
Bleach: Threads of Fate

An anime fan ends up reincarnated in the world of Bleach. While he hopes that a system or something like any other isekai will appear to help him, he will have to discover his own abilities for himself and decide what to do with his powers.

Moongetsu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
127 Chs

[Soul Society Arc] Part 80: Strength of Bonds

Ichigo, Ganju, and Hanataro continued their sprint, racing up the staircases as fast as they could to reach Senzaikyū.

After a considerable dash, the three of them ascended the seemingly never-ending staircases, unable to ignore the absence of Shinigami in the area.

Ichigo: "Seems like this place is empty too. Security here seems top-notch." Ichigo remarked, his tone a mix of surprise and concern as he scanned the surroundings.

Suddenly, a chilling sensation washed over them, as if the very atmosphere had suddenly become denser.

It was undoubtedly the work of someone with an incredibly powerfull reiatsu, a fact that only heightened the group's anxiety.

Ganju: "Wh-what is that?" - he questioned, his voice hesitant and his breath shallow, clearly feeling the weight of the oppressive energy.

Ichigo: "I don't know, but it's definitely someone we don't want to run into." - Ichigo replied, his voice strained, his brows furrowed with concern. - "Let's keep moving." - He emphasized the urgency while suppressing the unease that had settled upon them. With determined resolve, they continued their ascent, all the while keeping a wary eye out for what might lie ahead.

Ichigo couldn't help but notice that the air was oppressively thick, making it feel as though their running had turned into an almost futile endeavor.

Ichigo: 'What the hell is going on...?' - he thought to himself, his voice in his head quivering with a mixture of fear and confusion. - 'It's as if... I'm running... with a sword pointed at my throat.' - He felt a shiver down his spine, his sweat turning cold.

The pressure bore down on them so intensely that Hanataro, his face etched with anxiety and visible discomfort, was unable to maintain his footing. He collapsed to the ground, overwhelmed by the sheer weight of the reiatsu that surrounded them.

Ganju: "Hey! What the heck...!" - He exclaimed, his voice laced with concern as he sprinted to Hanataro's side. In one swift motion, he hoisted Hanataro onto his shoulders, his face etched with determination, and then he continued running alongside Ichigo. He couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that had settled in the pit of his stomach.

As they pressed forward, a nagging sensation of being observed gnawed at them. Unbeknownst to the trio, a mysterious man loomed from the rooftop of a nearby building. His eyes were fixed on them, carefully evaluating their every move, his face obscured by shadows as he watched with an enigmatic intensity.

???: "There are three of them... which one is...?" - The man's voice was tinged with uncertainty as he scanned the trio from his distant vantage point. His attention initially fixated on Hanatarō, the medic being carried by Ganju. - "No..." - He whispered, slowly shifting his gaze to Ganju, his furrowed brows betraying his confusion. - "No..." - He whispered once more, his eyes now locked onto Ichigo, a sense of realization dawning. - "Is it you...?"

Despite the considerable distance that should have rendered his voice inaudible, Ichigo felt an eerie sensation as if that voice echoed directly in his ear. An overwhelming fear coursed through him, making him instinctively turn his head to confront the unknown presence. There, he beheld the imposing silhouette of a tall man with unruly hair, who surveyed their group with a smile that sent shivers down Ichigo's spine.

Ichigo continued to gaze in that direction until a voice from behind him pulled him from his reverie.

Zaraki: "What's the matter? How long are you gonna keep staring over there?"

As Ichigo turned back to face Zaraki, an eerie sensation gripped him. It was as if a sword had driven through his chest, and for a moment, he feared the worst. His hand clamped onto his chest as he gasped for breath, his face contorted in pain. It wasn't a physical wound, but the sheer intensity of the murderous intent emanating from the man behind him that had assaulted his senses.

Zaraki: "You're Ichigo Kurosaki, aren't you?"

Ichigo: "And who are you...?" - His voice quivered as a shiver ran down his spine. He didn't even turn to face the stranger behind him.

Zaraki: "Huh? I'm sure Ikkaku warned you about me."

Ichigo: "Ikkaku...?" - The name scratched at his memory, and it didn't take long for Ichigo to recollect the 3rd Seat he had previously defeated.

Zaraki: "I'm the captain of the 11th Division, Kenpachi Zaraki." - As he announced his identity, Zaraki's face split into a wide, chilling grin, revealing an unsettling mixture of morbid excitement and predatory intent. - "I've come here to kill you." - His words were laced with a disconcerting nonchalance, leaving a heavy weight in the air as he made his deadly purpose clear.


Yato and Tōsen continued theirs staredown, the air crackling with tension following the teenager's explosive assault.

The captain found it challenging to hear amidst the deafening sounds of the explosions.

Tōsen: "These stealthy attacks followed by those explosions... there's no doubt you're the intruder who bested Hisagi..." - His words carried a subtle edge of irritation as he observed Yato's unorthodox combat style. - "You show not a shred of respect for your adversaries." - Tōsen's tone revealed his disapproval, a deep frown creasing his brow as he commented on Yato's unconventional tactics.

Yato responded with another slash of greenish Reiryoku, but this time, the teenager attacked conventionally without attempting to merge his flames into the strikes as he had done earlier.

The captain Shunpoed to evade the strike again, reappearing in front of Yato and launching a direct attack with his zanpakutō. However, the young man managed to block the strike with his own zanpakutō, and the blades clashed. As the captain started to exert pressure on Yato, the youth began generating blue flames from his zanpakutō.

Yato: "Ni no Uta, Aoitori."

Suddenly, numerous small phoenixes started emerging from the vibrant blue flames, but they quickly spiraled into a chaotic frenzy, fluttering wildly around Yato and Tōsen.

Yato: 'One of the challenges with this ability is that I need to maintain a state of calm and unwavering focus to guide the phoenixes effectively. They're a direct reflection of my emotional state, so if I get nervous... they follow suit.' - His inner thoughts revealed the intricate nature of his power.

For some reason, the captain chose to disregard the phoenixes and persisted in pressuring the intruder. However, the teenager exerted additional force with his zanpakuto to create an opening for another strike.

Yato: "Yon no Uta, Zankyosanka!" - He conjured red flames that enveloped his own flock of phoenixes, causing the small, fiery birds to ignite. The battlefield was suddenly filled with explosions of heat and flames as the miniature phoenixes burst into fiery bloom.

As the phoenixes were of a petite size, the explosions, while still dazzling, didn't pose overwhelming threats. Nevertheless, they were potent enough to deter the captain, who swiftly employed Shunpo to retreat, recognizing the potential danger of being engulfed in a larger explosion like the one before.

Yato, in the aftermath of the fiery spectacle, bore a few minor burns on his left arm, evidence of the phoenixes' close proximity during the eruptions. The young man winced, the brief flicker of discomfort crossing his face as he looked down at his singed sleeve.

The two adversaries once again found themselves at a cautious distance from each other, and Yato made an effort to establish communication with Cheshire.

Yato: 'Is this taking longer than usual? If this guy decides to pull out his Bankai, and I can't rely on the threads... I'm going to be in a world of trouble!!'

Cheshire: 'You're on your own for the moment~' - Cheshire's voice held a playful, almost mischievous tone.

Yato: 'I can't even attempt to taunt Tosen right now, he probably can't even hear properly...' - He muttered with a touch of frustration. - 'I need to devise a way to keep this guy preoccupied...' - Yato's inner dialogue reflected a growing sense of urgency, as he contemplated tactics for maintaining the upper hand in this intense battle.

Tōsen: "Seems like your zanpakuto has quite a range of abilities..." - Tōsen's statement came suddenly, punctuating the tense standoff.

Yato: 'Well, it looks like he's going to start chattering like most of the cast... I guess that might buy me some more time...' - Yato's inner monologue hinted at a wry sense of humor as he observed Tōsen's willingness to engage in conversation.

Tōsen: "But... I've managed to discern the connection between your abilities... and why you consistently generate flames in small amounts... Your power enables you to elevate your body temperature to produce distinct effects for each fire you create, which implies that the higher your body temperature, the more potent the flames become..."

Yato: 'Honestly... it doesn't surprise me that he figured that out... I mean... the guy's blind, and he sees reiatsu better than I can spot the numbers on a distant bus...'

Tōsen: "Nevertheless, there must be a limit to how much you can withstand increasing your body temperature..."

Yato: 'Well... that's kinda obvious...' - Yato thought, his tone carrying a touch of agreement. His expression, however, revealed a hint of confidence mixed with a touch of curiosity.

The captain inserted his finger into the ring on his zanpakuto's tsuba and began spinning his zanpakuto rapidly as he advanced calmly towards Yato.

Tōsen: "Your despicable fighting style... the chaotic way your powers operate only demonstrates how little you're inclined to embrace true justice..."

Yato: 'Cheshire! Things are getting complicated!!'

Tōsen: "I truly wished to avoid this kind of situation, but you're far too dangerous to be allowed to continue living." - Tōsen's words held a hint of sorrow, as if he regretted the impending confrontation.


Chad and Tatsuki narrowly dodged a mighty strike from Captain Komamura. The captain's zanpakuto cleaved the ground, its tremendous force causing fractures in the earth.

Swiftly, Tatsuki harnessed Bringer Light, propelling herself towards the captain, aiming to deliver a swift kick. However, the captain preempted her actions, seizing the girl's leg before her kick could connect and flung her aside with astonishing strength.

Using Bringer Light once more, Tatsuki slowed her movements, allowing her to land with elegant precision, her eyes fixated on the captain. Meanwhile, Chad charged forward with unwavering determination, channeling a great amount of Reiryoku into his clenched fist, aiming for the captain's midsection. However, the captain's agility proved to be unmatched as he smoothly sidestepped Chad's attack, his movements fluid and precise.

Komamura: "Impressive effort, young ones. But you still have much to learn."

Chad's eyes narrowed with focus, refusing to be deterred by the captain's swift evasion. His determination intensified, evident in the energy radiating from him. Yet, before he could adjust his stance, the captain countered effortlessly, redirecting Chad's momentum and landing a punch square on the young man's face.

The impact echoed through the air, and Chad staggered backward, his expression a mix of surprise and determination.

Tatsuki gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, a deep well of frustration bubbling within her. It wasn't just the imposing presence of Captain Komamura that gnawed at her, but also the gnawing sense of dread from the approaching reiatsu – a harbinger of danger that had gravitated ominously close to Ichigo. Simultaneously, an unknown reiatsu, foreign to her senses, was rapidly increasing in another distant location.

Tatsuki: 'I can't quite pinpoint who he's fighting against... It must be Yato... What do I do...?' - Her thoughts swirled in a turbulent mix of concern and determination as she wrestled with the pressing need to help her friends.

Komamura: "Impressive, young man," - the captain remarked with genuine admiration. - "I didn't hold back on that punch, and yet you endured it." - His words held a tone of respect and acknowledgment for Chad's fortitude, despite the vast difference in their abilities.

Chad: 'That guy... despite his size, he's fast... and his strength and endurance are off the charts...' - Chad's eyes narrowed, sizing up the formidable opponent before him. - 'Plus, there's someone else battling in the distance... it's either Yato or Ichigo, judging by Arisawa's expression.' - His gaze shifted to Tatsuki, a mix of concern and determination etched on his face. He could sense her growing frustration, mirroring his own inner turmoil.

Chad's strong and steady gaze met Tatsuki's, and in that shared moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them. Determination flickered in Tatsuki's eyes, her frustration transforming into a steely resolve.

Tatsuki: "We can't afford to waste any more time here. We need to find Ichigo and Yato, and fast." - Her voice, though firm, carried an underlying urgency. She took a deep breath, calming her racing heart as she prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Chad: "I'll hold him off... You go help Ichigo and Yato." - he said calmly, his voice steady despite the dire circumstances.

Tatsuki: "What?! I'm not leaving you alone here!!" - She protested, her voice ringing with indignation.

Chad: "Arisawa... of the two of us, you're the fastest. Even if we both leave, that guy will follow us, and I'll only slow you down." - Chad reasoned, his determination clear in his unwavering tone.

Tatsuki: "But..." - She tried to argue, her concern for Chad evident in her voice.

Chad: "Whoever Ichigo's fighting, I trust he'll come out on top. And Yato's a smart guy... if you get to either of them, I'm sure they've got a plan. I'll manage."

Tatsuki: "...Damn it... you better stay whole until I get back!" - She grumbled, still reluctant but determined. With that, the tomboy activated the Bringer Light, vanishing from the scene, leaving Chad to face the captain alone.

The captain, who had maintained his silence, shifted his attention towards Chad. His mask-like face revealed nothing of his thoughts, but the air was thick with tension.

Komamura: "Quite noble of you," - he remarked, his deep voice resonating like thunder. - "but it won't change your situation."

Chad, his unwavering gaze fixed on the towering figure before him, nodded in acknowledgment.

Chad: "I know... and I appreciate it..." - His gratitude was conveyed through a respectful yet resolute tone.

Despite the captain's silence, he understood that the young man had expressed gratitude for not being attacked during their conversation.

Komamura: "I'll give you a chance to tell me," - he continued, voice steady. - "which of your friends killed Captain Aizen." - His inquiry was punctuated by the weight of the revelation he sought.

Chad: "...Hm... I'm sure none of them would do something like that... That's not why we're here."

With unwavering determination, Chad tensed his muscles, preparing for another earth-shattering punch.

The towering captain, Komamura, watched Chad's movements with a focused intensity, his mask-like visage hiding his emotions.

As Chad's fist surged forward with formidable power, it was a testament to his unwavering resolve. But just like before, the captain effortlessly sidestepped the attack, his movements deceptively swift for one of his stature.

Komamura, seizing the moment, countered with his massive Zanpakutō, and Chad, his instincts honed by countless battles, reacted swiftly, hurling his body to the side.

Chad persisted in his attempts to land a blow on the captain for several moments, but the outcome remained constant, and Chad's exhaustion was growing evident.

Komamura: "No matter how many times you try, it's futile. You are indeed strong... but that's all there is."

Chad: 'Arisawa was right about me learning how to fight... but now... all I can do is improvise...'

Chad sprinted towards the captain, his transformed arm crackling with a slightly diminished energy compared to his previous attacks.

Komamura: "I will put an end to this."

The impact sent shockwaves through the area, causing the ground to tremble beneath them. Chad's improvised move created a momentary advantage, disrupting the captain's balance and catching him off guard.

The young man seized that brief moment to land a powerful punch in the captain's abdomen, releasing another huge blast of energy that sent the captain hurtling backward, crashing into one of the nearby structures. Chad had finally struck a blow, and the impact was felt throughout the battlefield.

The debris created a curtain of smoke, but soon the captain emerged from it, seemingly unharmed except for one significant detail. The captain's mask had been shattered by the force of the blow, revealing that beneath it was not a human face but that of a wolf.

Chad: "Hm..."

Komamura: "You don't seem surprised by my appearance."

Chad: "I try not to judge..."

Komamura: "I see... let me ask you a question. You and your friends came to save Rukia Kuchiki, didn't you?" - The captain's deep voice resonated in the air, his eyes piercing through Chad. - "From what I've been informed, you've known her for a short time. I can't imagine that you've formed such strong bonds with her that you'd be willing to risk your life for her. Why do you do it?"

Chad: "You're right. To be honest, I'm not that close to Rukia Kuchiki..." - His voice was calm, carrying an underlying determination. - "But Ichigo wants to save her. If he's willing to take the risk, that's reason enough for me."

The captain's wolf-like features softened for a moment, a flicker of understanding in his eyes.

Komamura: "Then let's see how far you're willing to go for your friends." - With a swift motion, he raised his massive zanpakutō high into the air, the blade gleaming under the sunlight as the captain roar. - "Tenken!!!" The command echoed across the battlefield, the very ground trembling in response to the captain's call as a colossal spectral arm holding a giant sword emerged, mirroring his every move.