
Bleach Seireitei's Discipline Captain

Aizen stood on the sky, proclaiming the arrival of the king to the world. Under the gaze of countless eyes, the isolation of the world was severed in one fell swoop. "As the Captain of the disciplinary Division, it is my duty to prevent all crimes!" Facing the utterly bewildered Captains, Tokikaze smiled gently and said... Please give it 5 stars review!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/konohaworld

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs


The sound of successive collision between bamboo swords echoed continuously in the training ground...

Yamada Seinosuke and the others were dumbfounded as they were too immersed in the scene, feeling their scalps tingling and shivering uncontrollably.

Initially, the Kendo exchange between Tokikaze and Unohana Retsu could barely be followed with their eyes, albeit the extremely swift slashes were a different story.

However, as time passed, their speed and strength also increase. The complex trajectories of the bamboo swords interwove into a continuous pattern, outlining hazy shadows.

Even the collision sound of the bamboo sword strikes merged into one, and the shockwaves of the aftermath covered the whole training ground.

In the midst of their agile movements, a violent wind wreaked havoc, damaging the wooden floor of the training ground.

In just a moment, the aftermath of their strike damaged the training ground. Various cut marks scattered across the floor.

"Isn't this too much?"

"I know I still have a long way to go compared to the Captain, but I don't know that the difference between us is this vast!"

"Both Captain and Captain Tokikaze are undoubtedly at the pinnacle of Zanjutsu in Soul Society!"

Yamada Seinosuke felt his eyes stinging. He focused entirely on the figures in the training ground, attempting to keep up with the rhythm of the two.

However, the sharp momentum and attacks were too fast to follow that his eyes were overwhelmed.

He shook his head, no longer attempting to keep up with Unohana Retsu and Tokikaze's movement. The gap between him and them was too vast, and forcing himself to match their pace would only harm him.

Yamada Seinosuke was at least aware of that much.

The scene presented an evenly matched spar. The two continuously struck each other while switching positions, and amidst their strikes, the clear sounds resonated like a symphony, echoing continuously.

However, only Tokikaze knew that he was now completely suppressed by Unohana Retsu, even falling into her rhythm.

Even though both of them were a Level 10 Zanjutsu practitioner, Tokikaze simply reached this level because his proficiency had reached the standard, whereas Unohana Retsu's Level 10 was because the highest standard in the Soul Society was up to level 10.

In Tokikaze's view, claiming to have mastered all the schools in the world was indeed not an exaggeration.

It might even be an understatement.

When you reached Unohana Retsu's level, creating ten or a hundred styles was as easy and smooth as drinking water.

From the start of the battle until now, she never used the same Kendo techniques twice.

And the smooth harmony between various techniques appeared natural and flawless, as perfect as the sky, with no discernible flaws.

As the battle progressed, Tokikaze was more focused. With full concentration, his eyes were surrounded by a whirlwind, trying to break Unohana Retsu's rhythm and seize control of the fight.

However, even when he used his self-created Kendo styles, she remained unmoved, responding in an instant with techniques from various sword styles.

The angles of her swings and the intensity were simply unheard of.

It wasn't surprising if they were the styles she created on her own.

Whether she had conceived them beforehand or created them on the spot during the battle was unknown.

As time passed, Unohana Retsu seemed to sense that Tokikaze was struggling, so she slowed down the speed of her bamboo sword.

Tokikaze only felt the pressure lessened, and his arm became lighter.

The rhythm between the two returned.

The bamboo swords collided gently and heavily, painting a beautiful picture.

Tokikaze absorbed Unohana Retsu's knowledge of Kendo, refining it into something of his own during the battle.

In this situation that Unohana Retsu intentionally created, his proficiency in swordsmanship improved at a flying speed.

Zanjutsu was one of the four basic combat techniques of a Soul Reaper. Even a slight improvement would reflect on his overall strength.

In these times when enhancing one's strength became increasingly difficult, even a negligible change was enough to bring joy and surprise to Tokikaze.

Realizing this, he looked at Unohana Retsu with fiery gaze.

A passionate exchange of strike, untainted by personal emotions was taking place between the two. Their eyes met in mid-air, and it was as if there was a burning smell in the air.

Unohana Retsu was pleasantly surprised to find that Tokikaze was reciprocating her love for a fight, seemingly developing a personality similar to her own. Was it a mutual understanding between Zanjutsu practitioners? Or perhaps a shared desire for intense combat? Or maybe...

Unohana Retsu didn't mind if Soul Society gained another powerful warrior. On the contrary, she was extremely eager for the appearance of strong individuals to fully enjoy the thrill of battle.

Without a doubt, Tokikaze's presence filled the emptiness deep within Unohana Retsu's heart. It was like discovering a diamond in the rough that just had to be polished.

Her smile widened, and the unrestrained joy blended into her strike. As Tokikaze's Zanjutsu proficiency increased, his techniques incorporated his personal style, becoming as fierce and violent as a storm.

Within the training ground, it seemed as if a raging hurricane had been unleashed, constantly ravaging the floor and walls. Unohana Retsu was immersed in the exchange. Her techniques were getting sharper and sharper, gradually starting to overwhelm Tokikaze and forcing him into her rhythm.


A clear explosion echoed in the training ground as the bamboo swords were torn apart.

The artistic exchange of Kendo seemed to have concluded.

Almost simultaneously, the bamboo swords of both combatants broke. However, Unohana Retsu's bamboo sword was longer by half, and the broken end was at Tokikaze's neck.

Unconcealed killing intent enveloped Tokikaze, and the bone-chilling cold penetrated every pore, reaching deep into his organs.

Evidently, in the midst of this exhilarating spar, Unohana Retsu was finding it challenging to restrain her true nature.

After a brief silence, she dropped her bamboo sword. Her gentle and amiable demeanor finally returned.

"A satisfying exchange of Kendo, indeed."

Unohana Retsu's familiar smile returned on her face, complementing the pure white Kendo attire, reminiscent of a pristine orchid.

"Without a doubt."

"Your proficiency in Zanjutsu has completely reached the pinnacle of the Soul Society."

She sighed deeply, portraying the appearance of a wise person as she spoke slowly,

"However, to truly master Zanjutsu, you still have quite a long way to go."

"If you don't mind..."

Unohana Retsu smiled gently,

"Feel free to come again so that we can spar again!"

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