
Bleach: Spiritual Pathway (Multiverse fic)

This is a rewrite of my fic: Bleach: Achievement system. there's no fixed schedule for this fic, I will just drop a chapter here and there when I feel like it. Read if you want and don't if otherwise. And About those who are gonna complain about every single sh*t, don't read for I don't have the brain power to even argue with y'all. Thus, have a good read, or not.

AllBullshit · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


Las Noches, Hueco Mundo.

"Any Idea as to why we have been summoned?" Lilynette asked Harribel not far from her. The latter just shook her head as she stared at Nelliel, Curious herself about the situation.

"He said something along the line of "I have a task for you all to accomplish." Nelliel feeling the gaze of everyone on her, decided to speak.

"Ahh? What kind of task would necessitate all of us?" The ever-unruly and macho Grimmjow called out.

"That, I wasn't told." Nelliel shook her head. She had merely been told to summon Grimmjow, Harribel, Ulquiorra, Starrk, and Lilynette.

"The reason as to why all our presence is necessary does not matter, you should rather focus on the task that will be given to us." Ulquiorra's emotionless voice reverberated.

"There is also the fact that Baraggan, Zommari, and my subordinates have been left out." Harribel stated and coincidently it was at this moment that Shin walked into the meeting room with a cat in his crossed hands.

"Lilynette." That was the first thing he said after arriving.

"On It boss." Lilynette understood what she had to do. She jumped and stomped on the belly of the sleeping Starrk. "Wahhhh." Starrk Coughed loudly as he woke up with tears in his eyes.

"Mission accomplished..." She then made a military salute to Shin who nodded to her in response.

"Now that everyone is "awake"" Starrk looked away. "Let me tell you the content of your future missions."

"No, that would be a waste of time since everyone has different missions to accomplish. Let's do it this way." He waved his hand and the Arrancars felt new information and knowledge appear in their head.

It wasn't hurtful nor was it even uncomfortable, rather it felt like they always knew it and just remembered the piece of information.

This was due to Shin's masterful control over his abilities, he really did improve significantly during his time over there.

"I will not be answering questions you may currently have, figure it out yourself." After that, five portals manifested before each Arracars except Nelliel and Lilynette.

Each of those portals lead to a different world. They have all been given the necessary knowledge and information about the worlds they are going in along with the task they have to accomplish.

Yes, Shin decided it was time to start his multiversal campaign.

"Can I?" Harribel asked, Knowing full well that he would understand her. "Yes, you can." He answered without even thinking much about it, she could take her subordinate with her if she wanted.

"Hm? Ho, It seems like it's time already." He said as he felt a change happening in his body.

He was returning to his original appearance. The 26-year-old version of himself doted in his three pieces suit. It has to be said that the reaction of his subordinates was more than satisfactory.

Their surprised faces deserved to be photographed and conserved and that's exactly what he did.

"Huh... Shin-sama...? What happened to you?" Nelliel asked hesitantly, her cheeks a little red.

But she was not the only one, hidden under her long collar extension, Haribell also had a bit of a reaction as her eyes trembled shortly. But she quickly came back to normal.

"Nothing much, I just trained for around 11 years in the Dangai." He said it dismissively as if it was nothing much, just a casual stroll to a park.

"But let's not talk about that for now, I got something for you all." As he said, he retrieved a couple of books from his inventory and gave Three books to all of them.

Receiving the books they all took a look at it the different titles, which were: Heaven path Zanjitsu (1), Heaven Path Hierro (1), and Heaven Path Sonido (1).

The "1" Meant that it was the first iteration of the books condensed from this world's information about those different domains, and of course though not all, some could be upgraded in the future with more information from other worlds.

But for now, those were good enough for them, it would help them get considerably stronger. He also gave the Shinigami version to his Father, brother, and Yoruichi though in their case he also added Heaven Path Kido art. And for Yoruichi rather than Zanjitsu it was Hakuda.

"Those are books compiled on the different knowledge I possess about those different domains, they would help you get tremendously stronger. Train and master them in your free time."

Of course, he already mastered the Quincy, Shinigami, and Quincy version. Though he couldn't do the same with the Hollow one, it seems to be based on their unique physiology.

"Once again, no question, I won't answer them..."

"Tche..." Grimmjow expressed before stepping into his portal and disappearing along with it. He wanted to complain but he know the consequence thus he choose to shut it up.

"Let's go." Lilynette pulled Starrk along with her as she also entered the portal before them. She knew they were meant to go there together.

"Thank you." Ulquiorra was always polite... to those he respected, and thanked before also going into the portal before him.

The only Arrancars still present were Nelliel and Tier Harribel, she had to call her subordinate before going. So she briefly absented herself before coming back with the three girls.

"Shin-sama." They bowed and Shin nodded. They stood behind Harribel, waiting for her to go in before following after.

But she didn't yet, instead, she and Shin were intensely staring at each other. The first one to speak and break the silence was Shin.

"Have you thought about it?"

"Yes, and I am still thinking..." She answered.

"Indecisive, that's unlike you."

"It is... just that important."

"Then be it, but I expect an answer the next time we see each other."

"Fine. I will give you one then."

After that, she entered the portal along with her Subordinates, Emilou, Franceska, and Cyan. After which, Shin let out a sigh. The cat in his hand looked at him for a moment before looking away. They already had this conversation before.

"Nelliel." Shin called out to the secretary.

"Yes, Shin-sama!"

"You are coming with us." With that, another portal appeared before him, and he walked in along with Yoruichi and Nelliel following right behind.


"Hm... According to the structure, I studied. 99 Levels, this dungeon should be 99 Level deep." The little girl with pink hair and pink eyes said as she raised a finger. She was sitting on a floating broom and clothed in an all-black wich robe and a hat.

99 Levels? The boy she was speaking to was surprised. "Wow, that's kinda deep." He voiced. "Why 99 Levels though?"

To his question, the wich thought for a moment before answering. "I don't know. I need to find out more." It seemed that her observation was still lacking.

"Ho! I think I know." The brown-haired and similarly brown-eyed boy seemed to have realized something.

"huh?" The pink-haired girl wanted to hear more.

The boy was going to explain more but he was forced to shift his attention elsewhere as before them, space distorted as a portal manifested. From the portal Walking out a really good-looking man holding a black cat and a strange green-haired Girl with a half-skull on her head.

The first to react was the Pink-haired girl, as she flew in front of the boy with a hand extended on the side.

It was only after that the boy reacted. His sense of danger was rather lacking compared to the girl.

"Who are you?" The girl asked, a little apprehensive but above all really nervous even though she was trying her best to hide it.

"This labyrinth..." The man seemed to ignore her question as he looked around. It didn't take much time for him to understand the situation. "The great labyrinth... hm... this does give more information. I will think about it later." He seemed to talk to himself.

"Shin-sama... you're once again talking to yourself." The green-haired girl politely made the remark.

"Ha, sorry about that." The man whose name was now known by the pink-haired girl and the brown-haired boy now looked at them.

"I did intend to come to you, but I never expected the portal would take me there." The man spoke as he looked at the boy.

The boy however didn't know how to respond. He was way too shocked, what would someone like that look for him?

"You aren't answering?" The man had a hand rubbing his chin as he asked. "Ho? Hahahahahaha"

The man first seemed surprised before he burst out laughing on his own. "Did you just try to use your skill on me?" He asked after calming down, swiping a tear away. How ironic, but it was to be expected.

As a result of his question, the green-haired girl's eyes narrowed as sweat dripped down the petite girl's forehead. the young boy however was even more nervous as he was only seeing question mark above the mysterious man's head.

She knew it, this unknown man, no matter who he is. He is strong, way too strong.

Stronger than her who is in the heavenly thousands, stronger than anybody in the strong hundred, the feeling he was giving off... he is either in the divine ten or someone of such a caliber. the amount of pressure he unconsciously excluded reminded her of Jin Daejon.

Perhaps was he a God? or Demon God? But those couldn't just randomly show up on earth on a whim.

What is sure was that they couldn't offend him, if he was here for Jin Han, it was best for them to settle this situation peacefully.

Even the strange Girl behind her was giving her the feeling of someone within the strong hundred.

"It's fine Nelliel, we are not here with hostile intent. In fact, it's quite the opposite." He said as the girl stopped whatever she was planning to do.

"Then please, forgive me for my lack of manners." He said as he put the cat on the ground.

"My name is Shin Kurosaki, those are Yoruichi and Nelliel. I am a Shinigami, pleased to meet you, Han Jihan The Gamer and Lolikiano Mistrim, Wich of slaughter." He bowed a little dramatically.

And for some reason, it seemed to suit him as it gave his words even more impact.

Jihan and Loli were taken aback, shocked even, did they hear right? Shinigami? A real fucking Shinigami? A God? A true God? What was a freaking Japanese Death God bigshot doing here and why was he looking for someone new in the abyss like Jinhan?