
Bleach The Visionary

Daniel gray is your normal everyday person, but one day everything changed when he was suddenly killed by an oncoming car and was transported to the world of bleach but not as himself but as Gremmy Thoumeaux. Daniel now Gremmy has to navigate the dangerous world of bleach with his newfound abilities. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is my first story I've ever wrote besides things for school so I'm open to any suggestions or critiques on the story. I will upload Randomly *Warning I don’t own any of the characters in this novel*

Martrigg · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Karakura Town

[??? Pov]

"Huh? What a weird spiritual pressure"

In a charming shop, a man adorned a hat of deep green, its hue akin to flourishing leaves in springtime. His gaze, deliberate, was a compass pointing towards a particular direction with a face of interest.

A smile seeps onto the shopkeeper's face.

"It's similar to Ishida's but bit more potent."

"Another Quincy perhaps? If so, then this is about to get a lot more interesting."

[Mc Pov]

I snapped out of my previous elated emotions and quickly assessed my current situation.

"I really should have waited till I was at full energy before I teleported."

Most of the time teleporting doesn't take much energy but because this teleport was across realms it sucked up about 60% of my already only around 70% energy, I had prior.

"Ah shit it hurts to move."

I exerted myself to the limit, palms braced against the ground, a symphony of determination playing within. Muscles strained, a resolute struggle against gravity unfolded. Slowly but surely, I overcame, rising like a battle-weary victor. I stood, though unsteady.

"Thank god I still have around 10% left or I would have collapsed and passed out up here."

"I should try to hide my reiatsu so nobody can follow me like a beacon."

The rushing tide that was my reiatsu sucked back-into my body like I was a vacuum.

After I had imagined my reiatsu going back into my body I started and stumble and had to hold on to a railing on top of the skyscraper to stop myself from falling.

"hu..hu….hu, before I do anything let me just catch my breath."

[20 minutes later]

I get up and start doing stretches to try and get rid of the soreness.

"I feel much better now, but it really is like working out a muscle."

" I guess the first thing to do is get some information on where I am currently on the timeline and also finding a place to live."

"Eh, but nothings open right now, shit."

"I should've teleported in the morning, but I didn't know the time so, I guess I'll take what I can get."

"I'll just imagine some money and find a hotel or some place around here."

….one hotel stop later....

"I like this place."

"It's got a nice comfortable bed and lighting that isn't just a candle in the corner like I'm in some horror movie."

"Plus, they got a tv, which doesn't matter much cause I was probably going to make one anyway but saves some time and energy."

"Plus, it was around 10,000 yen a night. I don't know the conversion rate but I'm pretty sure it's cheap. It really doesn't matter though since I can just imagine an infinite amount of money."

"Anyway, I should get some sleep."

"I already know that this is going to be the best sleep of both of my lives so far."

....Next Morning...

"I was too excited." I said with dark circles under my eyes.

Sigh "I guess I'll just ask the receptionist downstairs for some information."

....In the Lobby....

[Receptionist's POV]

Right before I was about my break for today, I heard a person call for me.

"Excuse me, can I ask you a couple of questions."

As I swiveled, my gaze alighted upon the young, short-statured individual who stood before me, a crown of blonde hair catching the light like spun gold. Their attire, an unconventional and immaculate white trench coat, cocooned their form, veiling them in an air of intrigue. The coat's unusual length extended nearly to their feet, leaving only this nethermost part exposed. This enigmatic ensemble invited speculation, a visual riddle waiting to be deciphered.

"Sure, what can I do for you." I responded.

"Do you know what the date is?"

I looked a little confused but answered anyway "Yes, it's May 23rd, 2001."

Upon receiving my answer, he delved into a profound reverie, akin to a scholar immersed in intricate calculations.

He looked back up at me and spoke. "Do you know, where Karakura High School is located?"

I was confused. Was this young man really a high school student. His head barely even reached my chin.

"Yes, I do, it's out those doors and to the left. Once you reach the movie theater you take a right and you should see it after walking for a while."

He looked at me smiled and said, "Thanks reception lady, hope to see you around."

He then walked out the doors and went right.




Wait why right? Didn't I say left. Did he just ignore everything I said.

Sigh" I'm just going to take my break."

[Mc POV]

"Great now that I know where the high school is I can look for a place to live."

I walked to a place I noticed while trying to find a hotel yesterday.

"The Place Market, what a terrible name. Well at least the name tells you what the place is about."

I walked into the building and walked up to the counter. I looked at the receptionist there and asked, "are you guys selling apartments near Karakura high school."

Lifting her eyes to meet mine, a flicker of surprise danced across her features—a brief revelation of unguarded emotion. This glimpse into her genuine reaction swiftly gave way to her practiced professionalism, as her countenance returned to its composed state. Her voice, steady and controlled, seamlessly resumed the conversation, masking the momentary lapse with practiced ease.

"Yes, we are, what are you looking for specifically?"

"I don't care to much, just that it needs to have more the one bedroom."

I want to make one room a game room.

"Sure, let me bring up a list of the current available apartments we have."

After a while she came back and gave me a sheet of paper with a bunch of listings on it. I ignored the prices and looked at the apartments listed.

After looking for a little bit I found the one I liked the most. It had 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. It was also pretty close to the school.

I pointed at it and asked, "Can I rent this one out?"

She looked at it and asked," Are your sure it's 80,000 yen a month."

"Yeah, that's fine and can I pay my rent for a whole year right now."

She gave me a look like I was a mad man and said "Sure, how would you like to pay?" in a hesitant voice.

"Cash" I then walked out the door and a moment later came back with a backpack full of money.

"Here's a million yen, oh and you can keep the extra as a tip."

Stilled in a tableau of surprise, she stood as if sculpted from marble, the silence pregnant with her uncertainty. It was upon me to shatter this stillness, my words the catalyst to release her from her frozen state. "Can I have the key now?"

She finally woke from her stupor, she said "Yes, I'll get it to you right away" and walked towards the back.

After a while she came out and gave me the keys.

"Have a good rest of your day" I walked out and went straight towards my new apartment.

"I wonder where I am in the timeline?"

"Well, I guess I'll see when I go to school tomorrow."

I walked into an empty ally and teleported to my new apartment.

....The Next Day....

[??? POV]

As I was sitting in class waiting for the teacher to arrive, I turned to Orihime next to me and asked, "Do you know why the teacher is late?"

She blushed and in a petite voice and said, "I don't know the teacher is usually always here early" and as she finished talking the door slid open and the teacher walked in.

"Class, we have a new transfer student today."

The teacher turned towards the door and asked, "Would you please introduce yourself."

As the teacher's words found their conclusion, the room welcomed a young, blond-haired boy. His entrance was purposeful, a silent declaration of presence. With measured steps, he advanced to the waiting chalkboard, where he seized the chalk as if grasping authority itself. Swiftly, his name materialized on the slate, a definitive mark upon the canvas of the classroom.

"My name is Gremmy Thoumeaux."

"Pleased to meet you."