
Bleach Seireitei's Discipline Captain

Aizen stood on the sky, proclaiming the arrival of the king to the world. Under the gaze of countless eyes, the isolation of the world was severed in one fell swoop. "As the Captain of the disciplinary Division, it is my duty to prevent all crimes!" Facing the utterly bewildered Captains, Tokikaze smiled gently and said... Please give it 5 stars review!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/konohaworld

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

Unohana Retsu's Request

Fourth Division barracks.

A group of Soul Reapers carried a massive corpse as they walked on the spacious streets, which draw people's attention.

A faint Kido light enveloped the body of the Adjuchas, allowing it to be carried steadily.

Many Soul Reapers stopped in their tracks, curiously observing the scene before them.

In the Fourth Division, encountering corpses was a common sight.

However, most were the bodies of Soul Reapers, nobles, and residents of Rukongai.

Hollow corpses were rare, let alone such a gigantic one.

Yamada Seinosuke walked at the front, clearing the path.

It had to be admitted that the annoyed expression of this Fourth Division Vice-Captain was quite effective. Those approaching from the opposite direction would rather turn back than getting in his way.

The Fourth Division members skillfully carried Adjuchas' body behind him, using Kido to reduce the Adjuchas' weight.

The main task for every Fourth Division member was to handle various corpses, and over the years, they naturally had gotten used to it.

Becoming a Seated Officer in the Fourth Division without carrying hundreds or thousands of corpses was unheard of.

After crossing three streets consecutively, Yamada Seinosuke suddenly stopped in his tracks and respectfully bowed, "Captain Unohana, have you gathered the necessary herbs?"

Tokikaze tilted his head, glancing past the massive Adjuchas.

In front of the Coordinated Relief Station, stood a figure in white.

Captain Unohana was wearing a standard Soul Reaper shihakusho and white haori. Her hair was long and was worn as a large braid down the front of her body. Her lovely face exuded a gentle and kind aura.

Just standing there gave a sense of warmth and safety, as if one could entrust everything to her.

Only Tokikaze subconsciously took a step back with a strange look on his face.

Something's wrong!

Absolutely wrong!

The gentle breeze in the air warned him to stay away from this woman.

Even though the woman smelled good and gave off a refreshing feeling, beneath it was a strong and pungent smell of blood!

Was she really picking herbs, or was she secretly indulging her suppressed nature?

Was it the criminals in Rukongai or some wandering Hollows that she got her hands on this time?

Tokikaze took a deep breath and tried his best to keep up his composure.

He was well aware of the identity of this seemingly gentle woman.

Captain of the Fourth Division, Captain Unohana Retsu. At the same time, she was also the first Captain of the Eleventh Division and the first Kenpachi, a fearsome murderer that had killed so many people in the Soul Society.

Due to his identity and purpose, Tokikaze did not immediately flee.

Instead, he waited calmly for the situation to unfold.

Most likely, he had no connection with her.

"Yes, a total of thirty-seven kinds of herbs, and they're already stored in the pharmacy."

Captain Unohana Retsu smiled gently. "Isane volunteered to take care of the herbs. Is this the Adjuchas with nearly Vasto Lorde-Class Reiatsu?" she asked.

"It certainly looks quite spectacular."

When she returned to the barracks, some of her men had already filled her in regarding the situation in Rukongai.

Considering that Yamada Seinosuke and several Seated Officers had already headed to the scene, Captain Unohana Retsu chose to stay in the Seireitei.

"Captain, this Adjuchas is an extremely valuable research material."

Yamada Seinosuke grinned awkwardly and inquired, "Regarding its dissection analysis, what do you think...?"

To be honest, Tokikaze couldn't have imagined that Yamada Seinosuke could make such a strange expression before seeing the scene in front of him.

Embarrassment mixed with a hint of flattery, and within the flattery, there was a trace of respect.

The combination of the entire expression was even more bizarre than the Adjuchas that had been killed.

"There's no need to consult me for such matters."

Captain Unohana Retsu wasn't particularly interested, "As long as it doesn't affect the patients, feel free to do as you like."

"You see…" Yamada Seinosuke began to tell her regarding Tokikaze's terms.

As Yamada Seinosuke finished explaining, Tokikaze suddenly felt a sharp gaze on him.

The next moment, that gentle and kind smile appeared in front of him.

"Captain Tokikaze..."

Tokikaze's pupils contracted slightly. In the momentary distraction, he hadn't noticed Captain Unohana Retsu's Shunpo trajectory.

Indeed, she truly lived up to her reputation of being the First Generation Captain.

"Captain Unohana," Tokikaze nodded in acknowledgment, maintaining a composed demeanor.

Objectively speaking, they held the same status as fellow Captains, and there was no need for honorific between them.

"Regarding your request, it shouldn't be an issue," Captain Unohana Retsu said with an unchanged smile.

"However, before that, can you grant me a small request?"

Tokikaze squinted slightly and asked cautiously, "What request?"

"About the assessment battle from before..."

Captain Unohana Retsu smiled and said, "In the fight between you and Kaname Tosen, you displayed sixty-seven different sword styles, seamlessly connecting it."

"In terms of Soul Society's standard, it should be already at level 10 Zanjutsu."

At this point, Tokikaze had some speculations in his mind.

It seemed that Captain Unohana Retsu was pleased and couldn't contain her excitement.

For her, combat was everything, and healing was just the means to prolong the combat.

Hadn't Zaraki Kenpachi defeated her, she might still be the Captain of the Eleventh Division now.

"Because I am also skilled in Zanjutsu."

There was a hint of enthusiasm in Captain Unohana Retsu's gaze, "So, I would like to discuss this with Captain Tokikaze."

As their eyes met, Tokikaze sighed deep down.

He was familiar with this gaze.

It was exactly the same as the one he gave people in the pleasure district.

Now, refusal was probably not an option.

Unless he wanted to give up bringing Yamada Seinosuke in or setting foot in the Fourth Division barracks again.

Tokikaze was well aware of Captain Unohana Retsu's feelings.

In order to enjoy the battle more, Zaraki Kenpachi subconsciously put a limiter on himself, leading to a drastic decline in strength that he barely reached the level of an average Captain.

As the Captain of the Fourth Division, Captain Unohana Retsu couldn't return to being the first Kenpachi because of her responsibilities. As a result, she had to suppress her desire for battle.

Now, having encountered a Captain who could rival her in swordsmanship, how could she easily let this opportunity slip away?

Thinking of this, Tokikaze stopped his contemplation and looked back at Captain Unohana Retsu and smiled gently.

"In truth, I also admire your Zanjutsu skill..."

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