
Blessed by an evil deity

Kouta Fujiro, a high school student leading a simple life, is suddenly confronted by a tragic event that shatters his world. In death, he resolves to embrace his new life fully, only to uncover a dark secret about his soul. In a world brimming with magic, Kouta rapidly becomes a prodigy, mastering arcane arts while delving into the universe's deepest mysteries. However, as he reaches the pinnacle of magical prowess, he faces a formidable challenge: his powers are nearly limitless but have been sealed away. Now, He must navigate a world where his greatest strength lies dormant, seeking a way to break free from the shackles that bind his true potential. Along the way, he discovers allies, uncovers ancient prophecies, and confronts formidable foes, all while striving to unlock the full extent of his powers and fulfill his destiny

Skivvies · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Conquering the dungeon?(Part 1)

After 2 fair days of traveling through the harsh environment,I eventually got to the First City of the southern country,City of Solaria.

Solaria is a thriving and bustling city located in the southern region of the country, known for its sunny and warm climate and vibrant culture. It is a center of trade and commerce, and a hub of activity and commerce, with people from all over the land coming to visit and do business. The city is known for its vibrant and bustling atmosphere, its vibrant art and culture scene, and its diverse and eclectic population.

That information came from Lia 2 days ago city ,according to Lia, there is 3 Main Cities ij the southern country,Solaria was one of the main Cities so I wandered around the City. Fortunately, I found a inn to temporarily stay and gather intel in the city that I could use in the dungeon.

I was relieved to find an inn to stay at, since I'd been having trouble finding places to sleep on the trail. As I entered the inn, I noticed the vibrant atmosphere of the city. It was bustling with citizens from all over the region, and there seemed to be a lot of excitement and activity in the air.

After I entered the inn and put my things aside,I decided to enter the nearby bar in hopes of finding useful intel.I decided to take a seat at the bar and listen in on some of the conversations happening around me.

I ordered a drink and sat down, trying to make myself look as discreet as possible. It was important to gather information about the dungeon here before actually going.

Btw I changed my Identity temporarily so I will be able to gather some intel at bars like this,if they found out that I'm actually 12, they're gonna kick me out.

I took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink, trying to keep my head down and listen in on the conversations happening around me.

I found it pretty easy to stay out of the way and blend in with the other patrons. I just needed to stay quiet and use my ears to get some insider intel about the dungeon while I was in the city.

With this strategy, I hoped I would be able to find some valuable information to use once I actually entered the dungeon. I just had to be patient and stay focused on listening as much as possible.

The lady bartender, who wasn't a typical barmaid at all, seemed to have noticed my disguise without much effort. Her playful manner made me feel as though it was more intriguing to her than anything else.

"Oh my, you're too obvious for your disguise, Mr. Grande," she said before giving me a charming wink and a playful smile.

"I apologize, you must've had the wrong person"

I replied trying to cover the fact that she didn't just guess,she had accurate information.Still how did she know my real identity?

" You're here for information regarding the dungeon, am I right?"

I was caught off guard when she asked that question.The bartender's playful manner made it hard to not feel somewhat embarrassed as she called out my disguise.

However, I wasn't sure how she had known who I actually was since I thought I had made myself look completely unfamiliar.

I tried to play it off like nothing was wrong and she had the wrong person, but it was clear she had seen through my disguise and knew exactly who I was.

"Uhhh, yes, I am here for information regarding the dungeon," I replied, feeling slightly taken aback by the bartender's question.

"Well, then you've come to the right place!" The bartender's tone was playful yet also a little bit snarky. She seemed somewhat amused by my attempt to disguise myself and act like she had the wrong person.

"As the local bartender, I know all the gossip and info about the city, especially anything about the dungeon since it's a hot topic right now with everyone being excited about its opening. Is there anything specific you'd like to know?"

As the bartender offered to tell me any information she had about the dungeon, I tried to act casual and keep my tone relaxed.

"Umm... Do you know anything about the layout of the dungeon or what kind of monsters there might be inside?" I asked, trying to act like an inexperienced adventurer who just wanted to hear any useful information the bartender had.

"Hmm, Let me think.." The bartender's face scrunched up in thought as she considered anything that might be useful to tell me about the dungeon.

"I've heard that the dungeon is very dangerous and has a lot of dangerous creatures inside. But in terms of the layout, it is said that the dungeon has multiple floors, so there will definitely be a lot to explore and discover inside.Also, it seems like the first few floors will have monsters and enemies that aren't so strong. But the deeper you go, the more powerful the enemies get. So it's crucial to be prepared to move quickly and make sure to pick a team with strong people if you want to venture further into the dungeon."

I took in the information that the bartender was telling me about the dungeon, keeping in mind that I really did need a pretty strong team if I wanted to tackle the dungeon's depth.

I wondered if the professor had set me up for this expedition with no teammates on purpose, and the more I considered it the more likely it seemed. Was it really possible that he wanted me to fail the dungeon trial?

I decided I needed to investigate this further, so I decided to ask the bartender one more question.

"Miss bartender,is it possible to clear the dungeon alone?"

I knew that she would say something like 'No,a party is needed to clear the whole dungeon because it is dangerous'.

"Actually,yes, Conquering the dungeon alone is possible but I can't assure you safety."

The bartender's answer surprised me. She had said that conquering the dungeon alone was possible, but that doesn't mean it would be safe.

Did she mean that it was possible for someone with really strong powers to clear the dungeon alone? Or could a lone individual who was just lucky manage to make it to the end?

I found it interesting that she had given me a realistic answer. I wondered if she was trying to hint at something.

I continued to think about the bartender's answer to my question, considering what she might have meant by it. The possibility of clearing the dungeon alone sounded intriguing, but that also sounded pretty dangerous.

The concept of trying to conquer the dungeon alone seemed pretty dangerous to me. Without having a party to support me, it would be easy to get ambushed by enemies and left without any support if I got into a bad situation.

However, there was definitely something intriguing about the possibility of facing the depth of the dungeon on my own. It would be a true test of my strength and abilities, and who knows? A lone individual might just prove themselves by clearing the dungeon even without their friends by their side.

I thanked the bartender and got my way out of the bar,before leaving the bartender added that I should visit the 3rd city as it was the closest to the dungeon.

The bartender's advice about visiting the third city since it was closest to the dungeon seemed like good information to have, especially when it came to time management.

I decided to heed the bartender's advice and leave the bar to visit the third city instead of wasting any time. I would also be able to gather more information there, which was crucial for me to do if I wanted to have any chance at clearing the dungeon.