
Blessed by an evil deity

Kouta Fujiro, a high school student leading a simple life, is suddenly confronted by a tragic event that shatters his world. In death, he resolves to embrace his new life fully, only to uncover a dark secret about his soul. In a world brimming with magic, Kouta rapidly becomes a prodigy, mastering arcane arts while delving into the universe's deepest mysteries. However, as he reaches the pinnacle of magical prowess, he faces a formidable challenge: his powers are nearly limitless but have been sealed away. Now, He must navigate a world where his greatest strength lies dormant, seeking a way to break free from the shackles that bind his true potential. Along the way, he discovers allies, uncovers ancient prophecies, and confronts formidable foes, all while striving to unlock the full extent of his powers and fulfill his destiny

Skivvies · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Picking clothes?

The two of them stare at each other for a few more moments, the silence becoming increasingly intense and awkward. Alicia seems lost in thought, and Elliot seems to be considering what to say next. Eventually, Elliot breaks the silence with a sigh of frustration, as the tension between them begins to become unbearable.

As the tension between the two begins to reach breaking point, Lia returns with the cakes that she ordered, breaking that awkward silence and saving the day.

Lia's arrival breaks the awkward silence and brings a welcome change of pace to the moment. She sets down the cakes on the table, a delicious looking variety of different desserts and pastries.

"These look so good!" Alicia exclaimed, eager to dive into one of the pieces before she remembers the importance of the conversation she was having with Elliot.

Even though she's hungry, Alicia's attention is still in their conversation and wanting to know more about Elliot and his identity.

"I guess getting some cakes wasn't such a bad idea after all, haha"

Lia chuckles, seemingly unaware of the seriousness of this conversation. She's just glad the awkward silence is finally broken and that they're all enjoying some nice cakes instead of being focused on that tense and awkward conversation from before.

Elliot and Alicia both laugh heartily at Lia's comment. It's definitely a much better situation to be in than where they were at before.

"Yeah,you're right. I guess getting some cakes wasn't a bad idea after all," Elliott laughs.

They all settle down into a much happier and lighthearted conversation afterwards, taking turns enjoying the delicious cakes together.

Elliot's ears perk up at the sound of the whispers, and he swiftly shifts his attention towards the people around them. He finds himself quite intrigued by the gossip that they are indulging in, as he can barely make out what they're saying.

"Hey,look, It's the lady of the Grande and who is that man?"

"Maybe her lover"

"I agree,maybe it's her boyfriend"

As they continue to whisper, Elliot's senses heighten even further, and he becomes more and more intrigued by the gossip. He can barely make out any words, but can sense that their suspicions and assumptions are completely off the mark.

Elliot got more annoyed by these untrue rumors. Lia and Alicia just finished their cakes

"Alicia, let's go shopping for a while"

"Huh? why?"

"Please? also Lia,go back to the mansion,I feel something is not right"

"Okay, let's go shopping," Alicia said, accepting Elliot's request without any questions or arguments.

"Sure thing, I'll head back to the mansion right now," Lia agreed, also not wanting to get in the way of the situation.

They all get up from their seats and head out of the cafe, with Alicia following closely behind Elliot as they start to walk off towards the shopping district. Elliot seems to be quite alert and cautious, as if he's sensing something wrong or out of place.

As they walk, Elliot keeps his senses heightened and continues to watch out for any signs of trouble. He can hear people whispering and has a general sense that something isn't right, though he's not sure what exactly.

"Is...everything okay, Elli?"

Alicia breaks the silence as they continue to walk, and she sounds genuinely curious and concerned about Elliot's behavior.

"Elli? Is that a nickname for me?"

Elliot couldn't help but chuckle

"I...uh...well,I guess it's sort of like a nickname..."

Alicia's face goes slightly red as she realizes that she just gave him a nickname without even thinking about it. But she can also tell that he found her nickname cute and funny, which makes her feel a bit relieved.

Elliot's sudden chuckle breaks the tension between them, and he finds this moment a bit amusing as well.

"I...uh...guess it's a cute nickname," Alicia says sheepishly, a slight blush forming on her cheeks as she tries to play off her slip-up.

"Uh oh,did I make things awkward?" Elliot asks, trying to lighten the mood with some humor and teasing.

"Yeah,It was a bit awkward...but it's cute," she laughs.

Alicia can't help but smile and blush a bit more as she admits that the nickname is cute and that it made her feel a little bit awkward. However, Elliot's friendly and humorous attitude certainly makes the situation less tense and awkward, and his teasing has successfully lightened the mood between them.

"Alicia,I've never got the chance to ask this but how old are you now?

"I'm...uh...I actually just turned 14...you?"

Alicia's face and demeanor soften slightly as she answers Elliot's question. It seems like she still feels awkward and a bit uncertain about sharing any specific details about herself. However, she does admit that she's 14 now, and her tone of voice and body language suggest that she's feeling a bit more open and comfortable with the conversation now.

"Well,Lia already said it before, I'm 516 years old"

"I've got a huge age gap with you then hahaha.....is that weird?"

Alicia's face turns red with embarrassment when she learns just how big the age gap between them really is.

"Don't worry about it,I may be 516 years old chronologically but I'm actually a 13 years old inside,Those 500 years only served as years where my consciousness was sealed"

"Well...yeah...it's a bit complicated."

Elliot's tone is still quite lighthearted and friendly, but he seems a bit hesitant to fully explain the situation in detail. He does seem to believe that these years where his consciousness was sealed doesn't really count towards his age, since he wasn't really conscious or living during that time.

"I... I... well, I think that's just...how I like to think about it, at least..."

Alicia can sense Elliot getting more and more hesitant with his explanation, as he struggles to find the right words and tone to properly explain all of this. It's clear that he wants to be honest with her, but he also doesn't want to overwhelm her with too much information all at once.

"By the way Alicia,do you attend the magic academy?"

Alicia considers his question for a moment, thinking about how to respond.

"Yes, actually. I'm a student at the academy as well. But...I wasn't expecting you to ask me that haha."

This is actually a pretty logical question for Elliot to ask, since he would probably know that the academy is the primary institution in the city.

"I see... What level are you? Advance level?"

"Advanced level, yes. How did you know that so quickly?"

Alicia is surprised by his immediate knowledge of advanced level, as well as his assumption that she was an advanced level student as well. She also starts to wonder how much he knows about the academy and what he has already learned about it.

"Let's just say I know...just know stuff,and I'm good at it,very good if i say so myself"

Elliot's response makes Alicia feel somewhat uneasy. He seems quite confident about his knowledge and abilities, but seems very reluctant to elaborate any further than that. Alicia begins to get the sense that there is more to this than he is letting on....

"Alright then."

Alicia decides that it's best not to push him any further on the topic for now, as Elliot's behavior is making her a bit suspicious of his knowledge and abilities.

"Well,let's go shopping then. I'd be happy to help you with those purchases you said earlier."

She smiles at him as she suggests moving on from the topic and going shopping instead.

Elliot nods in agreement and the two of them walk off towards the shopping district. Alicia is ready to help him make some purchases, and she also feels intrigued by him at the same time.

"So,what are you looking forward to buying while we go shopping?"

Alicia asks him

"Maybe some new clothes,I don't really have my usual clothes on the mansion since you did occupied my room"

"Ah yes, I completely forgot about that. Maybe we should go shopping for your clothes first, since that's important."

Alicia seems to understand Elliot's point of view on this matter, and she also acknowledges that he really needs some new clothes since she's essentially taken over his room in the mansion.

"So, let's go see what they have available,shall we?"

Alicia smiles softly at him, and they continue to walk in the direction of the shopping district, heading towards the stores that cater to fashionable clothing and outfits.