
Bleach: Shadows of Destiny

Step into a thrilling adventure as Yamahiko's soul is reborn in the captivating realm of Bleach. Transformed into a spirited eleven-year-old, he's rescued from the gritty streets of Rukongai by none other than the fiery Renji Abarai and the enigmatic Rukia. Enrolling in the prestigious Shin'ō Academy of Spiritual Arts, he forms an unbreakable bond with the determined Momo Hinamori. But Yamahiko is no ordinary student—he's a prodigy whose talent beckons him to greatness. Amidst the fierce competition for his allegiance, he surprises all by joining the covert Second Division, the Squad Punishment Corps concealed within the shadows of the Onmitsukidō. His mission: to safeguard the Soul Society from impending danger, resorting to assassination to shield those he holds dear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Points to Remember Before Diving In" Welcome to the world of humans! Before you embark on this journey, keep in mind that this version is a translation, so there might be some deviations from the original text. If you're curious about the machine-translated (MTL) rendition, you can find the link at the end of the synopsis. It's important to note that I've introduced a few alterations to the text. Additionally, if the idea of a main character (MC) expressing emotions akin to regular human beings raises concerns for you, this might not align with your preferences. However, if you're ready to explore a tale that resonates with the vibrancy of human emotions, you're in for an exciting ride. Enjoy the adventure! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Before Diving In This Link, Keep This in Mind" link - https://mtlnovel.me/info/bleach-secret-intentions/ As you prepare to explore this link, please be aware that you might lose a few brain cells along the way. So, don't say I didn't warn you!

LazyXalien · Anime & Comics
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118 Chs

Chapter 97: The Human World

Alien: Please vote with your Power Stones. ( ' ^ ' )


Bang, bang, bang.

Yamahiko's fist clashed with Kuna Mashiro's, producing muffled sounds. The gusts of wind exploded, and the shadows of fists intertwined into a vast net.


The two exchanged punches again. Yamahiko staggered backward a few steps, but still managed to steady himself. At the same time, the mask on his face shattered.

"This time it's half an hour; maintaining a high-intensity combat state for half an hour is already commendable."

Lisa Yadōmaru stood by and spoke. She had now become Yamahiko's guardian, fully responsible for his daily training and routine.

Kuna Mashiro wrinkled her nose and remarked, "Yamahiko is still not my match; he's far from it."

[Kuna Mashiro - Image]

Yamahiko responded with a helpless tone, "Relying solely on physical strength, not many can defeat Senior Mashiro."

All of Kuna Mashiro's strength is concentrated in her Hollowfication; she has reached the level of a peak lieutenant.

Yamahiko has many hidden abilities, such as Kido, Shikai, Shunkō, and also Zanjutsu.

With the addition of Zanjutsu, he can hold his own against Kuna Mashiro.

If it's Shunkō or Kido, he can defeat her with either one.

If it's Shikai, he can even take her down in seconds.

Especially considering these abilities can stack, enhancing his combat power, Yamahiko's actual strength far surpasses that of Kuna Mashiro.

Lisa Yadōmaru said, "Alright, the morning training is over for today. Take a break."

"In the afternoon, Yamahiko, come practice Kido with me," said Hachigen Ushōda, standing to the side with his tall figure obscuring Yamahiko's view and his face displaying an expectant expression.

Hachigen Ushōda is very tall, nearly 257 cm (8'5"), and weighs 377 kg (829 lbs.), qualifying as a giant. Despite his imposing physical presence, he has a gentle personality, a fondness for cats, and is very approachable.

As the Vice-Kidō Chief of the Kidō Corps, he is capable of using Forbidden Kido Number Ninety-Nine and has independently researched many Kido techniques.

Yamahiko smiled and responded, "I'm really looking forward to Senior Ushōda teaching me Kido. Is 2 o'clock in the afternoon okay?"

"Good," replied Hachigen Ushōda, revealing a happy smile.

[Hachigen Ushōda - image]

"Let's go, it's time for dinner."

Lisa Yadōmaru walked along the stone steps upwards, and Yamahiko followed behind her, head lowered, afraid to look up ahead.

The reason is quite simple. Lisa Yadōmaru's skirt is too short. She only wears one type of outfit: a sailor uniform with a pink scarf on the gray-white combination. The skirt on the lower part is very short, ending about an inch below the thighs.

Normally, with her vigorous movements, one can already catch a glimpse beneath her skirt. Now, as she ascended the stairs, Yamahiko dared not lift his head at all.

Only after Lisa Yadōmaru left, did Yamahiko breathe a sigh of relief and return to the upper level.

"How was today's training, little devil?"

An arm embraced Yamahiko's shoulder, followed by the iconic five-pointed star head appearing in front of him.

Love Aikawa. [Image]

Yamahiko quickly said, "Senior, I can now sustain for about half an hour during battles, and in a non-combat state for around ten hours."

Love Aikawa smiled and said, "Well done. It's already sufficient for most Hollowfication battles, but that's not important."

"Not important?"

Yamahiko looked at Love Aikawa.

"Of course not important." Love Aikawa said with a smile. "Because today is the day Shonen Jump is released, I've already bought it, and I got two copies."

Yamahiko's eyes brightened, and he said, "Really? I want to see."

Yamahiko is very excited about the manga serialized in Shonen Jump magazine, especially considering that the Bleach series, which he had read in his previous life, was serialized in it.

"Of course, can't miss yours." Love Aikawa took out a bag from his pocket and handed one copy of Shonen Jump to Yamahiko.

"Thank you, Senpai."

After receiving it, Yamahiko was told by Love Aikawa, "By the way, don't forget to come see me this Friday evening. We're going to have a Shonen Jump magazine discussion session."

Yamahiko clenched his fist and said, "I will definitely go."


Love Aikawa, proudly holding the bag, left, appearing very happy.

At this moment, Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi appeared beside Yamahiko and asked, "Why is he so happy?"

[Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi - image]

Before Yamahiko could answer, Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi saw the magazine in Yamahiko's hand and said, "I see. He found someone who shares his love for manga. Sadly, I'm the only one who enjoys music."

Yamahiko raised his head and asked, "Isn't Captain Shinji Hirako also fond of music?"

"He likes jazz; only classical music and opera are true music."

Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi exclaimed somewhat angrily. It was rare for Yamahiko to see him so upset, but after venting his frustration, he immediately walked away.

Yamahiko scratched his head. At that moment, Lisa Yadōmaru walked over and said, "Don't mind him; when it comes to music, he can get quite passionate."

Yamahiko smiled and said, "I don't mind."

Looking around, Yamahiko curiously asked, "Where did Captain Shinji go?"

Lisa Yadōmaru said, "Captain Shinji went for hair care."

Yamahiko recalled that Captain Shinji had two major hobbies: jazz music and hair care. However, being a soul, how could he undergo hair care?

Yamahiko asked this question, and Lisa Yadōmaru replied, "Because there are shops in the living world that specialize in services for souls."

Yamahiko widened his eyes and asked, "Really?"

Lisa Yadōmaru nodded and said, "Of course, there are barber shops, restaurants, clothing stores, inns, bookstores, and more. After all, those with strong spiritual power are not only Shinigami but also Quincy, Hollows, and humans. Humans who possessed formidable spiritual power in life become souls with strong reiatsu after death."

Suddenly, Yamahiko recalled that in the original work, there were individuals with powerful spiritual power, such as Don Kanonji. Faced with Byakuya Kuchiki, he remained fearless of his reiatsu, even being capable of unleashing a massive explosion that enveloped the upper half of Aizen Sosuke's body.

[Don Kanonji - image]

[Aizen Was Lucky That Don Kanonji Used Only 0.0000001% Of His Power! Scene - Image]

With such abilities, one could already rival the Shinigami students at the Seireitei Academy.

It's even possible that he is a hidden powerful individual, just like Marechiyo Ōmaeda.

Yamahiko was somewhat surprised and asked, "Don't they go to the Soul Society after becoming souls?"

Lisa Yadōmaru pushed her glasses up and said, "No, most souls are purified to be reincarnated in the Soul Society. After the cycle, they return to the living world. However, powerful spirits don't want to leave this world, and the Shinigami naturally don't force purification on them. Souls have long lifespans, so they form clusters of souls, just located in relatively remote areas to avoid Shinigami and human settlements as much as possible."

Yamahiko nodded and said, "I see."

With clusters of souls, items for spiritual beings are sold. No wonder Love Aikawa can buy Shonen Jump, Lisa Yadōmaru can buy adult books, and they can also purchase their favorite food and CDs.

The few items that can't be bought, such as furniture and fitness equipment, can also be obtained through spirit particle converters.

Lisa Yadōmaru said, "After some time, if I have the opportunity, I can take you there to have a look. However, you'll need to wait until you've mastered the skill of concealing your spiritual pressure."

Upon hearing this, Yamahiko felt a surge of excitement.

Moreover, looking at it from this perspective, life in the living world is not simple either. It is filled with hidden Quincy, rogue Shinigami, Fullbringers, spiritually aware individuals, and even the Visored.

Life in the living world is destined not to be too dull.

~End of the chapter~


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