
Chapter 233 Meeting with the lord

The night wind whispered secrets to the trees that danced in the moonlight. Wisteria vines twisted around the branches like serpents, adding an eerie beauty to the scene. 

Their delicate purple blooms seemed to glow in the darkness, casting a mesmerizing spell over all who beheld them.

The chief guard had now escorted Ichigo toward the inner part of the estate. He could see that the security was tightened to a huge degree. It was like they had prepared for a major threat or attack.

Ichigo could also feel that he was being watched by someone in the shadows.

Compared to Onmitsukido, they were lacking, but it should be enough for any regular intruders.

"I could only escort your lordship until this point," the chief guard said.

"Thank you. I will go from here myself." Ichigo said gracefully.

Now everyone believed that he must be a noble from somewhere. Due to that, this world's technology wasn't advanced. Communication inside the country was very limited.

Therefore, they didn't know where Ichigo came from. But they were sure that Ichigo was a noble.

Ichigo was taught about etiquette and manners because he had to go to the captain's meeting with Soifon. It had helped him a lot this time.

Ichigo walked through an old, Japanese-style corridor. On the right side of the corridor was an open space where he could see the beautiful wisteria trees.

He reached a hallway that had a large wooden door at the end. When the inner guards saw him, they then opened the wooden door for him. Behind the wooden door, there was a man sitting behind the curtain. He could not see his face, as it was hidden in the shadows. 

Only candlelight illuminated his figure.

Ichigo went and sat on the floor cushion prepared for him.

"Greetings, Lord Ubuyashiki. My name is Kurosaki Ichigo. I apologize for the trouble I have caused and thank you for allowing me to speak with you." Ichigo said it politely.

Kagaya peered at Ichigo. He was glad that someone as strong as Ichigo was humble and didn't show any sign of arrogance.

He had heard what Ichigo could do from his daughter. Sanemi, along with the guards, had also told him about the incident earlier.

"It should be me who has to apologize to your lordship. I was lacking as a lord and should have been more careful in preventing such things from happening. And my name is Ubuyashiki Kagaya, the current lord of this estate." Kagaya said apologetically, bowing his head in shame.

Ichigo could feel sincerity in his words, and he said that it was alright.

After they exchanged a bit of pleasantries, it was finally the time for Ichigo to speak with him about his current situation.

"I have questions to ask your lordship if your lordship permits it."

"Please ask away, I also have some questions to ask your lordship as well."

Ichigo got permission, so he asked him regarding how he found him and if he saw Great Red around or not. Kagaya told him how he found him. He hadn't seen anyone around him.

"That's unfortunate. That's all of my questions. As for what your lordship wants to ask me, please proceed with your inquiries."

Ichigo couldn't do anything for now. He would leave this place after Mitsuri returned.

Kagaya went silent for a moment before responding.

"Does your lordship know about demons?" Kagaya asked.

He was sure that Ichigo should know about demons. After all, Ichigo could use some kind of power to suppress even Hashira.

Those strong ones always attracted attention from demons.

"I don't know much about them." Ichigo repiled. "However, I have some knowledge of Yokai. Has your lordship ever encountered one?"

Kagaya shook his head and said,

"I never encountered one before your lordship. But I have read about them before. They were known to be mischievous spirits that often caused trouble for humans."

Ichigo was a bit surprised to hear that from Kagaya. He actually didn't know that he was a part of Yokai.

He could feel that Kagaya had Yokai blood running through his veins. However, he didn't know that he was actually a Yokai descendant.

Kagaya didn't think much about why he asked that question. He continued on about demons.

"If your lordship knew about demons, then your lordship should know about how cruel they can be. They terrorized and murdered innocent people without any remorse. That is why the Ubuyashiki family has been protecting humans for generations."

Kagaya explained to him how the Demon Slayer Corps was established to combat this threat and protect humanity.

Ichigo could tell that there was something Kagaya wanted from him. But he wasn't sure if he could provide it for him or not.

He would leave this world after he found where Great Red was.