
Bleach : King of hell

A_random_weeb_1 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 2 : The 5 pillars

It has almost been 5 years I have been training before the flame could only cover my hand but after training all that time I could burn down a couple of states or something but the meeting is tomorrow hopefully they all actually trained because I don't know who I am fighting yet hopefully it's just 1 person and not a army like I think it will be buy anyways the meeting is to check out the training and see if anything new happened and just upgrade hell tomorrow I will call the meeting .

I arrive at the meeting hall and hear yelling it's to early for this I think I still can't tell because no sun or moon I will fix that later though just so it's not another inconvenience I walk into a big room with a round table with chairs around it and see Zane and Hannah arguing with the others sitting down quietly .

As I walk in they stop arguing Mc : so what was the argument about ? Zane : we were deciding who the leader should be among us 5 Mc : technically it is majority vote for anything so you all are leaders just of the different things if we actually get citizens or something similar .

Mc : anyways on to the main topic have you all been kepping up with training yourselves and getting ready for the or war ?

Everyone : yes ! Mc : okay let me test everyone's abilities in the open so we don't destroy this building it's nice after all .

With that everyone moves outside amd and gets ready and starts stretching after a while everyone does some solo training while I make the stadium just looks cool that is why I made it but after some hard work for a couple of hours I am finally finished .

Mc : alright all of you are gonna fight me that will be today's training get everything you need to get ready even though not much in hell .

I am in the middle of the stadium and see the 5 pillars walking out of 1 door with their swords .

Mc : I am gonna pick up a rock a throw a rock a when it hits the ground we start .

After 10 seconds the rock hits the ground the fight starts the first to go forward was Zane of course he starts with a punch then slices a towards me it was unexpected that he would try to punch from nowhere behind be I feel danger and I dodged barely why do people in the novels act like this is easy Akira almost cut my head off I spin a kick him but he blocks it but is flung away Hannah jumps in and joins Zane in the sparring session she tries to go for my leg I block it but get dropped kicked by Zane I fly into a wall I climb out with some discomfort in my ribs .

[ Mc : he broke my ribs ] I run towards Zane but at the last second I turn to her a slash but it's blocked by Zuri she spins a kicks but I barely block and I feel a jolt of pain in my ribs next thing I know I get punch by Naomi United states of oh wrong story 😋

I get punch and some blood comes out my nose but I grab her hand and turn her and flip her over my shoulder with all my strength and I hear something crack and a stronger jolt of pain after I throw her I feel my fib like a idiot and feel more pain during that I got slided like a mop by Zane by another punch [ Mc : are they trying to kill me ? ] as I get up my whole body is in pain I am barely conscious this was a bad idea [Mc : note to self don't think of it like anime this is real ] Akira comes out of nowhere with a kick I grab his leg before he can kick me and throw him into the spot I was I start slowly circling them then I then take a deep breath but it hurts so bad I pass out.

I know it's a short chapter but hopefully everyone likes it stay safe and positive