
Bleach Seireitei's Discipline Captain

Aizen stood on the sky, proclaiming the arrival of the king to the world. Under the gaze of countless eyes, the isolation of the world was severed in one fell swoop. "As the Captain of the disciplinary Division, it is my duty to prevent all crimes!" Facing the utterly bewildered Captains, Tokikaze smiled gently and said... Please give it 5 stars review!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/konohaworld

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Communicating Through Kendo

Since you couldn't avoid it, why not enjoy it?

Solo training was not the only way to train.

Discussing with strong individuals would often give you more insights. Through comprehensive understanding, true strength could be fully unleashed.

Tokikaze was well aware that he just started off at a pretty high level; he was not at max level yet.

"That would be great."

Unohana Retsu gently smiled, "My work is already done, Captain Tokikaze, feel free to join me in the training ground."

Tokikaze nodded. The two ignored everyone's puzzled looks and walked in another direction.

Watching them leave, Yamada Seinosuke gritted his teeth and yelled at the Division members, "What are you guys looking at? Hurry up and take the Adjuchas to lab No. 6!"

Once they brought the colossal creature to the designated location, Yamada Seinosuke no longer hesitated and immediately headed towards the training ground.

Although he was aware of how skilled Unohana Retsu was in terms of swordsmanship, he wanted to be present just in case.

If Tsunayashiro Tokikaze dared to harm his beloved Captain, Yamada Seinosuke would...

He clenched his teeth, but couldn't think of any way to threaten Tokikaze.

The gap in strength was too clear, and it was even clearer in terms of status and position.

The Fourth Division barracks was so large. In addition to the Coordinated Relief Station, it also had a garden, pharmacy, and morgue.

Due to Unohana Retsu's love for a swordfight, she had set up a training ground within the barracks.

After traversing several corridors, the two arrived near the training ground.

"Please wait here for a moment, Captain Tokikaze."

Unohana Retsu pushed open the door and walked in.

When she walked back out, Tokikaze couldn't help but be impressed.

The Captain haori and Shihakusho that symbolized her status were replaced by a pure white Kendo attire.

A red sash wrapped around her waist, and black hair strands fell in front of her. Though she didn't seem as gentle as before, it was replaced by the strong vibe she gave off, which was completely different from usual.

"Please come in, Captain Tokikaze."

The gentle smile remained, but it now carried a hint of expectation and menacing.

Unohana Retsu opened the training ground door, signaling Tokikaze to enter.

Inside the training ground, the spacious floor was empty except for a few Ikebana equipments in the corners. A faint fragrance lingered in the air, creating a refreshing atmosphere.

It was undoubtedly very Fourth Division-like.

In Unohana Retsu's view, a positive mindset would help the recovery of patients.

This was based on her accumulated experience over the years.

Since it was only a Kendo spar, they chose not to use Zanpakuto but a practice bamboo sword from the training ground.

They both stood at the center, with their swords on their hand.

By the time Yamada Seinosuke and some Seated Officers arrived near the training ground, the two was still in their original stance, showing no change.

The only difference was the increasingly intense gaze exchanged between them.

Experiencing it firsthand, Tokikaze could feel the pressure from this first-generation Kenpachi.

Just staring into each other's eyes felt like being in the freezing wind of a chilling winter, the chill that would make one instinctively grip the bamboo sword tighter.

Fortunately, Tokikaze was no ordinary person. Having reached Level 10 Zanjutsu and had grasped how momentum worked in this kind of fight.

Though his gaze was not as pure as Unohana Retsu's, it still resembled her in a unique way.

Looking at the gentle presence before him, Unohana Retsu's heart was shaken.

It had been too long since he had seen such eyes.

Unlike Zaraki Kenpachi's bloodthirsty eyes, Tokikaze's eyes were filled with the sharpness of a blade and the unwavering determination of a rock.

The auras of the two continued to clash and escalate.


Unohana Retsu faintly smiled, and her aura underwent another earth-shattering transformation.

Even in Tokikaze's vision, a blood-red aura continuously entwined around the pure white figure before him as the pungent smell of blood permeated the training ground.

It was as if... the first-generation Kenpachi had stepped out of a pool of blood in hell and invited Tokikaze to join.

Unohana Retsu moved.

The bamboo sword was swung down swiftly.

Kendo - Tenshindo Famous Flow!

As someone who claimed to have mastered all sword styles, Unohana Retsu's opening move was a profound Kendo technique.

The bamboo sword seemed to contain a lot of force and pressure as it was swung at Tokikaze.

Tokikaze instantly snapped out of it and swung his bamboo sword as he could feel the incoming danger.


The bamboo swords collided, producing a sound that echoed in the training ground.

Tokikaze smoothly handled Unohana Retsu's first test. He subconsciously rushed forward, attempting to exert pressure with strength.

Seeing this, Unohana Retsu's face once again showed a gentle and joyful smile, like a child who had obtained something she desired.

"I knew my eyes didn't deceive me, Captain Tokikaze."

"Your mastery in Nozomi Shinjyu style alone has surpassed Kyouraku and the others."

The term "others" referred to multiple individuals, but at the very least, they were Captain-level Soul Reapers.

Those who hadn't reached the Captain level wouldn't understand what Unohana Retsu said.

The collision of bamboo swords alone was enough to leave an ordinary Soul Reaper speechless and even slumped to the ground.

"Captain Unohana, you flatter me."

Facing Unohana Retsu, Tokikaze replied humbly, something that he rarely did.

The brief conversation did not halt the battle but rather acted as the calm before the storm. In an instant, this so-called Kendo exchange reached its peak.

At a speed that the naked eye couldn't follow, Unohana Retsu launched another attack. The bamboo sword in her hand seemed to possess a life of its own, striking from various strange angles where Tokikaze's defense was lax.

Tokikaze refused to be outdone. Gripping the bamboo sword tightly with both hands, and used all sorts of Kendo style that he had in mind.

As he had mentioned before, instinct belongs to beasts, and only rationality allowed one to control themselves.

Countless Kendo styles merged and blended in the collisions of bamboo swords, thoroughly becoming Tokikaze's personal style.

Unohana Retsu's attacks were like a heavy hammer. Each strike was so heavy.

Tokikaze, like a small boat, continued to move forward in the midst of a storm until he reached the top!

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