
Bleach: Essence of The Shadows

What's behind the Shadows

O_Tamashi · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Shadows


In the heart of darkness, within the confinements of an obscure cell, a figure with long, black hair sat in a state of mystical captivity.

An ominous silence hung in the air until, unexpectedly, the captive unleashed a colossal surge of spiritual pressure that reverberated through the very fabric of the surroundings, inducing an earthquake-like disturbance.

It was a force that hadn't been felt in a long time, awakening from its dormant slumber to send shockwaves across the spiritual realm.

Word of this unprecedented event quickly reached the Gotei 13, the esteemed captains of the Soul Society.

Captain Shinsui Kyoraku, distinguished leader of the 1st Division, summoned his fellow captains to an emergency meeting.

As they assembled, the gravity of the situation was palpable in the air, a sense of unease settling over the gathered leaders.

Shinsui, with his usual nonchalant demeanor, began recounting the peculiar incident that had unfolded.

He revealed the origins of the disturbance - a prisoner sealed away by the elusive Zero Division three centuries prior.

The revelation sent ripples of concern through the captains; the Zero Division's actions were seldom understood, their motives shrouded in mystery.

Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi, the eccentric scientist of the 12th Division, proposed examining the captive, eager to dissect the enigma that lay within.

However, Shinsui, with a gravity not often displayed, cautioned against approaching the matter with such casual curiosity.

"We must tread carefully," he advised, his words resonating with the weight of experience and wisdom. "This is no ordinary occurrence. The one sealed away may hold the key to something far greater than we can fathom."

As the captains deliberated on their next course of action, Shinsui made an unusual decision. Instead of delegating the task to others, he declared his intent to investigate personally. A hushed murmur swept through the room; Shinsui was known for his laid-back attitude, but this revelation showcased a different side of him - a leader ready to confront the shadows

He selected two captains to accompany him on this perilous journey - Shinji Hirako and Kenpachi Zaraki.

Shinji, the captain of the 5th Division, possessed a keen insight into the mysterious, while Kenpachi, the boisterous and battle-hungry leader of the 11th Division, brought raw strength and instinct to the trio.

Shinsui, with a flicker of knowledge about the sealed prisoner's identity, stressed the importance of approaching this mission with the utmost caution.

"This is not a venture to be taken lightly," he declared, his eyes reflecting a rare seriousness.

"We may be dealing with forces beyond our comprehension. Stay vigilant, my comrades."

The remaining captains of the Gotei 13 exchanged puzzled glances as Shinsui Kyoraku, the typically carefree captain of the 1st Division, revealed an uncharacteristically serious demeanor.

A quiet curiosity lingered in the air as they wondered about the gravity of the situation.

Accompanied by Captains Shinji Hirako and Kenpachi Zaraki, Shinsui approached the site where the enigmatic prisoner was sealed.

The location loomed like a colossal mountain, a formidable structure echoing the significance of the captive within.

Shinsui, with an air of authority, asserted, "I am the only one permitted to enter; I possess the seal." He pointed to a distinct mark on his body, a symbol of authority just like the seals used to access the royal palace.

Shinji, known for his perceptive nature, remarked, "The Zero Division must have deemed this prisoner a significant threat, given the strict measures in place."

Shinsui nodded in agreement, "Indeed, he was a former Zero Division captain. This makes the situation even more intriguing."

Zaraki, the fierce and battle-hungry captain, grinned at the revelation. "Former Zero Division, you say? Now, that's interesting."

Shinji, ever the voice of caution, countered, "Interesting, perhaps, but also troublesome. If he was once among the Zero Division, he's likely on a different level of power."

Zaraki's smirk widened, "Well, that just makes it more fun, doesn't it?" The prospect of facing a foe of unparalleled strength seemed to invigorate the thrill-seeking captain.

Shinji sighed, realizing that their pursuit of this mysterious prisoner could lead to unforeseen challenges.

As Shinsui left his companions and ventured alone into the depths of the mountain, the captains outside could only speculate about the enigma shrouded in darkness.

Shinsui navigated through the shadows until he encountered what seemed like an elevator. Descending deeper into the mountain, he couldn't help but notice the oppressive weight being put on his spiritual pressure

The mountain was built with a structure to oppress spiritual pressure from inside.

"Yare yare," Shinsui mumbled to himself, acknowledging the potential peril. "If his spiritual pressure managed to pierce through this mountain, we might be in for more trouble than anticipated."

Finally reaching his destination, Shinsui encountered a series of opening doors as he walked further into the abyss.

The room, enveloped in darkness, revealed only the silhouette of a man seated with his hair obscuring his face. A chilling ambiance surrounded the chamber.

"It seems someone took the bait," the man remarked, his voice carrying a shabby, worn tone.

Shinsui, recognizing the voice, couldn't help but utter, "It's been a long time, old man."

The prisoner, identifying Shinsui, replied, "Shinsui? It seems I failed to lure the biggest fish."

"Not precisely, Hikaru," Shinsui responded, unveiling the name of the mysterious captive. 

As Hikaru rose from his seated position "It seems the old man died," he declared, a tinge of regret in his voice. "I would've liked to fight him one more last time."

Shunsui Kyoraku, ever composed, responded, "Well, it's not an option anymore."

The tension in the air intensified as Hikaru, the mysterious figure unsealed after centuries, extended an unexpected offer. "Run, Shinsui. I don't want to kill you."

Unfazed, Shinsui posed a crucial question, "And what's your goal?"

"To become the Soul King," he declared. Shinsui, momentarily taken aback, inquired further,

"Why would you want to become a corpse?"

Hikaru corrected him, "The Soul King isn't a corpse. A weak vessel of Soul King may be a corpse, but a strong one can lead a revolution. The Soul King's body is changed every 2000 years, and a new vessel is chosen. My father was the Soul King. He selected my brother as a vessel over me, fearing a revolution. I, a prodigy, was banished to the Soul Society, becoming a low Shinigami like you."

Shinsui chuckled, a hint of understanding coloring his laughter. "Well, that explains it all. That's why you've always been so strong."

The revelation shed light on Hikaru's tumultuous past and the depth of his desire for change.

The atmosphere thickened as Hikaru began an unsettling transformation.

From his flesh, he pulled forth a Zanpakuto, a manifestation of his inner power. "You know why I was sealed here?" he questioned, his voice resolute.

"Because I nearly wiped out the Zero Division, in addition to the Soul King."

Shinsui, shocked by the magnitude of Hikaru's actions, realized the extent of the former's power.

Taking a deep breath, he drew his own Zanpakuto, activating its Shikai. "Well, it's my duty to protect the Soul Society now, old man. I can't do a thing about it."

Hikaru, unfazed by Shinsui's resolve, made a swift move. With a single slash, he severed his own hair, the strands falling gracefully to the ground.

The two adversaries, now fully committed to their clash, dashed toward each other with incredible speed, their Zanpakutos meeting in a resounding clash that echoed through the confines of the mountain


End of the Chapter

"Because I nearly wiped out the Zero Division, in addition to the Soul King." - Hikaru

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