
Bleach Void

Hungry man, lots of kills, void, bleach

1TOUCH_ME · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Arrogance leads before fall

"Ano captain Kyoraku is Nanao-Ch I mean Nanao sensei alright she hasn't shown up to my class today".

"Mugai-kun were you at the Kido traning hall all this time".

"Hmm..yes I was since afternoon". Mugai.said.but the bad feeling in his stomach started to grow.

They then reached the clearing and Mugai saw a site he wished he didn't.

On the ground in the middle of the clearing lay Nanao,her Shihakushō Drapped in blood from the Stab wound on her stomach. Her eyes where lifeless and dried tear marks could be seen on her face.

Mugai walked slowly towards the Corpse as he kneeled down and started to shake her in order to make her wake up as if it was all just a bad dream happening to him.

"Oi sensei please wake up. This joke is too much..Sensei....Sensei wake up". Mugai kept shaking the corpse and eventually Shunsui stopped him as he dragged him away all the while Mugai kept yelling at Nanao's corpse to get up.

One of the member of the militia came up to him and opened a bottle making him smell it as Mugai passed out.

"Take him to the 8th division Barracks and put him in the cell with two suppressing cuffs". Shunsui said.

"But sir we must take him before central 46 in order to Punish him-".

"It's almost as if you think he is the Culprit, I think we should question him more.". Shunsui said as he looked the militia member in the eye. Shunsui's eyes Conveyed a single message. 'Do as I tell you to'.

"Yes sir". The man replied as he took Mugai towards the 8th division Barracks.

Shunsui walked up towards the fallen Nanao as he spoke with teary eyes. "It seems that this Uncle of yours wasn't able to protect you, I still don't know why the people I love die while leaving me something to remember them by. Although don't worry I will protect that kid to my last breath..he was your source of happiness after all".


Mugai woke up in a cell with his hands cuffed with what looked like Rei suppressing cuffs.

However currently Mugai's thoughts where somewhere else.

'She is really dead, How, Why. She didn't die in the original..is my memory faulty no it's because of me..My existence Made the plot go aside and I ended up killing her. It's my fault that she is dead'.

[Calm down Mugai. I know you are in pain but you have to find the culprit behind this].

"Yasha?, what's the point it was my arrogance that led to this. I started thinking that since I was strong i couldn't be hurt but what about this e who i hold dear, who is next Momo, Tōshiro i don't know what to do anymore".

[Stop being a wuss and Breaking down. What's more important is to Find out who was behind this and no it wasn't your fault. You have to stay strong for her sake].

"Yo are you awake". A voice sounded out as a man that Mugai knew came towards the cell opening it and stepping in.

"Captain Kyoraku..How is Nanao sensei". Mugai asked despite knowing the answer hoping that she was still alive.

"Her funeral was yesterday, you have been out cold for 2 days now.".

"I see". Mugai said as his eyes look oked hollow.

"Mugai-kun the central 46 are trying to gain enough proof to arrest you and put you in the Maggots nest or worse execute you, is their any alibi that you have which came prove that you were at the kido hall at the time".

"I don't have any, their was a girl who talked to me at afternoon but I don't remember the time. Although I don't think she will be a good alibi".

"We don't know that yet". Shunsui said trying to comfort Mugai.

"Why don't you think that I killed her?". Mugai asked.

"You see Mugai kun the evidence all point towards you, well there isn't much evidence at all but circumstances point towards you but I simply believe that it wasn't you... however there is one proof that the Central 46 doesn't have that I do".

Shunsui said as he took out a small piece of paper from his Shihakushō and showed it to him.

"Nanao held this in her hand while dying do you know what this is?".

Mugai took the paper and instantly recognised it. Mugai as a joke tore the letters he got from the Tsunayashiro and Shihōin Clan in front of Nanao as a joke since he had already decided on joining the Shiba clan.

However Nanao took the torn papers and put it inside her Shihakushō while repremanding Mugai about it.

"This is a part of a letter that I got from the 5 noble houses asking me to be adopted in to their respective clan...But this one it's from the Tsunayashiro family".

Hearing this Shunsui frowned as he asked."How are you sure that this is from The Tsunayashiro family?".

"The paper has a a hole in it that I poked using a dango stick". Mugai said.

"Ah I was right to hide this from others, Mugai-kun If the central 46 find out about this paper they will say that she held on to it to make sure that you as the criminal got caught, and since it's a torn paper of adoption from a noble clan things will get worse".

"Do you know who's behind this". Mugai asked even though by now he knew the culprit.

"I have an idea, but saving you comes first don't worry i know what to do to save you". Shunsui said as he went away in an hurry.


Shunsui immediately Shunpoed towards the 1st division Barracks to meet his teacher Yamamoto. Upon reaching he immediately went in and kneeled before Yamamoto.

"Yama-ji I need your help".


2 Days later.

Mugai was released from the 8 th division Barracks. It was Ruled that Mugai was innocent due to their being no Evidence against him to prove that he was the killer.

Even though everything was solved a lot of politics was involved as The Tsunayashiro family was pressuring the central 46 to arrest Mugai and put him on trail. However due to Kuchiki Ginrei and Yamamoto saying that they won't let a promising Shinigami be put on trail if their was no evidence against him was what led to the current ruling.

Mugai was currently walking towards the grave of Nanao ise when someone caught his eye. It was as if the person was waiting for him.

The person was a slender man with green eyes and medium length, dark-green hair that was unkempt except for a tightly tied braid along his left side of his head. He wore a loose fitting, black Shihakushō over which he wore a white haori.

"Ah i see you are here to pay respects to her". The man spoke.

"I am Tokinada a friend of Nanao-".

"Cut the crap..I know it was you who killed her, why did you do it?". Mugai asked with barely contained rage.

"Ho so you know about me, Why you ask...just because I felt like it". Tokinada laughed.

"That women was a failure and an embarrassment to the noble name so I killed her... What can you do, tell me though do you want revenge?". Tokinada asked.

"No I don't, if I took revenge on you she won't forgive me". Mugai answered.

"Hahaha.. if you had said yes then I would have simply told the central 46 that I saw you killing her and they would execute you... However I can do that anytime you know, haha your life is over". He said as he walked away while laughing.

'Tokinada.. count your days..i am coming for you'. Mugai thought as he sat near the grave.

(An: leave comments and reviews please it helps a lot).