
Bleach : King of hell

A_random_weeb_1 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 15 : A day off

I hsve started picking up training again just trying to get better at combat in general .

As I spend most of my time now in the human realm sometimes I play pranks like move a a cup from a counter to a table harmless stuff for the most part of the pranks helps pass the time and funny because most people are confused and wonder if they moved it and forgot .

After a while I go into the forest and chop down some trees and make a house or whatever you want to call it looks as ordinary and that is what I was going for I was thinking about making a secret place away from everything it's nice to just be in nature taking time to relax and everything .

Hopefully everyone is doing good and if not hopefully it gets better but this book is gonna be put hold for now