
Bleach Seireitei's Discipline Captain

Aizen stood on the sky, proclaiming the arrival of the king to the world. Under the gaze of countless eyes, the isolation of the world was severed in one fell swoop. "As the Captain of the disciplinary Division, it is my duty to prevent all crimes!" Facing the utterly bewildered Captains, Tokikaze smiled gently and said... Please give it 5 stars review!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/konohaworld

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

The Researcher Who Came to Your Door

"Oh my, it's really terrifying."

Ichimaru Gin's tone was full of fakeness. "I didn't expect such a monster to appear in the Soul Society."

"If it weren't for Captain Tokikaze, I don't know how many casualties there will be on Rukongai."

Tokikaze responded with a smile, "It was just a timely arrival. If it weren't for a mission, I wouldn't have come to Sakahone."

"Instead of focusing on this peculiar Adjuchas, we should pay more attention to the tragedy of the Ryōdoji Clan."

He didn't want to chat with Ichimaru Gin about this.

Considering of how cautious Gin was, Tokikaze knew he wouldn't be able to extract much information from him.

The research on this Adjuchas should be left to the professionals.

Regarding the power of the Soul King and the artificial Menos, Tokikaze believed it was necessary to find a specialist for the research.

For example, Mayuri Kurotsuchi from the Twelfth Division.

"The tragedy of the Ryōdoji Clan?!"

Aizen's face showed a timely expression of shock as he asked with an astonished tone, "Does that mean members of the Ryōdoji Clan have already been killed by this Adjuchas?"

Although most of the members of the Ryōdoji Clan were exiled, and the remaining ones were driven away from the Noble District, they were still technically a noble.

Regardless of the place, the murder of nobles was always a matter worthy of attention.

"Not exactly." Tokikaze extended his right hand, landing it in front of Adjuchas's corpse. "Several noble members led by Ukitake Jusanro brutally killed members of the Ryōdoji Clan, sacrificing their lives to the local god Mimihagi."

"Bakudō #39: Enkosen."

As he spoke, intense Kidō light was emanated from his palm, instantly enveloping the massive corpse.

Tokikaze was worried that Ichimaru Gin, who had been tapping on the Adjuchas' corpse, wouldn't be able to control his crazy Zanpakutō, and might poke a few more holes in this Adjuchas while collecting data.

Who knew what insane things this guy might do to gather data.

Just to be safe, it was better to seal it first.

That was his trophy.

The Enkosen was expanding significantly in a form different from the usual circular shield.

With Tokikaze's superb control, the Enkosen transformed into a semicircular barrier, completely covering the area above Adjuchas.

"Captain Tokikaze, you're so stingy!"

Ichimaru Gin stepped back a few steps and teased. "Are you afraid I'll ruin your trophy?"

"Not at all, it's just that this Adjuchas is unique."

Tokikaze explained calmly, "It should be handled by professionals. Until then, I'll hold on to it."

Aizen lowered his head, and the surprised expression under the plain glasses could not be concealed.

Instead of focusing on how Tokikaze used Enkosen, he was immersed in the news of the Ryōdoji Clan's tragedy.

He sure did his best to stay in character.

As the most popular Captain in the Gotei 13, Aizen was usually amiable, kind, and caring to everyone equally.

Suddenly hearing such horrifying news was difficult for him to accept, which was quite reasonable.

On the other hand, Ichimaru Gin still had a smile on his face, even lightly tapping the Enkosen barrier in front of him with his fingertip.

"I have to say, your Kidō skills are quite amazing!"

"Someone with your talent should be the Chief of Kidō Corps instead."

"You flatter me." Tokikaze accepted the praise calmly, with a particularly indifferent expression, "I still prefer the atmosphere of the Gotei 13. There are a lot of talented people, and I enjoy it..."

During the banter between the two, the Fourth Division members arrived.

Since no one was injured, their expertise had no chance to be put to use.

Fortunately, Tokikaze did not want them to make a wasted trip. He immediately dispelled the Enkosen barrier and said, "Take care of this guy and bring it back."

The appearance of Adjuchas made everyone gasp. They had seen ugly creatures before, but this one was the most terrifying they had ever encountered.

The burnt flesh emitted a strong smell of charred meat, and the numerous eyes around its body made the creature even more unsightly.

On its massive head, the creepy white skull mask was pierced through with red and white substances kept oozing out from it. 

The expressions of the Fourth Division members varied, but upon seeing this giant creature, Yamada Seinosuke's eyes lit up with excitement. He even reached out and began to check it.

"What an amazing creature!"

"Although it has lost its vital signs, we can dissect it and study this creature. If we're lucky, it might even make some breakthrough on various experiments!"

On top of being exceptionally skilled in healing Kido, Yamada Seinosuke was also interested in human anatomy, specializing in using various bizarre methods to treat injured people with severe cases.

Because of this, Yamada Seinosuke had earned quite a notorious reputation in the Soul Society.

"Captain Tokikaze, may we take it to the Fourth Division barracks first?"

Yamada Seinosuke didn't know much about Tokikaze, but from the surname and what he had heard from Kaname Tosen, he knew a bit.

He held a certain degree of respect for powerful people like him.

Yamada Seinosuke might have a bad personality, but he wasn't foolish enough to disrespect Tokikaze.

Tokikaze's gaze was focused on Yamada Seinosuke, assessing him from top to bottom. He tried his best to recall him.

Because of his outstanding skills in healing techniques, Yamada Seinosuke later directly served the Five Great Noble Families.

After that, through his skill, Yamada Seinosuke created an artificial being with the potential to become a candidate for the Soul King, Hikone Ubuginu.

Of course, it wasn't solely his achievement, but it indirectly demonstrated Yamada Seinosuke's high level of expertise.

Thinking about this, Tokikaze couldn't help but ponder.

Bringing Yamada Seinosuke in was much safer than dealing with Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

Since he had no countermeasure against Mayuri's weird inventions, Yamada Seinosuke was undoubtedly the better choice.

"Of course."

Tokikaze nodded and said in an unquestionable tone, "However, regarding the dissection of this Adjuchas, I need to watch the entire process, and I also need to review the data."

Yamada Seinosuke looked slightly stunned, and a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes. After hesitating for a moment, he replied:

"On this matter, I need to consult with Captain Unahana."

Whenn Unohana Retsu was mentioned, his respect couldn't be concealed. "The laboratory contains many unfinished experimental subjects, which are of great importance."

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