
Bleach: The Dual Wielder

Chapter Release | 8th Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ A fullbringer is in Karakua Town before Rukia Kuchiki even got involved with Ichigo Kurosaki. A wild card in Aizens plan. A fullbringer-shinigami hybrid who took full advantage of modern day weapons. ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

2 | Father

As soon as I saw the hollow walking towards a spirit that hasn't been able to let go of its worldly desires, I took out the artificial soul that my father gave me for emergency purposes.

Swallowing it I was expelled from my body and I took out one of my swords from the sheath. Since this is just a low level hollow I didn't plan on using my second sword here, because that would be an overkill.

Without any other thoughts, I jumped straight towards its head and with the swing I destroyed its mask, with which it started to disintegrate into nothing very slowly.

As it was dead, I walked towards the spirit, who is still running away from the hollow. So I just flash stepped in front of the spirit and looking at the spirit I asked "You do know that if you're not going to cut ties with this world, those things will come to hunt you down right?"

"I know that! But I can't leave like that! I have to make sure that I see all the women naked!" The spirit said with an overly righteous voice.

I just looked at him like he was an idiot, but inside I know that it's what most of the men will think, not all of them, most of them. I mean who wouldn't want to see naked women if they are invisible, and can pass through objects easily.

So looking at him I said "Though I would do the same, you have to go."

Without giving him a chance to escape I performed the Konsō on him and he started to scream some colourful words towards me. I didn't mind it as that's just the way they are, they just don't want to leave the Human World.

Sighing, I went back to where my body is with the artificial soul and it was walking around eating ice cream, which I programmed into the artificial soul, whenever I'm out of my body it will only do the simplest things. Eating food being one of them and going for a jog is another one.

Right after I finished eating the ice cream I went back into my body and walked towards where my father is. Since I didn't go and see him after I came here, I was in the States with mom, but after the relentless attack by the hollows that pop up around me I decided to come here. And if it's someone's plan, oh boy, he's in for a ride if my assumptions are true. I won't even bat an eye to beat him up if he had put my mother in danger for me coming here.

As I was walking, I saw black cat walking towards me, so I kneeled in front of it and said "If you're here that means he's been observing me since I got here huh?"

Stroking the cat's head a little bit I asked "Come on Yoruichi, let's go and meet my overly excited and childish father."

The cat just looked at me and said "You do know that sometimes you're also like him?"

"Well, I am his son. So of course I will be similar to him. But not in everything that's all." I said.

"That's true." Saying that, Yoruichi jumped on my shoulder and asked "Why are you back here after leaving for about three to four years?"

"Mmmm.... Hollows started to pop out wherever I was and they all tried to attack mom every time they had a chance. So I decided to come here with her, and since there is a branch company here she agreed to come but she said that she won't be meeting him at all." I said.

Looking at me, Yoruichi said "You know, hollows are increasing here too."

"Yeah I know that, but they're after Ichigo. The ones in the US were homing in on me." I said.

After that we didn't say anything to each other as we just walked towards where my father will be, and it didn't take long to see him. Because as soon as I reached there I saw him standing in front of his shop with a banner saying "Welcome Home Ben."

Smiling at that I looked at his face and he still had the goofy smile on his face. So looking at him I said "It's good to be home."




❌❌❌❌Chapter 2 End❌❌❌❌