias started. "If she's dead the seal would be fine, wouldn't it?"

"We don't know what can happen when he's angry, the seal might not be able to hold if he comes to know that we killed her," Anabel told him.

Oliver who has been standing silently for a while voiced the plan he's been quietly thinking of. "What if he was the one who killed her?"

Helen folded her arms, "He'd be angry at himself, just not at us so he'd still be pretty angry and probably take it out on the world." She shrugged, "Hashtag massacre."

Anabel tapped her chin, "I think Oliver's plan could work."

"And his anger?" Helen asked already knowing that Anabel would go along with Oliver's plan.

"The council will handle him then, it would be completely out of our hands," Anabel responded.

She looked at Elias, "Is it possible? Can we fool him enough to have him kill her?"

"I think so," Elias started. "He's just a mindless monster after all, but..." A shiver ran down his spine as he continued, "I can feel it, he's feeling...happy?"

"That's impossible, happiness is a human emotion," Anabel panicked before rushing to Kenneth. She took the small baby in her arms and strangely enough, he was smiling!

Her entire body trembled as she looked at Elias, "Why is he so happy?"

Elias Stone was that one member of the family with a special case; his humanity was taken and turned into an actual person, while the monster he once was got sealed away in a baby.

"I-I don't know," Elias stuttered out.

"He got to feed for the first time in a while, I'd be happy too," Helen commented, but she only pissed off an already pissed Anabel.

She moved at an incredible speed and slammed Helen into the wall, clutching her tightly by the throat. "What did you do?"

"I did what he asked me to do," Helen responded with a strained voice. "He was going to kill me if I didn't get him something to eat."

Anabel's eyes went wide as she slowly retracted her hand from Helen's throat, "You talked to him?"

Helen readjusted her clothing, "Not only that, I saw him too."

"Does he look like me?" Elias questioned.

"You're human, he's not. What do you think?"

"What does he look like?" Anabel questioned without even bothering to hide her curiosity.

Helen poured herself a glass of red wine and took a sip before moaning. "He looked like sex, very good sex."

Anabel slapped the glass from her hand, "Stop messing around."

Helen laughed, "As if that wasn't the response you really wanted."

"Ladies please," Oliver finally intervened. "This is no time to be bickering. The appearance of Elias does not matter because we are going to make sure he doesn't show his face in this world ever again."

"I'm guessing you have a plan?" Anabel questioned.

"I do," Oliver started. "But I'll need everyone here's co-operation." He eyed Helen, "Especially yours."

After much discussion, everything was agreed upon and the plan was fine-tuned. Oliver looked seriously at them, "Screwing this up is not an option, the fate of the world depends on us."

Helen rolled her eyes, "A bit melodramatic don't you think?"

Oliver met her eyes, "You'll know melodramatic if Elias is released."

"Is that a threat?" Helen challenged.

"No," he started. "It's my prediction of the future."

Thank you for reading!!

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