
Blessed by an evil deity

Kouta Fujiro, a high school student leading a simple life, is suddenly confronted by a tragic event that shatters his world. In death, he resolves to embrace his new life fully, only to uncover a dark secret about his soul. In a world brimming with magic, Kouta rapidly becomes a prodigy, mastering arcane arts while delving into the universe's deepest mysteries. However, as he reaches the pinnacle of magical prowess, he faces a formidable challenge: his powers are nearly limitless but have been sealed away. Now, He must navigate a world where his greatest strength lies dormant, seeking a way to break free from the shackles that bind his true potential. Along the way, he discovers allies, uncovers ancient prophecies, and confronts formidable foes, all while striving to unlock the full extent of his powers and fulfill his destiny

Skivvies · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Dungeon Preparations (part 2)

"Hello everyone," the Professor spoke. "Today, we have an exciting topic that we'll be discussing in more detail.

"You've heard about the newly discovered dungeon in the area, right? The one that's been sealed for centuries, supposedly containing untold mysteries and powerful treasures."

The Professor paused and took a moment to look at the students.

"Now, as you already know, this dungeon has finally been opened, and we will all be having the opportunity to explore it."

"For the next few days, we will be preparing for the expedition with training classes specifically focused on combat and spellcraft," the professor continued. "This will be a challenging endeavor for all of us, but I have no doubt that everyone here will be able to make the most out of this opportunity.

"Now, is there anyone here who might be interested in joining a group or making a team? We'll be dividing the students into teams and I'd like to know who wants to work together and which skills you would be able to contribute.

The Professor looked around the classroom, waiting for anyone to raise their hand to volunteer for joining a team.

After a few moments, he began to look a bit annoyed that nobody was raising their hand.

"Come on, guys. I'm sure you'll all be eager to join a group and prepare for the expedition. Don't make me pick partners for you!"

A few of the students in the class turned to their friends and began to whisper, but nobody raised their hand just yet.

The Professor looked around the room, getting more and more frustrated by the second. He couldn't believe how difficult of a time he was having trying to get volunteers.

"Seriously, come on, someone has to be willing to join a group," Professor continued. "If you don't speak up now, you'll end up with random partners. We're not going to be making this expedition a solo event; everyone will have to work in teams."

After the Professor told the students that they would have random partners if nobody volunteered, there was suddenly a rush of students raising their hands.

"Wait! I want to be part of a group with..."

"I don't want to end up with random partners. Let's team up together..."

"I have this person in mind that I would like to work with, so how about a group with me?"

The Professor stood there, slightly taken aback by the sudden influx of volunteers. It seemed like the idea of not being paired randomly really motivated the class to act.

With the act of choosing a group,The people that in my mind were, Elowan,Claire, Beatrice,Eris and Niko.About the rest?I really don't know, but I'll leave it to their judgement.

The Professor thought to himself for a moment, trying to decide on whom to pair together for the expedition. It seemed as though the students themselves were trying to make pairings as well.

After looking around the room, the Professor decided to take the plunge and speak up again.

"Alright, it seems like we have quite a few people who want to form groups already. Instead of me doing all the pairings, I'd like to make it so the students get to choose themselves. So, you can take a few minutes to form your own groups and we'll go from there."

"And as for Elliot Grande, since you have been a strong individual, you'll have no partner for this expedition" The professor suddenly declared.

The moment the Professor stated that you didn't have a partner for the expedition, I felt a slight sense of frustration.

I knew that being a "strong individual" like the professor said had its perks and also its downsides, but that didn't stop me from wishing that I'd have a team to work with for the expedition.

I felt some disappointment at the Professor's declaration that I would be working by myself for the expedition.

While I knew that being a "strong individual" would give me many perks, it was difficult not to want a team after hearing everyone else talk about working in groups.

However, I decided not to say anything about it and instead tried to stay optimistic. I was a strong person; I could still accomplish great things even if I didn't have a team.

"The test will commence next week so preserve energy and resources as much as possible,and with that class dismissed" The professor said with smugness on his face, hinting that the other teachers might have something against me.

The Professor's smug expression was clear to see, and I got the feeling that he wasn't exactly a fan of mine.

As everyone began to leave the classroom, I felt a bit frustrated and annoyed. Why did the Professor seem like he was acting this way towards me? And why did I get the impression that the other teachers didn't like me either? I didn't understand why I was being looked down upon by my teachers.

I decided to just ignore these feelings and focus on the upcoming expedition test that the Professor had mentioned. I needed to be as prepared as possible.

I've spent the next 6 days learning new skills that might make my expedition easier, unfortunately I only managed to master two skills,one of the skills that I learned so Far are [Teleportation] a skill that is used to teleport to places the user has been,and [Flare Ignition] which allows the user to manipulate the fire element without any chants.

I felt some pride in having learned two new skills during the past six days, as I knew that they would definitely come in handy during the expedition.

"Teleportation" was a skill that would make navigating the dungeon easier, while "Flare Ignition" would be useful in battles against any strong enemies I might encounter.

The time until the test was running out, but that was fine. I was confident that having these skills would be of great help.

I looked ahead to the rest of the week, ready to continue studying and mastering more skills before the expedition test.

The professor finally announced that the dungeon exam officially started, the other groups were riding a carriage going to the southern country where the mentioned dungeon were,As for me,I had to teleport to my house before going because there's no way I'll get there without taking a personal carriage or a horse

As I teleported to the mansion,I arrived at the mansion and was greeted by two adults who I assumed must be my parents. I didn't recognize them, but they had a look about them that seemed familiar.

"Welcome home, Elliot," one of my parents said to me, as though they knew who I was.

"We've been waiting for you," said my other parent with a warm smile.

They both seemed very welcoming and familiar with me suddenly appearing from nowhere. As I continued to look at them, I got a sense that I should know them, but I couldn't place the memory.

I needed to assume that they were my parents and moved on.I found a horse in the backyard of the mansion and decided to go ahead and take the horse, figuring it would be easy enough to return it when the time came.

As I mounted the horse, I noticed that it was a very strong and healthy-looking animal.

"I'm really sorry, but I'll return it," I said to my parents as I began to leave.

I wanted to leave enough time to get to the expedition as well. Hopefully, taking the horse wouldn't be too much of a problem for my parents if it was just for a short while.

After riding the horse for a while, I looked back and noticed that the mansion was gradually getting smaller behind me.

I wasn't used to being away from home, so I felt a sense of homesickness.

As I rode on, the scenery began to change and I started to reach the city limits.

"I guess I really am off on a grand adventure now," I said to myself as I looked around at the vast surroundings.

As I approached the city gates, I finally let my feelings set in. I was excited, yet nervous about what lay ahead. Finally the fantasy adventure that I've been craving for ever since I died has finally started to be fulfilled.

I looked behind me and noticed the mansion getting further away as the scenery around me began to change.

I felt a sense of homesickness, but also excitement. I hadn't been far from the mansion in my past life, so this was a new experience for me.

As I passed through the city gates and entered the city proper, my excitement and nervousness grew even more.

I didn't know what to expect from this expedition, but I knew that I couldn't wait to begin. I finally felt alive after being dead for so long, and I was ready to discover what lied ahead.

With the start of the expedition comes a sense of anxiety and uncertainty. The unknown terrain and its dangers are a cause of stress for the adventurers.

However, it's not all doom and gloom. With the expedition underway, there's a sense of adventure and excitement among the group's members. The prospects of finding new and unknown treasures and magic is a welcome thought to keep them motivated for the days ahead.