
Bleach: the greatest swordsman

the story is set 1800 years before the plot in the chaotic times of soul society, Ryuma tried to find his origin and purpose in life while taking the title of number one swordsman along the way ----------------- Please make sure to see and support my other novel Title: The Road toward the Tower Link : https://m.webnovel.com/book/the-road-toward-the-tower_25427092505888505

Illusionmaster · Anime & Comics
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chapter 1

In the 80 district of Rukongai where's the only law is the law the jungle, the weak eat the strong, there's a young boy with appearance of no older than 12 years old, he is currently observing a battle that took place because a special sword that was held by injured person who came here in order to hone his skills, but he was unlucky to meet group of hollow, it took him a lot of effort to kill them in exchange for injury.

But before he could find place to recover, he was surrounded by this group of hungry wolves-like people, it was then that he realized that he should have tried to run instead of confronting those hollow, because being injured hear is just courting death.

The swordsman knew that he will fall here, but he was unwilling to die just like that, his pride won't allow him to fall at the hands of this mobs.

So he raised his sword and cut the neck of the big man on front of the group, but he didn't stop there, he quickly changed the sword toward the left , killing the second person.

But unfortunately he was pierced on his right side.

The swordsman retreat to safe distance to check his injuries, then he resumed his charge.

After killing the ,8 person he was quickly overwhelmed, a bald 2 meters guy slashed the swordsman while he was killing his 9th victim, which caused him to lose the hand that held the sword, then another person pierced his chest, resulting in his collapse.

The group of thugs quickly lost interest in this dying swordsman and kept seizing each other, because there's only one sword so it can only be one winner, the tension was increasing as the time passes, suddenly one of the smaller thugs couldn't stand the tension and stabbed the person near him, who was caught off guard, that stab was like signal for the start of the battle.

As the time passes the bodies kept falling, and blood turned the ground red.

The fallen swordsman was this scene with mix of pleasure, regret and unwillingness.

Suddenly he heard the sounds of the footsteps near him, as he turned to face the person who came to him, he was surprised to find it was a young boy.

He had calm face and his eyes showing a hint of indifference.

The swordsman felt little uncomfortable for being stared by those piercing golden eyes, after 20 seconds of staring contest, the boy opened his mouth and said.

"Why did you fight them?"


Not expecting to be asked such question he replied in confusion.

"Why did you fight them?"

The boy repeated the same question again.

"What do you mean?"

" I mean you could have saved your life by just throwing the sword and running"

The boy gave the best solution he can think off in this situation.

"My pride won't allow to do that"


The boy title his head in confusion

"Yes,my pride, i want to walk the path of the swordsman reaching the peak, thus becoming number one swordsman, so how could I back out in face of challenge, it's piety i don't seem to be destined to do that"

"So just because your pride, your dying right now, isn't okay to accept humiliation if you can live afterwards than dying because little pride, that's incredibly stupid"

The boy didn't agree with this prideful swordsman and ridiculed him for being too prideful.

"Hahaha, maybe, but everyone have his own way of living and goal he wants to achieve, i already found my purpose in this life, so how about you?"

The swordsman didn't mind that the boy laugh at him, but asked him another question which left the boy stun for a moment.

"I don't know, i didn't find my purpose yet"

The boy replied in low flat tone.

" Well you're still young and have plenty of time to find out"

Listening to the man weak voice, the boy suddenly picked a nearby sword, the swordsman closed his eyes because he thought that the boy gonna finish him off, but when he opened them after while, he found that the boy is walking in direction of the winner of the previous battle who seems to be the one who cut off his arm, after realizing this he tried to get up and stop the boy, but he has no strength at all, so all he can do is watch helplessly at the boy.

The big man noticed movement behind him so he turned around around and met with a little boy walking towards him with sword in his hands.

" Huh, are you looking for death brat"

The big man didn't treat him as a normal boy at all because this this the 80 district, anyone who lives here had certain skills, and just because the boy is alive in this place is prove for his strength.

That way he didn't talk nonsense with him but he directly picked his new sword and slashed at the boy.

"Watch out"

The swordsman let out a weak scream before being stun, because he found that the boy managed to block the big man sword using without effort, suddenly he heard the boy say to him

"I don't know my purpose yet, but I think I like the title of number one swordsman, so I will be taking this title while I'm at it"

At the beginning of his speech the boy blocked the big man's sword, on the middle of it he deflect his sword and cut off his arm , by the end of it he pierced the man man neck by reversing his sword and stabbed directly.

After all that happened, the boy picked the special sword and kept walking without looking back.

"What's your name"

The fallen swordsman asked the boy's name after hearing his speech.


The boy stopped for moment and gave his name without looking back.

"Ryuma, number one swordsman ryuma"

"Hahaha, climb all the way to the top"

The unknown swordsman let out satisfying laughter and died with smile on his face.

Ryuma kept walking aim measly but he still said

"I will"