
Bleach : Human Immortal

A loner College Graduate struggles to find Job. The only things that motivates him were watching anime, at least in that world he could imagine himself as the protagonist or some of the characters he like. Growing up, he suffered bullying a lot in school until he graduated. This didn't made him a sissy, but in fact made him not very interested in anything involving conflicts. He hates arguments, politics, and anything complicated. In short he's a straight guy, if he says he likes it then he likes it. If he says he doesn't care then he really don't. Suddenly dying of unknown cause? Can't say he doesn't like it and can't say he don't. Being reborn? He likes it since he's like a protagonist in an anime. But he's definitely annoyed since he's still on earth! Why can't he be sent to another world? Little did he know the changes it would bring once he finds out he's in fact in the world of Bleach. Disclaimer: I do not own bleach, all rights belong to it respective author. This is my second time writing a fan fiction. I loved reading fan fiction stories, sadly a lot of them are dropped or on hiatus while the good ones are still ongoing. I know I'm still a novice but hey, I think everyone is free to try if they can right? Important Note: I will take my time writing so this will be a slow paced story. Just a heads up since my first fanfic was fast paced. My standard words per chapter will be 1500 or more but not less. Also since writing isn't my main job I don't have a fix schedule or fix number of chapters to publish. I will post a chapter or two only when I am absolutely sure about it. And finally, I don't have an editor and English is like my second language. Mistakes are unavoidable for someone like me, I ain't perfect. Updated Cover from google again. If you are the owner let me know if you don't want me to use it. That's it for now, peace out.

Human_Sinner · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

13 Preparation to Seiretei

Bringing a woman back to your parents is okay.

But bringing 4 women all at once to your parents is a disaster!

Yon and the rest were at the new Clan head residence entrance. His master Himiko left to go back on her inscription, especially when Yon presented her with a new one. It was the inscription to change once physical appearance.

It was an inscription Yon created on the go. Why? Because he didn't developed one before. The only reason his master asked him for it is because of his new look!

Even though Yon explained it was his real appearance, Himiko didn't listen to reason. Only when he presented her with an inscription to do just that did she left him.

Yon was pretty sure she knows Yon was telling the truth and was also aware that Yon created the inscription on the go.

Clan Head residence

Yon and the girls were now walking towards the gate. Since he didn't announce or told his parents a schedule for his return, no one was there to greet them but the guards.

"Stop!" Says one of the guards.

"Students, this is the residence of the Clan head. Are you here for something?" the other guard asked suspiciously.

Based on Yon's and the others' robes which is the white robes for students exorcist, the guard thought them to be one. However the women following him looked too matured for them to still be considered as students, so they were wary.

"It must be because of my new appearance so I forgive you for not recognizing me. I am Tokisawa Yon, the son of the current clan head." Yon replied.

The two guards laughed at his words.

"Hahahahaha! If you are the son of the clan head then I am their parent!" says one of them.

"And I am their ancestor! Hahahaha!" reasons the other one.

Yon was expressionless at the moment and doesn't have any comment on their actions. His companions however was not the same.

Harribel herself was exuding killing intent which immediately affected the two guards silencing them from their laughter as their legs shook uncontrollably.

While the trio had an annoyed expression on their faces. Whether it was because they insulted Yon or if they made Harribel that way, no one knows why they are annoyed.

Their reiryoku were currently sealed by an inscription made by Yon before coming back. Even Yon himself have already created and applied one on himself for his trip to Soul society.

He and the others are currently on their 10% level of strength. Pretty much as strong as the 10th to 15th seat lieutenant in Shinigami standard.

Yon feeling the intense gazes of the women behind him immediately made his move and sealed the movements of the guards along with their mouth.

"The sealing effect will wear off later." He told the guards as he continued walking inside followed by the others. This was one of the new abilities he have, instant inscription without using his gloves.




Yon introduced the 4 women to his family. His mother was very worried for him along with his father since he took more months for him to return than what he originally said to them.

Thankfully Harribel's presence saved him. His father giving him a thumbs up for having 4 beautiful women at once only to be smacked down by his mother in annoyance.

"Tokisawa Yon, tell me exactly why do you have 4 women with you?" His mother asked with a gentle smile yet the aura was menacing.

"They are from the demon world. And no, I don't have any intentions having that kind of relationship with them, whatever it is that you're thinking right now." His mother's menacing aura disappeared replaced by worry.

"My son, don't tell me that you're -" pretty much annoyed at his mother's guess.

"I am not gay! And I currently have feelings for Harribel.!" Yon shouted uncontrollably making Harribel blush.

"Oh, good to know. You better not make her cry, you get me?" His mother demanded.

"Yes, mother." he replied pretty much thankful the topic was over.

"Please take care of my son, miss Harribel." Mei asked to which Harribel replied with a nod and said.

"Hmm. I will." Short and precise, Yon liked her even more.

His adapted sister was not even interested on their topic as she just sat on Yon's lap. But she understood one thing though.

"Does that mean she will become my big sister?" she asked Yon.




after the family drama Yon told his parents his plan to go to soul society and enter the Shino Academy to become an employed soul reaper.

His parents were opposed at first but relented when Yon assured them that he will still be able to return here every night since he will setup a portal directly to his room here and in soul society.

He also will make portals directly from the rooms his new allies occupied, and have it directly connected to Hueco Mundo. That way if Harribel and the others became bored in the human world they can just return to Hueco Mundo and back again to their new home until they adjusted.




Yon was currently sitting on an open space outside the clan head residence which has long since been finished.

Yon was holding an inscription paper. A summoning inscription paper to be precise.

Since he was now at Saint Realm, he thought that he might be able to summon a powerful familiar to guard the clan and his family.

Although the 3 ancient familiars he currently passed on to his family were ancient familiars, he was aware that mythical spirit beast still exists besides the lightning Roc which he disposed of.

That, and they had to come from somewhere. Something Yon would very much like to find out for himself later on.

Focusing on the inscription to summon a mythical spirit beast, Yon activated it.

The call was silent for a minute, but don't mistake it for the common silence. It was what many calls, the calm before the storm.

The very ground shook after a minute and dark clouds gathers above the skies of the exorcist clan area.

A loud screeching was heard as the winds blow violently; the sound of wings flapping was heard with it. It was too loud to miss which would only mean wherever it came from must have been from something big. This was Yon's thought.

As if trying to prove his thoughts, a giant bird appeared above him as the dark clouds parted ways for it. Its body was as big as a bus and the wingspan alone could cover a full basketball court, its feathers were fiery red in color while its eyes were looking straight at Yon, the one responsible for calling it.

Harribel and the rest were at the demon world accompanied by his parents and master. They were there to check the base below the menos forest. Only he was left alone in the Clan residence.

"Human Child, Were you the one who called and summoned me from my world?" asked the giant bird who landed in front of him and closed its wings. Although Yon's appearance was now that of 16-19 years old human, he was indeed still a child in the bird's eyes.

"Yes, it was me. I was just curious if I could summon a powerful spirit beast with my current strength and if I could make it my familiar." Yon replied still sizing up the bird and what kind of creature it was.

"Prove to me that you are worthy to be my master. I can feel that your strong but that's just a small part of what I seek for a master." The spirit beast replied not at all bothered that the human was sizing him up.

If the spirit beast sensed that the human's strength alone was not even up to its standard, then he might have said something else. However, just one look and he could already feel that the human in front of him must be someone who's peerless in his generation. And more importantly, he doesn't have the aura of an evil being.

"Uhh, and how exactly do I do that?" Yon asked honestly to which the spirit beast answered simply.

"Just answer my question. If I am satisfied, then I am willing to be your familiar. Know that I can detect lies and any subtle dishonest answer." Yon nodded in understanding and waited for the question.

"If you are in a situation where you can only save one person despite the strength you possess, who would you save? Your parent or your lover?" Yon getting HxH vibes from the question was a bit surprised.

'If I remember correctly, the right answer was nothing. Gon passed because he thought hard about it, and it took him a lot of time to not even get an answer. But I'm sure this bird has no time limit, which means I really need to answer.' Yon thought but immediately answered not even bothered by the tricky question.

"Whoever I can save fast so that I can still have time to save the other." Was Yon's answer which satisfied the giant bird but followed up a question in his own curiosity to Yon's answer.

There was not right answer to that question but if anyone answered the parent or the lover, they would have been wrong.

"How did you arrive on that answer?"

"You only said despite the strength I possess. So, I pictured a situation where I need to be on two places at the same time to save both of them. That's why I arrive at the answer to save the one whom I can save faster to be able to save the other." Yon said his thoughts. The giant bird's eyes glowed bright yellow as it said.

"I am the Phoenix of Rebirth and Reincarnation in this omniverse where both our world belongs to. Give me a name to start the ceremony for me to be your familiar." Yon who heard this thought of a name that fits which immediately went to jean grey, the host of the phoenix in the marvel world.

"I will call you grey from now on." As soon as he finished that he felt a sudden connection to the phoenix.

"Okay what was that?" He asked.

"That was our connection as Master and Familiar. You can call me anytime you want by simply calling out my new name. Also, you now have the same ability as me to assess a being of its 'current nature', if it was a good or evil. This does not mean you can judge them immediately, hence the word 'current'. So, always know the situation first. And finally, through our connection, even if in some way you die. You will be resurrected back to life." The phoenix, now grey, stated.

"Wow, that's a lot of benefits you provided. How about you? What did you get?" Grey simply tilted her head in confusion. (Yes, grey is female.)

"I am not a mythical beast like the one you have encountered. (Refers to the lightning Roc) I am a cosmic being, there is no benefit you can provide to me besides knowing your story and where it goes from here."

Intrigued by the revelation, Yon thought to ask.

"So, what world did I pull you out from? And you're a cosmic being? Do you mean the marvel world exists here?"

"I am from a world where cosmic beings such as myself reside. I don't know any marvel world that you're asking me about." Grey answered.

"Do you have a host in your world?" he asked again. He may be an anime addict but that doesn't mean he doesn't know anything about the marvel world when during his high school days back on earth, he had to dance with a costume as one of the X-men. Specifically, the dud with a visor, he forgot the name, but he knows the nickname was cyclops.

"I had many hosts before, but I currently don't have one since the last one was killed by those who hunted me for revenge while I am still in my infant stage. The same thing happened to those host before that."

"Do you need any help?"

"I doubt you can help me with your current strength and the distance our worlds have. You belong to a universe which is connected to may other universes while my own universe belongs to plethora of multiverses. But somehow, we belong to the same omniverse."

"What difference does it make?"

"Well, in my world exists multiple reality and timelines which is of the same origin, the only difference is because of different decision made by individuals in that reality or timeline, we call it the multiverse. Meanwhile your world is connected to other worlds which is of different origin than the others."

"And how did you know that when you just came here?"

"I just told you; I am a cosmic being."

"That doesn't explain how you know my world."

"When you are a cosmic being like me. You see the world the way you see an ant carry their stock of wood on one place and you see a bird feed its younglings in another and more details without needing to move. You simply see them because they are just there."

"I see. Which would mean, traveling from my world to yours is nigh impossible?"

"Not nigh, it is impossible."

"Are you sure?"


"Then why are you here?"

"That is a different thing."

"How different is it?" Yon asked, quite interested if he could meet the heroes in the marvel world if he was somehow able to travel in the future.

"My current self, which is here right now, is only a portion of the real me. I cannot be here as a whole." Yon getting what she meant said.

"Which means you nerfed yourself to be able to enter my world?"

"I don't know the word nerfed but if it means that I am weak than my real self, then yes."

"I understand. Where will you go?"

"What do you mean?"

"You mentioned earlier that I get to call you by calling out your name, right? Then where will you go while I am not calling you out?"

"Where else? Inside you of course." Grey answered as if it was an obvious answer and a normal thing.

"Wait, don't tell me that I'm going to become your host?"

"Of course not. We are in a master and familiar relationship. If you were to be my host then I should've manifested naturally in you when you were born, that way as you grow old, we would become one being. Which is not possible since your world is separate and different from mine."

"I see. So, when you say inside me. Do you mean in my mindscape or literally inside me? Cause if it's the former, there's already someone inside."

"It doesn't matter. I will be sleeping most of the time anyway unless you're going to be on multiple battles all the time."

"I don't know because I only have one goal at the moment."

"To get employed and avoid my possible heart demons when I ascend to a higher realm."

"I see. If you somehow manage to enter the same state as a cosmic being, then it might be possible for a portion of you to come to my world if you want."

"Nah, I don't have any of such intentions when I have a lot of different worlds right here that I can explore unlike yours. No offense."

"None taken. I am going to sleep now." Grey said and disappeared just like that.

"How convenient. And to think I get to have a cosmic being as a familiar. Although just a portion of it, still the benefits that came along with it was worth my time. Now to prepare my entry to Seiretei." Yon said to no one in particular.

A week later

Yon was now inside his room and was preparing to activate the portal to the spirit world base of the exorcists.

His parents, sister, master and Tier were there to see him off. The trio was left in Hueco Mundo to guard their newly formed base for the hollows under them. Yes, Harribel and the trio formed a faction together with their slaves and recruited more.

Harribel and the trio decided to still live in the demon world. They had a plan to still join the individual that Yon warned them about. They will be like his spies inside the enemy so Yon will be informed of their movements.

While his family, specifically his parents still worries about him but gave him his freedom. They knew how strong their child is, but it doesn't change the fact that he was still their son. His master didn't bother with any inscriptions lately, so that was a relief on his part.

"See you later, Yon-nii!"

"See you Moe-chan. Mom, Dad, Master, Tier." was Kurosaki Yon's last words as he entered the portal to the Spirit World.




Yon arrived at the familiar base of the exorcists. He didn't bother anyone and immediately went out of the base using his martial skill so no one would notice him. He flew off into the skies and tried to locate Soul Society. Once he got the direction he started flying towards it!

End of Chapter 13

End of Volume 3: Academy Arc

Up next

Volume 4: Bleach Arc

[AN: As much as I want to have him attend another Academy. I don't think I can survive another plot of studying. So, I'm gonna time skip the end of this volume and start the next volume with info dump of what happened. Volume 4 will start, let's say 4 months before Canon. Rukia would've had already left and Yon would've already been employed in the Gotei 13. I'd like him to join the Kido corps but I am still in the initial stage. Which Division would you like him to join?]

[Kido corps]


[Division 1]

[Division 2]

[Division 3]

[Division 4]

[Division 5]

[Division 6]

[Division 7]

[Division 8]

[Division 9]

[Division 10]

[Division 11]

[Division 12]

[Division 13]

Your suggestion might help, so thanks!

End of Volume 3: Academy Arc

2935 words

See you in the next volume!

Probably July during School Vacation.

Human_Sinnercreators' thoughts