
Bleach: New beginning. [Hiatus]

A man enters the world of bleach 500 years before the main storyline. Cover doesn't belong to me

Random_Author · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Entrance exam.

Today was the day. Captain Unohana had a member of her division drop me off at the gates of the academy. I had practised my swordsmanship, fine-tuned my reiatsu and reiryoku, learnt the history and structure of the soul society and made sure that my kido was damn perfect. I walked into the academy, confident that I had what it takes to pass this exam. I walked over to the exam area and saw what I had expected, a line with a few hundred people queuing up outside a classroom.

Around 30 minutes later a man with a long black hair, kept tied in a ponytail with a golden band that would belong to that of royalty, except for two long strands on opposite sides of his forehead that hang downwards. He was wearing a black kimono accompanied by a white haori. This man was a captain. "Hello, recruits. My name is Kenpachi Azahiro"

'so he's the captain of the 11th division. Interesting' From my studies I had learnt that the 11th was the melee combat division, they specialized in sword only combat forgoing other shinigami arts such as kido. The captain of the 11th division has the title "Kenpachi". The title was only given to the strongest shinigami, there could only be one Kenpachi per generation. This meant to earn the title you had to kill the current holder however, this Kenpachi Azahiro character didn't look like a Kenpachi at all he looked more like nobility. I guess looks can be deceiving.

"I have been tasked with overseeing today entrance exam. You will be doing a written test to test your knowledge and a reiatsu and reiryoku test to see how much reiatsu and potential you have. Your tests will be marked after you finish them. You will have an hour break between the written test and the reiatsu and reiryoku measurements. You will get your results after you perform the test" He turned around and entered a room.


After Captain Azahiro left, we were separated into groups of 80. Altogether there were 3 groups of 80 so there was 240 of us all together. A shinigami took us to a room where there 80 chairs were laid out in an orderly fashion. I was in the second to last row. In front of me was a pen and a test. Everyone sat down and the shinigami stood at the front of the hall and shouted out to us.

"You have an hour and thirty minutes for this test. Try to answer all the questions. If you finish before the time please hand it to me on your way out. You may begin" I wrote my name and all my details at the front of the page and instantly looked through the paper. When I looked through the paper I smiled. This was going to be a breeze. The questions were about the current Gotei thirteen captains, laws in the soul society and situations that a shinigami might face. I managed to finish the test within the first 25 minutes. I stood up and went to go give my test to the shinigami at the front.

"Young man you do know that you still have over an hour left" He seemed shocked that I had finished the test that quickly. This confused me because the test wasn't all that hard.

"Shinigami-san I'm sure that I'm finished," I assured him

"very well. I wish you all the best on all your other tests. Go wait in the break room for everyone else to finish"

"Thank you" I bowed and left the room. I slouched my self in the break room and Waited.


Around ten minutes after I finished I was reading a book on one of the desks

"Hello" A voice from behind me said. I turned around and saw a girl with pink hair just like me. She was wearing a black kimono and had a white sash around her waist.

"Hello. My name is Kumagawa Ryo. Who might you be." I introduced myself.

"Oh sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Kirio Hikifune pleasure to meet you" She extended her hand for a handshake.

"The pleasure is mine" I shook her hand. She had an unusually firm handshake for a girl. "Hikifune-san how did you find the test?"

"It wasn't challenging at all. I found it too easy, let's hope everyone else did too"

"Yes, I felt the same too" I replied.


After everyone finished their tests a bulky man took us to the place where our reiatsu and reiryoku would be checked. The shinigami told us all to line up. Hikifune and I were near the front of the line

so it would be our turn soon. One by one people would enter and see if they had the potential to get in.

A few people had gone in and come out all with different facial expressions. Some were happy, some were sad and some were just angry. The boy in front of me went in. He was in there for not too long and walked out with a proud face.

"NEXT" the man called out. I walked up and entered the room. Inside were Two orbs on a platform. The man pointed at the orb to the left and said "Place your hand on the orb and pour all your Reiatsu in it"

Reiatsu was categorized in 5 different sections basic, average, high, great and immense. All captains had great and immense amounts of reiatsu. The way they could how much you had was by what colour the orb glows. Basic - grey, Average - purple, High - blue, Great - green, Immense - Red

I poured all my reiatsu into the orb and then the surface began to glow red and a crack formed down the centre of the orb. This shocked me. I knew that I had high amounts of reiatsu but not this much.

The examiner had a shocked look on his face. "C-come this way young man" He led me over to the other orb. This was to measure my reiryoku or in other words my potential. A number 1-6 would come upon the orb. 1 meant you had little potential while 6 meant you had extraordinary amounts of potential.

I settled my hand on the orb, however this one took longer than usual. My hand was placed on the orb for a few minutes until the number 6 appeared on the orb. The examiner looked like he was about to pass out. He looked at me as if I was some sort of monster.

"Examinee Kumagawa Ryo you have passed the entrance exam with Incredibly high scores. According to my peers, your written exam was flawless. We expect great things from you" He announced.

I left the room and saw Hikifune waiting for her turn.

I gave her a thumbs up "Good luck Hikifune san"


Hikifune passed too, not that I had any doubt.

Today was the beginning of something great. I had made my first steps into this world.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Please tell me how I can improve and any thoughts you had about the chapter.

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