
Bleach Seireitei's Discipline Captain

Aizen stood on the sky, proclaiming the arrival of the king to the world. Under the gaze of countless eyes, the isolation of the world was severed in one fell swoop. "As the Captain of the disciplinary Division, it is my duty to prevent all crimes!" Facing the utterly bewildered Captains, Tokikaze smiled gently and said... Please give it 5 stars review!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/konohaworld

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

Self Training

This scene made Aizen instinctively look at Ichimaru Gin. Behind the glasses, a hint of surprise flashed in Aizen's eyes.

Hadn't it been for the effects of Bakudo #26. Kyokkō that concealed them, perhaps Aizen would have thought that he and Ichimaru Gin had already exposed their whereabouts.

Fortunately, this possibility was extremely slim.

Moreover, the Bakudo #26. Kyokkō were only the first layer of concealment.

Aizen smiled gently, "Gin, what do you think after seeing this familiar scene?"

By now, Ichimaru Gin had snapped out to his senses. His fake smile was evident as he commented with a light tone:

"Quite a powerful technique, possibly on the same level as my Shinso. Captain Aizen, we really need to pay more attention to Captain Tokikaze..."


The colossal body collapsed with a thunderous sound, and a large amount of red and white matter spilled from its forehead.

Tokikaze's strike pierced through The Adjuchas' head, killing it instantly.

As for his last technique, he came up with it on the spot.

Combining his Level 10 Zanjutsu and Arashigane's wind ability, he created an attack similar to "Shinso" Shikai ability.

Although it was just an impromptu idea, this technique turned out to be surprisingly effective.

It could be considered a pleasant surprise.

As for why he came up with this idea, it was entirely due to Tokikaze's knowledge about Aizen.

Although he couldn't sense Aizen's presence, Tokikaze was 90% sure that he was in Sakahone.

Even if Aizen wasn't there, Tokikaze was certain that Ichimaru Gin was observing nearby.

The Adjuchas that was fused with the power of a Soul Reaper, perfectly matched the prototype of Arrancars that Aizen wanted to create.

Tokikaze boldly speculated that this The Adjuchas might be a prototype using an incomplete Hogyoku to create Arrancars.

For scientists, data was undoubtedly the most precious thing.

Aizen's research level was undoubtedly not below that of Kisuke Urahara and Mayuri Kurotsuchi, so he would not make the stupid mistakes like ignoring data.

Therefore, Tokikaze intentionally did it for those two spectators.

Since you treated this place as a stage for experimenting with your creations, why not let the performer give you a little service?

Tokikaze was aware that he had officially entered Aizen's radar since graduating from Shin'o Academy.

No matter how he performed, he would be noticed.

As the heir of Tsunayashiro Clan, he was undoubtedly quite important in the Soul Society.

Just this fact alone would make Aizen pay more attention to him.

Therefore, hiding his strength was meaningless; it was better to just flaunt it.

Perhaps Aizen might think that it was everything he got.

Of course, this possibility was extremely slim.

Faced with a perfect manipulator of human nature like Aizen, only the ultimate strength was the best countermeasure.

The best way was to escape from this chessboard was becoming the chess player.

Tokikaze then put away his Reiatsu, returning his elegance as he observed the Adjuchas in front of him.

In terms of size alone, it far exceeded the standard Adjuchas.

Generally speaking, Gillian was the biggest Menos. When it evolves into Adjuchas, most of them became smaller in size and gain a certain level of self-awareness.

On the other hand, the highest-ranking Menos, Vasto Lorde, resembled humans in terms of body structure.

Such creatures were undoubtedly good research materials.

However, what currently troubled Tokikaze was the lack of skilled subordinates under his command.

As everyone knew, the technology in the Soul Society was not inferior to the Human World. In fact, it might even surpass it by a large margin.

The primary task of the Twelfth Division as the research division was to study and observe spiritual objects, and based on this basis, develop spiritual tools.

After the establishment of the Research and Development Institute, they were truly put to good use.

Any Soul Reaper with the slightest interest in science would choose to join the Twelfth Division and participate in various research projects.

Of course, this was the situation when Kisuke Urahara was in charge.

Once Mayuri Kurotsuchi took over, it would be a different story.

Compared to Kisuke Urahara, that guy was like a mad scientist.

Even Tokikaze didn't want to associate himself with Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

"Let's start with other members of the Twelfth Division."

He shook his head, "That lunatic Mayuri is even more dangerous than Zaraki Kenpachi."

Tokikaze was not afraid of direct confrontations, but he detested underhanded methods.

Mayuri Kurotsuchi was undoubtedly the most typical representative of such methods.

After all, no one wanted to be implanted with strange things like surveillance bacteria during a negotiation.

Just as he was deep in thought, an immense Reiatsu came from the edge of Sakahone.

Two figures, one in white and one in black instantly came down from the sky.

An anxious expression was revealed behind the plain glasses following the Captain-Class Reiatsu.

It was Captain of the Fifth Division, Sōsuke Aizen and his Vice-Captain, Ichimaru Gin.

The arrival of those two did not surprise Tokikaze.

As the Captain of the support team, it would be strange if they didn't show up in this situation.

"Ah, Captain Tokikaze."

Seeing the corpse in the ruins, Aizen seemed relieved and said:

"After receiving Vice-Captain Matsumoto's report from Tenteikūra, Gin and I immediately set off for Sakahone. Although we're a bit late, fortunately, you are not injured."

On the side, Ichimaru Gin walked to the side of The Adjuchas and lightly tapped the large head with his scabbard before asking curiously:

"Is this the The Adjuchas whose Reiatsu is close to Vasto Lorde? But it's clearly different from an average Adjuchas appearance-wise!"

Looking at the actor duo in front of him, Tokikaze smiled gently:

"That's right, its strength far exceeds the average Adjuchas. It even possessing powerful abilities such as enhanced durability, ultra-speed regeneration, and evolving during battle. I can't help but suspect that this Adjuchas did not evolve through conventional means. There must be some secret hidden in its body."

It must be said that Aizen was undoubtedly the number one actor in the Soul Society.

On the other hand, Ichimaru Gin, who has been smiling all the time, seemed quite suspicious.

Tokikaze, on the other hand, was somewhere between the two, slightly better than Ichimaru Gin but not as natural as Aizen.

Although he wasn't talented in acting, with experience, he had become quite adept at acting.

After all, in Tsunayashiro Clan's mansion, he also had to face certain people with malicious intentions.

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