
Bleach: Mitch's past

Mitch is one of the main characters in my Bleach story and this is just a little back story detailing his past life and experiences before he came to meet Ania and Tom

MiTcH_67 · Anime & Comics
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My name is Mitch and I'm a 100 year old shinigami, I work inside Seretii and am assigned as the 4th seat for the 11th squad. For almost as long as I can remember I have been serving with the Soul Reapers fighting their wars and defending the other world from hollows but for now lets stop talking about the present and dive back to my past and how all of this began, how I became a shinigami and learned to harness all of the powers that I possess now even the friends I made and lost...

I never knew much about my father only a few vivid memories of when I was younger I remember he would come to visit me and my mother in our home around Rukongai. He wore a shinigami's uniform and a captains robe of the 3rd squad but after awhile he stopped coming to visit as rumour had it he was accused of treason and had to flee Seretii.

Thats all I can re call of my family as the shinigami stormed our house one day when I was very young taking my mum away and leaving me to grow up and live in the rough dark streets of Rukogani where I learned to fend for myself through any means necessary.