
Blessed by an evil deity

Kouta Fujiro, a high school student leading a simple life, is suddenly confronted by a tragic event that shatters his world. In death, he resolves to embrace his new life fully, only to uncover a dark secret about his soul. In a world brimming with magic, Kouta rapidly becomes a prodigy, mastering arcane arts while delving into the universe's deepest mysteries. However, as he reaches the pinnacle of magical prowess, he faces a formidable challenge: his powers are nearly limitless but have been sealed away. Now, He must navigate a world where his greatest strength lies dormant, seeking a way to break free from the shackles that bind his true potential. Along the way, he discovers allies, uncovers ancient prophecies, and confronts formidable foes, all while striving to unlock the full extent of his powers and fulfill his destiny

Skivvies · Fantasy
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32 Chs


They reach the shopping district and head towards one of the fashion stores, where they both enter and look around at the various items available for purchase.

They both head inside the store and start to browse the different clothes and outfits available.

"Wow,there are a lot of great options here," Alicia remarks, looking at all the different clothing styles and outfits.

"I agree,there are some really nice pieces," Elliot agrees, seeming to have similar opinions to her in terms of what is considered stylish.

They both continue to browse the store, looking at all the different styles and pieces.

Alicia did have a good sense of what looks good on Elliot, and she is more than willing to offer him suggestions on his clothing choices.

"This looks nice,why not try this one?"

She picks out a stylish but not overly fancy outfit for him. It's fairly simple and practical, but it still has a bit of a stylish and fashionable touch to it.

"How does it look?"

Alicia continues to pick out some outfits and pieces of clothing for Elliot, and she seems to have a good understanding of his style and preferences. She's also pretty confident and assertive in the way she presents her choices to him and doesn't mind being direct to give her opinions.

After a bit more shopping, Alicia seems to have managed to pick out a few outfits and clothing pieces that fit Elliot's style, but she also wants to make sure he's thoroughly satisfied with her choices.

"I picked out some clothes for you; they should fit your style and preferences. But let me know if there's anything else you'd like to change or if you want to add any more pieces."

"That's very thoughtful of you. I think everything you chose suits me well and looks great on me, but I'm curious;do you think I can have one or two of the outfits be more casual and relaxed instead of super stylish?"

Alicia considers Elliot's request, and she is quick to come up with an idea that would satisfy his desire for relaxed and casual clothes as well.

"Of course! I could probably pick out some clothes that are more casual and relaxed. They won't be as stylish or glamorous as these pieces,but they'll be comfortable and practical,which is certainly important too."

Elliot seems happy with this idea and is glad that Alicia is so accommodating. He feels like her choices in clothing have been very thoughtful and considerate of him and his preferences.

"That sounds perfect! I would definitely prefer more relaxed and casual clothes over stylish and flashy ones."

They both continue shopping for some more clothing, with some of the pieces being a bit more casual and relaxed in style.

They have successfully finished their shopping session and have managed to pick out several outfits and clothing pieces that Elliot is pleased with. They both agree that this was a productive and fruitful shopping trip, and they feel very satisfied with the results.

Alicia smiles at Elliot as they prepare to leave, happy that they had a successful shopping trip. He seems to be quite pleased with the clothes she picked out for him, and he now has some new outfits to add to his collection.

"I'd say that was pretty productive. Now let's head back to the mansion."

Elliot nods and smiles back at Alicia, and they both head off in the direction of the mansion. They are both feeling satisfied and content with how the shopping trip ended, and they both seem to have a much better understanding of each other's preferences and needs now.

As they continue walking back to the mansion, Elliot suddenly stops walking and pauses for a moment. He turns towards Alicia and looks at her, a look of seriousness and concern on his face.

"Alicia,can I ask you something?"

Alicia notices a serious look in his eyes and stops walking as well. She thinks this might be a serious discussion, so she turns her full attention to him and nods for him to continue.

Elliot takes a moment to collect his thoughts and then begins to speak.

"It's not about the clothes... It's about something else. It's difficult to explain, but...could you possibly trust me with a secret?"

Alicia immediately senses the tension in Elliot's voice and body language, and she has a feeling that this is about something fairly important to him. She nods silently in response, her eyes and attention focused intently on him.

"This secret is something that only a few people know about,and you're the only one I trust with it, which means a lot to me. So please...keep what I'm about to tell you as a secret. Can you do that?"

Alicia is touched by Elliot's trust in her, and she takes a moment to consider how important this secret must be to him. She quickly agrees to his request, promising to make sure that it stays between them.

"I promise," she said,looking at him in the eye and speaking with confidence and reassurance.

"Thank you. In that case..."

Elliot takes a deep breath and seems to be gathering his courage and resolve. He takes a step towards her and speaks with a sincere and calm tone.

"I...I'm not who you think I am. I can't really explain myself properly right now, but...let's just say that I'm not a typical human."

Alicia is stunned by Elliot's sudden admission. She stares at him with wide eyes and a sense of disbelief as she processes what he just said.

"You're...not human?" she asks, barely able to articulate her thoughts.

"Please...let me explain. I know this is a lot to take in. I promise it'll all make more sense if I can just explain myself."

Elliot seems to be taking notice of how shocked and confused Alicia is. As he sees her trying to process everything, he takes another deep breath and seems to be attempting to reassure her.

"I'm sorry for this,I really am. Please just allow me to explain...please let me do that."

Alicia seems to be struggling to process what she's hearing and is still very bewildered by this whole sudden situation. She looks to Elliot with a mix of disbelief and confusion.

"But...but...you've been acting like a normal human this whole time. I mean...how could this possibly...okay,let's just hear you out. Please...explain yourself to me."

"Uh huh...."

Alicia's expression remains puzzled and confused as she listens to him speak. She still can't fully process everything he's telling her.

"So,you're saying that you're somehow different from other humans? Like,what abilities do you have? Is it anything dangerous or scary?"

"It can be...dangerous, and it can be scary to some people because it's something unknown to them."

Elliot speaks carefully and calmly as he tries to explain the situation without scaring or alarming her.

"I'm sure it looks extremely strange to you right now,but I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just here to protect and watch over you,and to keep you away from...bad things."

This alarmed and concerned Alicia even more. She is now feeling a mix of fear and tension, and she can't really understand what he means by "bad things." She felt her heart start to beat faster and her breath became sharper as she waits for him to continue.

Elliot notices her increased sense of distress and seems to feel remorseful for making her feel this way. He wants to ease her worries and calm her down, so he tries to speak in a reassuring manner.

"I assure you,I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Even if I've got some abilities and powers that most people would call supernatural, my intentions towards you are completely pure and...and sincere."

"But you told me that you're not human..."

Alicia's expressions changed from one of fear and shock to one of sheer disbelief. She can't really wrap her head around this situation. She wasn't expecting Elliot to confess about potentially being a supernatural being.

"Are you...telling me that you're a vampire or a werewolf or something? Are you some kind of supernatural creature?"

"More complicated than that...."


Alicia is starting to feel a strange mix of fear and awe when she realizes that a normal and polite human actually turns out to be something more complex. She's not sure how to process this.

"Just how complex is it...?"

"Let's go somewhere else first,people might hear us"

Just of a sudden,a bright glow surrounded them both making them invisible to the crowd,the two of them teleport and end up in a blank space, where there is no one else around. Alicia was left confused and startled by the sudden teleport.

"W-Where are we...what just happened...how..."

"This is a private space domain of mine and you're managing to survive because you have an ability called [Space domination]"

Alicia looks around cautiously in this private space, taking note of the blank, white expanse around them. She is intrigued by its existence and finds it fascinating.

"So...this is your private domain? And what do you mean I'm surviving because I have this ability? Do most people not possess this ability?"

"Well [Space Domination] is kinda like a unique skill only gained from certain times"

"Unique skill...so it's a rare ability. But if you have it too,then how come you are so casual and nonchalant about it?"

Alicia found it interesting that Elliot didn't view the ability as something significant, despite its supposed rarity

Alicia felt slightly self-conscious upon discovering that this ability is fairly rare and that she possesses. He's never really seen it as something highly important, despite its rarity.

"Huh...I guess I just didn't really consider it to be that special? I mean,sure,it's an ability that isn't possessed by most people, but..."

Elliot looked at her curiously. In a way, he didn't find the ability to be that special, but that was probably because he's so used to it being a part of his own abilities and skills. He wonders if it really is that uncommon of an ability among people.

"I've just had it my whole life,so it just seems like an ordinary part of me now. I never really considered it to be so rare or exceptional among others."

"Anyways, let's get straight to the point. I've teleported the both of us because I wanted to tell you one thing

That I am a god in this world"