
Bleach: Shadows of Destiny

Step into a thrilling adventure as Yamahiko's soul is reborn in the captivating realm of Bleach. Transformed into a spirited eleven-year-old, he's rescued from the gritty streets of Rukongai by none other than the fiery Renji Abarai and the enigmatic Rukia. Enrolling in the prestigious Shin'ō Academy of Spiritual Arts, he forms an unbreakable bond with the determined Momo Hinamori. But Yamahiko is no ordinary student—he's a prodigy whose talent beckons him to greatness. Amidst the fierce competition for his allegiance, he surprises all by joining the covert Second Division, the Squad Punishment Corps concealed within the shadows of the Onmitsukidō. His mission: to safeguard the Soul Society from impending danger, resorting to assassination to shield those he holds dear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Points to Remember Before Diving In" Welcome to the world of humans! Before you embark on this journey, keep in mind that this version is a translation, so there might be some deviations from the original text. If you're curious about the machine-translated (MTL) rendition, you can find the link at the end of the synopsis. It's important to note that I've introduced a few alterations to the text. Additionally, if the idea of a main character (MC) expressing emotions akin to regular human beings raises concerns for you, this might not align with your preferences. However, if you're ready to explore a tale that resonates with the vibrancy of human emotions, you're in for an exciting ride. Enjoy the adventure! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Before Diving In This Link, Keep This in Mind" link - https://mtlnovel.me/info/bleach-secret-intentions/ As you prepare to explore this link, please be aware that you might lose a few brain cells along the way. So, don't say I didn't warn you!

LazyXalien · Anime & Comics
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118 Chs

Chapter 79: Equipment

LazyXalien: "Hey, everyone! Quick heads up: no updates tomorrow and the day after (the 21st & 22nd). I'm heading out to a different state, and I'll be in a place where mobile phones and laptops are a no-go. It's a two-day thing, so updates will resume as usual from the 23rd. I won't be sharing the location or further info for now, but just so you know, it's more of an 'alien' thing—just kidding, it's because I have an exam."


"What method?" Suì-Fēng's eyes shone brightly. She knew that Yamahiko always had many ideas, and as long as he said it could be done, then it could be done.

Yamahiko smiled and said, "Suì-Fēng sis, follow me. I have two ideas, and I've already completed the first one. It just happens that you can give it a try."


Suì-Fēng was very excited and followed Yamahiko back to their residence. As they walked, Yamahiko continued, "My first idea is about speed. I can't help you improve your speed internally, but I can enhance it externally, such as through clothing"


Suì-Fēng looked at Yamahiko, and he explained, "After observing your Onmitsukidō uniform, I found that it has too many shortcomings and is not suitable for close combat. The hakama is too fluffy, the crotch is connected, and the pant legs are quite spacious, creating large areas of openings. When moving, they can be easily obstructed by the wind, causing significant resistance. So, if we change the form of the clothing, we can increase speed."

[Image - No NNN trap]

Suì-Fēng's hakama, especially the connected crotch part, created significant resistance, which impeded the wind's flow. Moreover, the wide trouser legs, when hit by the wind, made them stick tightly to the skin and sway from side to side as the wind direction changed. Additionally, the costume had openings on both sides of the thighs and at the back, as well as underarms, which made it susceptible to air resistance and fluttering.

Suì-Fēng nodded and said, "Indeed, it does have some hindrances."

Yamahiko smiled and said, "That's why I've made a piece of clothing for you."

Yamahiko led Suì-Fēng into a room, pulled out an outfit from his pocket, and handed it to her.

"What's this?"

Suì-Fēng took the first piece of clothing and immediately turned bright red. She looked at Yamahiko, and her words stumbled, "H-How can I wear this?"

The clothing that appeared in front of Suì-Fēng was a garment without pant legs, smooth, high-cut, and backless, hugging her figure closely. Yes, it was a one-piece swimsuit, all in deep blue.

This type of clothing was similar to the one worn by Yoruichi Shihōin in the Fake Karakura Town arc. 

[Image - No Trap]

Yamahiko wanted something in blue to make it more youthful and vibrant, perfectly complementing Suì-Fēng's fair skin and her youthful appearance. She looked like a high school girl ready to head to the swimming pool.

Yamahiko looked at Suì-Fēng and said with a smile, "This outfit offers very little resistance, and it also comes with stockings and shoes."

The stockings were white, extending all the way up to the thighs. When Yoruichi fought, she wore black stockings along with armor, and during the battle with the Aizen, she wore black knee-high boots.

Yamahiko thought that knee-high boots might not be suitable, so he opted for white stockings and gym shoes. Yes, gym shoes with red trim, a simple style with good flexibility. They might look a bit plain, but it was important to remember that Suì-Fēng used to wear cloth shoes, which were not the most stylish choice.

With this new outfit, Suì-Fēng could reduce a lot of resistance and look more beautiful and sensual.

Suì-Fēng tossed the clothing aside and said, "I'm not going to wear this."

Yamahiko looked at Suì-Fēng and asked, "Why not?"

Suì-Fēng, with a bright red face, said, "This outfit exposes my thighs."

Yamahiko held up the white stockings and said, "But you have these stockings, and only a portion is exposed. It's not much different from your usual Onmitsukidō uniform. It's even more lightweight, and it offers very little resistance."

Suì-Fēng turned her head and said, "I won't wear it, no matter how good it is."

Yamahiko scratched his head, disappointed that his plan had failed. He said, "In that case, we'll go for a tight-fitting pants and top instead."

Tight-fitting pants and a top were Yamahiko's second choice. As long as they avoided excessively wide pant legs and a connected crotch, the weight wouldn't be significantly reduced, but the resistance could be greatly reduced.

Yamahiko took out a notebook with the style of this clothing, and Suì-Fēng nodded, saying, "This one will do."

Yamahiko smiled and said, "Then I'll go and have it made."

While discussing, Yamahiko pocketed the clothing, placing it away. Suì-Fēng saw this and blushing, asked, "Why are you keeping it? I won't wear it. Just throw it away."

Yamahiko looked at Suì-Fēng and said, "You can't wear it now, but if we get married, you can wear it just for me."

Suì-Fēng thought about the situation at that time and her face turned bright red. She said, "No, I won't wear it."

"Then don't."

Even though Yamahiko said that, he secretly hid the clothing away. Suì-Fēng couldn't help but know what Yamahiko was thinking, but she didn't object. If they really got married, wearing it for him wouldn't be a big deal.

Yamahiko picked up the notebook again, turned to the second page, and said, "The first item was clothing, which can reduce resistance and improve speed. This is an offensive method."

"This is?"

Suì-Fēng looked at the content in the notebook, which showed four pieces of armor, somewhat like gauntlets and greaves that could cover the forearms and lower legs, made of a metallic material with patterns that allowed the use of lightning-based Kidō to rotate within, ultimately delivering pure lightning energy shots. They were extremely sturdy and could shatter the steel skin(Hierro) of a Hollow.

[Image - Urahara, Yoruichi and Isshin battle Aizen.]

Similar to the specialized armor Urahara Kisuke had created for Yoruichi, which could help her second transformation's Shunkō: Raiju Senkei: Shunryū Kokubyō Senki, combined with Shunpo to continue dealing damage.

[Image(be safe) - Shunkō: Raiju Senkei: Shunryū Kokubyō Senki]

Yamahiko designed additional patterns that, when combined with lightning-based Shunko, could produce powerful lightning shots.

Additionally, there were pointed tips, with the left hand having a conical shape made entirely of metal that allowed all the force to be focused at a single point during an attack. The right hand had a claw design with a gap for accommodating Jakuhō Raikōben after release.

[Image - Jakuhō Raikōben]

However, materials with such strength had yet to be found, and Yamahiko intended to consult with Kisuke Urahara to see if it was possible to achieve this.

Seeing the description of this armor, Suì-Fēng's eyes lit up, and she said, "If we can truly create this kind of armor, both my attack and defense capabilities can be greatly enhanced."

Yamahiko nodded and said, "And for your right hand, I'll leave a small gap so you can use Shikai as part of Suzumebach's equipment. There are also these patterns that can overlay lightning-based Kidō, and you can release Shunko with them. Additionally, here..."

[Image - Suzumebach]

Suì-Fēng listened to Yamahiko's words and knew that he had poured a lot of effort into this armor. She was deeply touched by the thought that he had done so much behind the scenes.

Unable to contain her gratitude, Suì-Fēng said, "Thank you."

Yamahiko was momentarily taken aback and replied, "No need to thank me."

Suì-Fēng smiled and added, "If you manage to create this armor, then after we get married, I'll wear the first outfit you designed for you to see."

Yamahiko's eyes brightened, and he asked, "Is that for real?"

Suì-Fēng nodded and said, "Of course it's real."

"That's great," Yamahiko exclaimed, his heart filled with excitement at the thought of seeing Suì-Fēng in the swimsuit, white stockings, and gym shoes.

"Do you need to be so excited?" Suì-Fēng looked at Yamahiko and scolded him playfully.

Yamahiko laughed and said, "Of course, I need to be."

Suì-Fēng rolled her eyes at Yamahiko, but at that moment, a figure pushed open the door and entered the room, approaching Suì-Fēng and speaking softly to her.

"I'll be on my way."

Suì-Fēng said, then looked at Yamahiko, saying, "The Onmitsukidō has a mission. A Shinigami attempted murder and escaped from the Seireitei. He used to be from a noble family. We received orders to assassinate him without interrogation."

Yamahiko nodded and replied, "Captain Suì-Fēng, go ahead."

Such missions would arise from time to time and usually required the intervention of the Onmitsukidō's's Executive Militia, tasked with assassination operations rather than apprehension.

It was similar to the case of Rukia Kuchiki's unauthorized execution, which would have required the Executive Militia's intervention if it had proceeded to an execution. However, ultimately, it was Sixth Division that brought Rukia back.

Suì-Fēng quickly departed, and Yamahiko yawned, getting ready to go find Kisuke Urahara in a few days.

However, two hours later, Suì-Fēng had not returned. A member of the Gotei 13 entered the room and said, "Lord Yamahiko, Captain Suì-Fēng has requested that you lead a combat team to search the South Rukongai district."

Yamahiko stood up and asked, "Has the Shinigami in question not been found?"

The squad member replied, "Well, Captain Suì-Fēng initially went to the East Rukongai, but halfway through the search, she received information that the target had already left. So Captain Suì-Fēng headed to the West Rukongai. She also wishes for you, Lord Yamahiko, and Vice-Captain Marechiyo Ōmaeda to assist in the search. Vice-Captain Ōmaeda will go to the North Rukongai for the search, and Lord Yamahiko, you will go to the South Rukongai. This is the appearance of the rogue Shinigami."

The squad member handed a picture to Yamahiko, who then said, "Alright, I'll head there now."


~End of the chapter~

( Additional clarification: Many believed that Urahara placed the Hogyoku after Rukia gave Ichigo her powers. However, there is an extra chapter that some are not aware of, which is called Chapter 0 Side A and Side B, and it takes place before the beginning of the series. In that chapter, Rukia is talking to the 3rd seat officers of Squad 13 and tells them that she had her first mission a while ago, but she has no memories of it whatsoever. So she considers this one to be her first mission. Many have theorized that Urahara put it inside her during that first mission and wiped her memory.

This also explains why Rukia's senses and powers were all over the place compared to later on, or why, after 15 years, this was the first time Ichigo saw a Hollow, which, according to Aizen, was no coincidence because he set up Ichigo getting his powers. So he must have known that Rukia had the Hogyoku already.

It is also stated in the anime guidebook VIBEs that the Hogyoku was already in her soul for many years before she transferred her powers to Ichigo.

So now, Rukia has a Hogyoku in her body, but the protagonist can't extract it, cannot access the Great Spirit Library, and can't escape Aizen. Originally, this was the setup, but it was changed, and now it's changed back, which might be confusing for everyone. I apologize.)


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