
Bleach: Shadows of Destiny

Step into a thrilling adventure as Yamahiko's soul is reborn in the captivating realm of Bleach. Transformed into a spirited eleven-year-old, he's rescued from the gritty streets of Rukongai by none other than the fiery Renji Abarai and the enigmatic Rukia. Enrolling in the prestigious Shin'ō Academy of Spiritual Arts, he forms an unbreakable bond with the determined Momo Hinamori. But Yamahiko is no ordinary student—he's a prodigy whose talent beckons him to greatness. Amidst the fierce competition for his allegiance, he surprises all by joining the covert Second Division, the Squad Punishment Corps concealed within the shadows of the Onmitsukidō. His mission: to safeguard the Soul Society from impending danger, resorting to assassination to shield those he holds dear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Points to Remember Before Diving In" Welcome to the world of humans! Before you embark on this journey, keep in mind that this version is a translation, so there might be some deviations from the original text. If you're curious about the machine-translated (MTL) rendition, you can find the link at the end of the synopsis. It's important to note that I've introduced a few alterations to the text. Additionally, if the idea of a main character (MC) expressing emotions akin to regular human beings raises concerns for you, this might not align with your preferences. However, if you're ready to explore a tale that resonates with the vibrancy of human emotions, you're in for an exciting ride. Enjoy the adventure! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Before Diving In This Link, Keep This in Mind" link - https://mtlnovel.me/info/bleach-secret-intentions/ As you prepare to explore this link, please be aware that you might lose a few brain cells along the way. So, don't say I didn't warn you!

LazyXalien · Anime & Comics
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118 Chs

Chapter 14: Skipping a Grade

Short Info dump:

Reiatsu vs. Reiryoku

The difference between Spiritual Power (Reiryoku) and Spiritual Pressure (Reiatsu) is simple: Reiryoku is the amount of energy a being has stored within their body or soul, whereas Reiatsu is the pressure that a person's Reiryoku exerts. In other words, Reiryoku is potential while Reiatsu is energy in use and can be sensed by other spiritually aware beings. In general, those with high levels of Reiryoku will often have the highest levels of Reiatsu also. A skilled warrior can overcome a person possessing greater Reiryoku by possessing greater Reiatsu - this is achieved by having greater control over their own Spiritual Power.


Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, Yamahiko had spent eleven months at the Shin'o Academy.

From the spring of March to the end of January the following year, one semester had just concluded.

By the end of January, the weather had already turned warmer, but there was still a lingering chill in the air.

Yamahiko sat in his dorm room, resting his chin in his hand as he gazed out of the window, his expression somewhat gloomy.

Not long ago, they had conducted the annual academic tests. Yamahiko had achieved first place in academics throughout the year, and his performance in both swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat courses was also exceptional.

In the subsequent Reiryoku test, Yamahiko had been directly assessed as having a fifth-grade Reiryoku. This was the result of a year of hard work, bolstered by spiritual food supplements, countless hours of training day and night, and his exceptionally high innate talent. This promotion to a fifth-grade Reiryoku far exceeded the requirements for fourth graders.

It meant that he could advance to the fourth grade of the academy. The fourth grade curriculum included instruction in basic Kido and Shunpo, with the prerequisite being a fourth-grade Reiryoku.

Renji Abarai met the Reiryoku requirement but had weak academic performance, disqualifying him from skipping a grade. On the other hand, Yamahiko could skip a grade, but he hesitated to separate from Renji Abarai, Rukia, Momo Hinamori, and Izuru Kira.

While Yamahiko was troubled by this decision, Renji Abarai returned to their dormitory. Seeing Yamahiko's demeanor, he asked, "Yamahiko, what's wrong? Did someone bother you? I'll go teach them a lesson for you."

Yamahiko quickly replied, "Renji-nii, no one bothered me."

Renji Abarai chuckled and said, "I thought as much. With your outstanding swordsmanship and combat skills, and now your Reiryoku, you're even more formidable than me when using your spiritual power. Who would dare to bother you?"

However, Renji Abarai soon sat down beside Yamahiko and asked, "Then why are you feeling down? Did something happen?"

After a moment of hesitation, Yamahiko said softly, "Actually, this morning, the teacher talked to me about something."

Curious, Renji Abarai asked, "What happened?"

Yamahiko lowered his voice and said, "The teacher asked me if I wanted to skip a grade."

"Skip a grade?" Renji Abarai raised an eyebrow. "That's a good thing, right? Why are you hesitating?"

Yamahiko felt conflicted as he said, "But I don't want to be separated from you all."

Renji Abarai looked at Yamahiko and said, "Since you can directly go to the fourth grade, there's no need to hold back. Even if you're in the fourth grade, we'll still see each other, and you'll continue to live in this dorm. After school, we'll wait for you to have dinner together, so don't worry. Just go ahead and accept the teacher's offer."

Yamahiko nodded upon hearing this and said, "Alright then, I'll agree to the teacher's proposal."

Renji Abarai immediately broke into a smile and said, "That's the way to go. Go ahead."

Yamahiko left the room, found the teacher, and proceeded with the necessary procedures to advance to the fourth grade.

Upon learning that Yamahiko was going to enter the fourth grade for his studies, Rukia, Hinamori, Kira, and Koda all expressed their congratulations and envy. Being able to enter the fourth grade meant they were well on their way to becoming trainee Shinigami.

The fourth grade was fundamentally different from the first two grades. The minimum requirement was a fourth-grade Reiryoku, which allowed individuals to master Shunpo and basic Kido, doubling their combat capabilities. Facing third-grade students, one could easily take on ten opponents.

If they obtained a temporarily Asauchi in the sixth grade, even if they couldn't achieve Shikai, they could still deal with Hollows and perform Konso.

This fulfilled the most basic requirements to become a Shinigami, possessing a certain level of combat ability.

However, if one's grades were not good, even after joining a division, they would only become an ordinary Shinigami.

Therefore, the fourth grade was the most crucial year. Cultural classes became more demanding, including knowledge about Hollows and Konso, making the coursework even more intense.

With the decision to skip a grade confirmed, the holidays were approaching. The spring break extended from January 15th to the start of March, totaling forty-five days.

Yamahiko intended to make the most of this break and planned to find a part-time job. Over the past nine months, he had received pocket money from Renji Abarai each month, which he used to purchase daily necessities. Rukia also worked during the summer break and had given Yamahiko a considerable amount of money.

Feeling indebted to them for their continuous support, Yamahiko decided it was time to find a job.

He ventured to the shopping district, visiting various shops in search of employment opportunities. However, few were willing to hire a young teenager like him due to his short stature and age.

After trying several shops without success, Yamahiko sat down on the roadside in frustration.

Just then, a voice sounded in his ear, "I remember you. What are you doing here?"

Yamahiko raised his head and looked not far away, where a short young girl with distinctive pink hair stood, making her quite conspicuous.

Seeing the newcomer, Yamahiko quickly stood up and said, "Vice-Captain Yachiru."

Standing before him was none other than Yachiru Kusajishi, dressed in her Division uniform and holding a piece of candy in her hand.

Yachiru Kusajishi walked over and asked, "What's going on? You don't look too happy."

Yamahiko scratched his head and said, "I want to find a job, but I'm too young, and no one wants to hire me."

Yachiru Kusajishi nodded and said, "I see."

Curious, Yamahiko asked, "Vice-Captain Yachiru, what are you doing here?"

With a mischievous grin, Yachiru Kusajishi raised her right hand, revealing a bag filled with gold candies. She smiled and said, "I'm here to buy candy."

Yamahiko knew that her favorite candy was gold candy, and she always had some with her.

After a moment of thought, Yachiru Kusajishi took out a piece of candy and handed it to Yamahiko, saying, "Here, this one's for you."

"Thank you."

Yamahiko accepted the gold candy, unwrapped it, and placed it in his mouth.

Gold candy was made from roasted mochi flour mixed with sugar water. This mochi flour was made by roasting and crushing glutinous rice. The mixture was then shaped into small spherical candies with protrusions, giving them their distinctive appearance.

Gold candy somewhat resembled sand sugar. When chewed, it disintegrated into tiny grains, spreading a sweet flavor throughout the mouth.

As Yamahiko enjoyed the candy, Yachiru Kusajishi looked at him and asked, "You can go to the candy shop at the corner. They are hiring. I'll take you there."


Yamahiko immediately stood up, and with Yachiru Kusajishi's help, he was introduced to the shop owner. Despite his young age, the owner decided to hire Yamahiko with Yachiru Kusajishi's recommendation.

Yamahiko was grateful for the opportunity, but Yachiru Kusajishi had already disappeared before he could express his thanks.

Determined to show his gratitude, Yamahiko decided that when he received his first month's earnings, he would buy a large bag of gold candies for Yachiru Kusajishi.

Power Stone please!

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