
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Memory Manipulation

Surrounded by many people in doctors' uniforms going back and forth around him injecting all types of weird liquids and drugs into his body, Kai closed his eyes as only one thought found its way to his mind about the scary situation that was going around him. 

'Too bright!!'

There were so many damned lights directed at his face nearly giving him blindness to the point where Kai couldn't bear keeping his eyes open, he couldn't understand the need for all these bright shiny, blinding lights, wouldn't one or two be enough? Why the need to waste all their expenses and money on these useless lights? 


After a while of getting injected by almost every single needle in this room, Kai opened his eyes for a few seconds confused about what caused the doctors to stop, because though this session has been painful to a certain degree, it wasn't as bad as he expected after seeing many people die or lose their minds at the end of this experiment… 

As his pupils were trying to adapt to and deal with the sudden brightness attack, Kai felt the hand of one of the doctors around him touching his arm aggressively to a certain point… 

He immediately knew the guy holding his arm was probably his father because he understands for a fact that no one in this facility who knows his father would even dare to think of treating him badly… 

Perhaps it was one of the very few advantages of being one of that monster Kim's children… 

Kai's eyes slowly got used to the brightness of the lights as his suspicions were confirmed after he saw the foggy figure of his father preparing to inject him with a dark red liquid which was so similar looking to actual human blood, in fact, if Kai didn't see this liquid before he would've assumed that his father drew his blood for some unknown reason. 

While lost in his thoughts, Kai felt his father's grip tightening as he helplessly witnessed him slowly moving the syringe towards his arm injecting it with the whole thing without leaving a single drop inside… 

And for a few seconds, Kai didn't feel that much pain until… 

All out of a sudden, every part of Kai's body started itching like crazy while his insides felt like they were burning… 

His muscles began to shrink and grow repeatedly giving his mind a hell of a pain to deal with… 

This amount of pain was already worse than anything he experienced before, and when he thought it couldn't get any worse, an immersive wave of pain invaded his system as his blood pressure started to rise and after a few seconds of that hellish pain he finally felt something changing inside of him… 

And when the pain was starting to withdraw, Kai's blood started heating up as if it was boiling…

But what happened after that made him finally understand the reason this experiment was called the black ocean experiment… 

He started feeling his insides throb and flop against each other while his heartbeats only got faster, and if it keeps going at this rate, the chance of him getting a heart attack will only get higher… 

No, it was already a miracle that his body hasn't given up yet, and if it gets any worse, the chances of his survival will only decrease more and more… 

The pain was already too much for Kai that even the robs and metal handcuffs and chains which were holding him back in place this whole time were beginning to crack slightly… 

This display of power made the doctors so frightened as they all immediately used their full force in hopes of being able to hold Kai in his place. 

They weren't dumb after all, they knew if someone in Kai's state gets to move freely then they would all be dead for sure, and so their only option was to try their best to hold him in place until the pain is over… Or, of course, he's over… 

Meanwhile, Kim was looking at his son's crazed condition with a serious expression drawn on his face, he wasn't sure on why, but despite doing this experiment with many other subjects, he felt like something different was happening this time though everything was going the same as usual… It was like something in his guts was telling him that this session will end up causing something very dangerous.

And soon enough his doubts were ascertained as he saw a scene coming straight out of a horror movie. 


The doctors were finding it harder and harder to hold Kai in position as he kept getting more aggressive till it reached a point where their muscles were getting tired and sore… 

"Ugggh… What in the world did they feed this kid? The drug we gave him an hour ago was supposed to be strong enough to put down an elephant, even the normal superhumans shouldn't be this strong under its influence… "

One of the doctors grunt in pain as he was biting down his lips trying his best to hold in position, his legs were starting to feel tired and he was only able to last this long because of the adrenaline rushing through his brain, but even this goes on for much longer, even his adrenaline won't be able to help him. 

"Raaaaahh… just shut up and hold him in place, talking will only drain your energy and weaken your grip on the kid… "

Another doctor began scolding the one who just spoke trying his best to not fall on his back and start gasping for air. 

But fortunately for the doctors they didn't have to suffer much longer as Kai's eyes, nose, and even his ears started bleeding with black blood before Kai finally fell out unconscious making all the doctors instantly leave long sighs of relief while many of them even began laying on the ground with sweat creating a pool around them… 

Meanwhile, Kai didn't know why or what made him think of this at that time, but his last thought was simply… 

'Memory Manipulation!'

After that, everything went dark.