
Bleach Fanfiction: Hollow Cries

Ichigo looses his normal life but not in the traditional way we know, instead he becomes the opposite. So, we follow Ichigo on his path as he will struggle as much as he can to live and make friends/allies along the way. SO WHAT WILL WE SEE NEXT?!??

Katho_Mim · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5: Well Then...

Bleach Fanfiction: Hollow Cries

Chapter 5: Well Then…

Genre Title: What If Ichigo Became A Hollow Part 5

Date: 08/08/2021

[Keys- RSR= Random Soul Reaper] [C46= Central 46]


Ichigo`s Father… Isshin Kurosaki

The Lost Agent…

We see Isshin Kurosaki is currently walking down the hall, today he has to talk with Central 46.

You see Isshin used to be a soul reaper until he had to pay back a debt. Instead of going back though he instead preferred to stay. He paid back the debt he owed Ichigo`s mother, Misaki and stayed to build a family with her. But this is a story for another time ok.

When Isshin arrived at the auditorium, he kneeled before the elders of the soul society, the people known as Central 46 or also the dickheads of the soul society.

A Central 46 member spoke up, "you do realize you have broken one of our sacred laws, correct?" Isshin gulps as he knows that if he screws up even one word, he will be killed.

Isshin: I recognize that I broke law 16.

It is a crime for a Shinigami to remain in the Human World longer than a certain time limit.[16]

I recognize my faults, but I ask for your mercy as the only reason I did so was to repay a human for saving my life.

The Central 46 as a whole was outraged as not only did he brake law 16 but he did it for a human but they calmed themselves and asked, "Where is the human? Also, we have reports that you had children with that same human??" Isshin`s blood ran cold as he knew that if he can`t explain this then his beloved daughters will be killed!

Isshin: The human in particular died as she was eaten by a hollow, and as for the children they're not mine but I had to swear to protect and watch over them as if they were my own daughters.

Central 46 seemed to accept this reasoning until they smiled wickedly and asked, "If so then what about your son?"

At this Isshin knew what would await them but to his surprise Central 46 said something else out of the ordinary.

C46: You may stay at ease for you see, we were also told of the potential of your daughters. They may be what? 11 at the current moment? They already have high spiritual energy; with a bit of training, they can become fine soul reapers.

Isshin was seething with rage, but he knew to take this offer because it would be this or them dying before actually living.

After this meeting, Isshin was escorted to the place that will be known as their living quarters.

The Girls Yuzu and Karin are in a panic. There dad looks way different, they don`t know where they are. Plus, they heard something about them having to stay here permanently.

Isshin sees the girls in such panic and he himself feels like absolute shit and while forming tears he hugs his two daughters tightly saying that they`ll make it though this. The family just honestly hugs it out and comforts one another…

*Back With Central 46*


In truth Central 46 were the elders and sorta the brains and order behind the soul society. That doesn`t include how much of a scumbag these guys are. The Central 46 itself is known for always being favor for nobles and are self-righteous and greedy. They`ll murder anyone that they don`t find use for. But they can`t get away with it forever, right?? I mean they got away with it for centuries so what`s a few more centuries to them.

This is what was though, but hey life doesn't always work one way. Aizen the man who created what Ichigo is right now about to pull a 1000 IQ Play. Aizen the man that is currently known as the captain of squad 5. Well, that's how everyone sees him for now.

It was nighttime, well for the world of the living this time would be considered around 3am. You see Aizen has a very specially Zanpacto. What`s a Zanpacto you ask?

A Zanpacto is In its sealed state, has the form of a Japanese sword. Zanpacto are weapons of unique quality of swords generated from their owner's souls. Its shape differs depending on its owner. Zanpacto are the trademark weapons of the Shinigami. Capable of cutting spiritual bodies, they are among the few weapons which can be used to combat hollows Each Shinigami carries a Zanpacto, and each Zanpacto is unique: the swords are reflections of a Shinigami's power and soul, and sentient beings unto themselves. The Zanpacto`s name is the name of the living spirit which empowers the sword and lends its strength to the Shinigami who wields it. These beings can vary greatly in appearance, and have their own distinct personalities, which are similar to their owner's.

(Thank You Bleach Wiki 😊)

As said though, Aizen`s particular Zanpacto has a special ability of its own and its name is Kyoka Suigetsu. This Zanpacto in it`s unsealed state can put anyone under a state of complete hypnosis.

But why tell you this?? Well, I know that you know why I know why I told you. (Lol) Aizen beings his plan. He starts walking up to Guards and tells them that he has an appointment with Central 46. They just let him pass since they don`t suspect him. Little did they know that this was a fatal mistake. As Aizen walks in Central 46 is confused as they were not informed of his arrival.

C46: Aizen, What do you want? As you know, it very late so please hurry this up.

Aizen just smiles at this and surprisingly begins laughing, soon his laughing becomes hysterical and Central 46 is annoyed at this as well confused at this gesture. They tell Aizen to hurry up as he is wasting their time.

Aizen just smiles and says the weirdest thing to them.

Aizen: Well, you see, you won`t have much time left anyway.

Once this is said Central 46 was ready to call for security but that's when it happened. Aizen`s Zanpacto can put someone under complete hypnosis without them even noticing. The particular target was the head of Central 46, as the hypnosis wore off the head looked to his terror all of the dead bodies of the rest of Central 46.

You see Aizen wasn`t there alone, along with him was Gin and Tosen the captains of squad 3rd and 9th. But since Aizen placed the complete hypnosis on the guards and Central 46 they couldn`t see Gin and Tosen.

The Head of Central 46 lost his shit and started to scream at Aizen only to then receive a blade to the back of his throat by Tosen.

Tosen: Don`t you dare disrespect our master.

Aizen just leaves through the front door, and leaves casually as he came in.

*The Next Day*

An Alarm sounded out, and news spread like wildfire that Central 46 was just killed. The expected murderers are the guards that were on duty last night. But we all know better than that unlike them. The guards immediately tell everyone that it had to be Aizen captain of the 5th division. They were immediately shut down due to that being impossible. Aizen was seen with Gin drinking at the bar. I know that you guys are catching up, Aizen actually used his Zanpacto to disguise two random soul reapers to look like him and Gin. Of course, the two guards were killed and Aizen got away Scot free.

As the soul society was in chaos because of this, something else happened as they were rumors of Intruders making it from the world of the living to the soul society.

*We switch our point of views to Ichigo and the Crew*

FOR THE FIFTETH TIME THIS PILLAR LOOKS THE SAME AS THE OTHER ONES CAN WE JUST STAY HERE. This was exclaimed by a furious Alice who honestly wanted to go to sleep already.

Ichigo and Grimjow finally gave in and decided to set up camp inside the pillar, you see pillars in Hueco Mundo can actually be used for housing. This is due to it have inner room and spaces. Everyone just went off and started to claim room, but Ichigo been claimed the top room near the roof, and he got what he wanted since he also won rock paper scissors against Grimjow. He still has an unconscious Orihime with him and takes her with him to his now claimed room and waits for her to wake up.

*4 and Half Hours Later*

Orihime starts with a grumble and slowly yet surely wakes up. She looks around and she pounced when she saw Ichigo sitting and glaring at her from a corner from the room. Orihime to say was terrified because Ichigo put her in check, and she does not want to be checked again.

Ichigo starts off by saying "Do you feel okay? Does anything hurt?" This just sorta confuses her because she took Ichigo to be an absolute asshole, but this was actually not the case. He just had some anger issues (People In the comments be like some hmm ight sure buddy).

In truth Ichigo was mad at Orihime`s ignorance, mainly because she reminds him of his weak younger self. When Orihime slapped Ichigo it just put the icing on the cake and gave him an excuse to beat some sense into her. Ichigo, isn`t an ass per says instead he`s caring but in his own special way.

Ichigo: So, can you hurry up and answer? I don`t have all day.

Orihime is hesitant and honestly really scared of Ichigo, from fear it turns into sadness as she remembers what she did to her brother. Then she was remembering what her brother said to her and how cruel he was. She immediately starts to cry, and pours the water works like a waterfall. She then hits Ichigo`s soft spot, Ichigo still has some of his human self within him. So, he still has empathy and sympathy.

He walks up to Orihime, and she immediately tries to defend herself from being hit again. What she didn`t expect was a hug from Ichigo and this hug wasn`t cold or anything, she felt a sense of warmth within it and embraced it with all her might. The two then sat there as they were hugging and at some point, after Orihime couldn`t shed more tears, she felt so weak that she just fell asleep right there. Ichigo face palmed as the whole point of her being here to talk to her, but hey what can he do? He puts her down to for her to sleep. What he didn`t expect was her unconsciously pulling him back in for a hug, so I guess they cuddled and fell asleep. Ichigo as he was falling asleep was thinking how funny this is going to be to explain why he`s sleeping with her.

*The Next Day*

Orihime opens her eyes, she sees a blur, and after a second it cleared up to reveal Ichigo right in front of her. She jumps away, and this movement woke up Ichigo.


Ichigo, groans and then sighs.

Ichigo: You know you're in my room, right?

Orihime blushes and just dashes out as Ichigo just shrugs and goes back to sleep.

Orihime found a room and when inside she started to remember of what occurred last night. She then though of how Ichigo was caring of her and how he comforted her as she fell asleep. Then after a bit of thinking she also remembered that she was that pulled Ichigo towards her in a slumber. Oh how embarrassed she was. In the end she thought that she couldn`t sleep and decided to go for a walk.

*Outside of the base*

Once she was outside, she saw Nelliel and Nnoitra fighting. She was bewildered as to what was going on.

Nnoitra: Today will be the day I beat you Nelliel HAHAHA!!

Nelliel was just silent as they kept fighting. As Nnoitra strike at Nelliel, she dodged it and wacked him on the head. He recovered tried slicing at her, but she used Sonido and got behind him. As he was about to swear, she said.

Nelliel: Bad Nnoitra, no swearing. THIS IS A CHRISTION MICRAFT SERVER!!

Nnoitra: NOT THE CHRISTIAN MICRAFT SERVER!! Wait a sec we don't even have Minecra-

At that moment he slugged in the jaw and then was sent fly back by a donkey kick. Nnoitra lost this one again. Orihime was impressed and all around amazed at Nelliel`s skills. At this very moment Nelliel spotted Orihime and waved at her. Orihime was caught off guard as she was really awkward. She tried to tip toe away until Nelliel called out to her to come over here. Now Orihime felt as if she must go to Nelliel because it would be rude to refuse.

Orihime walks up to Nelliel and after a good awkward moment of silence, Nelliel asked how she felt. Orihime said she felt fine and that's she`s all healed. Nelliel said of course, us hollows have regeneration, she continued and spoke.

Nelliel: That's not what I mean, I wanted to know how`s your mental state. Your brother`s words, to you killing him, and then the beating you got, I`m asking how you feel after all of that?

Orihime understands now and replies.

Orihime: I actually feel refreshed, for so long I`ve been bottling up my feelings. When I was with my brother, I felt guilt, sadness, anger, and depressed. So, when she was able to release her pent-up emotions, it felt refreshing in sense.

Nelliel smiled at the young girl and says, let walk and talk shall we. So, the two-walk side by side as they speak to one another. The girls talk about how their time in Hueco Mundo has been. From Orihime saying how boring it is here, and Nelliel speaking about how long she`s been here and the people she has met.

They continued to walk for about an hour just enjoying one another's company. Until they run up on a gang. A Gang of bat like hollows.

But what will happen to Orihime and Nelliel, find out on the next chapter of Hollow Cries.



Let's talk about some Hollow skills everyone. Today's special is the skill Sonido. Its an alternative to a soul reapers skill named Flash Step. This move allows a hollow to go at higher speed without much energy being used. If one had to describe the speed increase it would be 10x higher than the user and with more training of the ability the distance one can cover will increase as well. No of course this technique takes spiritual energy to preform and the more spiritual energy you pour in the more speed one can muster. So, if someone like Ichigo used this technique he would be able to cover 10 miles instantly, going at incredible speeds.

Hope you enjoyed this class of Hollow techniques with your beloved Kato Sensei, see ya`ll on the next chapter of Hollow Cries.


By: Kato Namikaze

IRL Name: Gerardo Dones Jr

Finish Date: 08/11/2021


Sorry for the late upload, my school computer was going through an update and my account was disabled so I couldn`t get in my computer. But either way I hope ya`ll enjoyed the chapter.