
Bleach: Challenge Soi-fon, Start with Ultra Instinct

In the mystical realm of the Shinigami, Su Li embarks on an extraordinary journey as a student at the esteemed Spiritual Arts Academy. However, after a year of rigorous training, Su Li finds himself facing the harsh reality of his limitations, he's still too weak to make his mark. But just when hope seems lost, a dormant power within awakens,the guidance of a small frog-like companion. Determined to shatter expectations and leave an indelible impact on the Soul Society, Su Li sets his sights on an audacious challenge: to go head-to-head with the formidable Sui-Feng and send shockwaves throughout the realms. As the Shinigami ranks stand unprepared for the spectacle that's about to unfold, a new force emerges, Su Li possesses abilities that transcend convention. With Ultra Instinct mastery, the might of the Eight Inner Gates, the grace of the Marine Six Styles, the enigmatic power of Ultra Ego, and the devastating force of Destructive Energy at his command, he stands unmatched. Even Aizen, known for his mastery of illusion through Kyōka Suigetsu, is left astounded by the unfathomable prowess of Ultra Instinct, which pierces through even his deceptions. Even Yhwach, the omniscient being, finds his vision fallible against the speed and precision of Su Li's movements. Amidst these staggering revelations, Su Li's smile remains serene and resolute. But here's the twist, is he truly a mere Shinigami? No, for he is destined to transcend the realm of Shinigami, ascending to become the very embodiment of destruction itself, the God of Destruction! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Read the original novel here: https://mtlnation.com/novel/shinigami-challenge-sui-feng-start-with-ultra-instinct* *Warning: Cover and characters are not mine*

Martrigg · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 4: Shocked! Full marks for double subjects!

Soon, all the candidates had completed the first round of assessments, and the results, along with the list of those advancing to the second round, were posted on the school's bulletin board.

Among the nearly 1,000 fresh graduates, only fewer than 50 successfully qualified for the second round of assessment. This select group included notable names such as Abarai Renji, Kira Iziru, and Hinamori Momo.

Envy, jealousy, and admiration danced in the eyes of those who gazed upon the list of names. These individuals were the cream of the crop, potential future pillars of each team.

For those who had fallen short and failed to progress to the second round, the anticipation shifted to team placements. Luck could either land them in the backseat of a team or even grant them a spot in the replacement lineup. Unluckier souls might find themselves relegated to the Kidō Corps or the secret mobile team.

As they reviewed the transcripts for each subject, Abarai Renji's name prominently occupied the top spot for the sealed state category, scoring an impressive 92 points and earning a Penultimate ranking. Given his prior accomplishment of achieving Shikai as a student, this result was anticipated.

Following Renji, Hinamori Momo and Kira Iziru claimed second and third places in sealed state, respectively.

"It's no surprise that the top three in the sealed state department hail from the first class. They've rightfully earned their reputation as the top class!"

Observers couldn't help but express their awe, their attention shifting to the Kidō transcript.

Hinamori Momo secured first place in Kidō with 89 points, narrowly missing the Penultimate mark. Her performance was commendable, considering the intricate nature of Kidō, requiring precise concentration and impeccable chant recitation.

Kira Iziru occupied second place with 80 points, teetering on the edge of excellence.

In third place for ghost step Yamada, with 78 points, also hailed from the first class.

"Remarkable, Kidō's top three performers are from the same class once again. Their prowess is truly unparalleled!"

"Man, I struggled to attain 60 points, and these academic prodigies are way beyond my reach..."

"The first class is simply dominating—taking both the top and bottom spots! Truly impressive!"

Among the crowd, a few voices carried hints of mild resentment.

"Su Li, Grade 6, Class 1, sealed state: 0 points, last place!!"

"Su Li, first class, Kidō: 5 points, second-to-last! Abarai Renji, first class, Kidō: 6 points, just above!"

"The first class truly knows how to make a statement, claiming both the highest and lowest rankings! Hahaha!"

Those who had been speaking and mocking were evidently students from other classes, expressing their discontent towards a particular class. However, their comments did manage to capture the attention of the crowd.

People turned their gaze to Su Li's name at the bottom of the report card, amusement and mockery evident on their faces, creating a chorus of disdain.

For a student to achieve such dismal scores in two subjects, it seemed almost unfathomable that they would make it as a Shinigami, let alone obtain a graduation certificate. In the spectrum of underachievers, Su Li was, at best, the most prominent one. How he even managed to secure a place at the Spiritual Arts Academy was a puzzle.

Within the crowd, Abarai Renji slouched with embarrassment, his cheeks tinged with a blush of shame. He muttered under his breath, criticizing Su Li while conveniently ignoring that he was in a similar situation.

Eventually, the hubbub subsided, the crowd losing interest in Su Li's results. It seemed pointless to expend energy discussing someone who likely wouldn't share the same world with them in the future due to his apparent lack of potential.

Soon enough, the spectators refocused their attention on the last two subjects: White Hits and Shunpo.

Transcripts unveiled: Su Li, 1st place, 100 points, perfect.

Transcripts announced: Su Li, 1st place, 100 points, perfect.

The atmosphere turned eerily silent.

Gasps of disbelief echoed through the crowd.

Su Li, the very same student who earned a mere 0 in sealed state and a mere 5 in Kidō.

Yet, he achieved a flawless 100 points in two subjects.

This was not merely full marks; it was the epitome of perfection.

Not a 90 or a 95, but a perfect 100.

From 80 to 90, there existed a substantial gap. Yet, from 90 to 100, there was an abyss that seemed insurmountable.

The former could be traversed through hard work and determination, but the latter seemed unattainable without inherent talent.

Throughout the history of the academy, no student had ever achieved a perfect score. Not a single one.

Even Ichimaru Gin, a prodigy who gained fame at a tender age and the current captain of the third division team, managed only a high score of 98.

However, at this moment, the scoundrel previously scorned and mocked by everyone, Su Li, the struggling student who barely made it to graduation, had scripted his own unprecedented tale.

Achieving a perfect score of 100 in both subjects was his way of rewriting history.

The shock among the present students was palpable, reverberating through the atmosphere. They had now realized that there were levels of excellence above Penultimate, and Su Li had just soared to that pinnacle.

His name on the report card had evolved from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs.

Even Abarai Renji, amidst the crowd, stared in mute astonishment at Su Li's name on the list. Could this really be the same Su Li he knew? The very same student who was at the bottom of the class?

"Dong dong dong..."

A resonant drum signaled the imminent commencement of the second round of assessment.

Candidates who had been taking a breather on the playground started converging toward the martial arts field, where the final assessment would unfold.

This phase of the assessment was relatively straightforward: members of Gotei 13 would engage in combat against the candidates to gauge their prowess. The candidates' performances in these battles would ultimately determine the seats they would be assigned to.

Candidates had the freedom to choose which team's assessment they wanted to partake in based on their preferences. However, regardless of the team they selected, the outcomes would not be a cakewalk.

This was because each division would dispatch their top members – generally the top five seats, and sometimes even the top three – to face the candidates. For Gotei 13, assessing the newcomers' strength was as crucial as any other task.

Hence, the adage went, as long as a candidate could withstand the challenges for a minimum of five minutes without succumbing, their strength was tantamount to that of the top ten seats.

The longer a candidate endured, the more robust their strength and the higher the seat they would likely be granted.

In a swift turn of events, the drum's resonant rhythm sounded once again, signifying the official commencement of the second round of assessments.

Amidst the watchful gazes of teachers and students alike, the first candidate stepped onto the trial ground.

It was none other than Hinamori Momo, the top-ranking student of her grade.

The audience erupted in applause and cheers for the grade's number one.

With anticipation hanging in the air, the proving ground became a battleground of fierce contention.

Against Kenjiro, the fifth seat of the fifth division, Hinamori Momo fought valiantly. Yet, her resolve could only stretch for five minutes before succumbing to her opponent's Hadō attack.

Although her stand had lasted for a mere five minutes, it was more than sufficient to affirm Hinamori Momo's qualification for a spot among the top ten. Her performance was a testament to her capability, solidifying her worthiness of the top ranking in her grade.

Hinamori Momo triumphantly secured her place within the fifth division after her successful assessment.

Following her, Kira Iziru managed to join the third division, displaying resilience for a total of five and a half minutes.

However, it was Abarai Renji who truly caught everyone's attention. Fueled by an unexpected surge of determination, his combat fervor was astonishingly intense. While Renji could already access his Shikai, he still seemed comparatively inexperienced against the seasoned seniors. Although he couldn't hold on for the full fifteen minutes, his fight extended to eleven minutes before he was defeated.

Yet, the applause that echoed through the arena was rousing and heartfelt. Many members of Gotei 13 even stood to commend his performance. Competing at such a level against third seats was a testament to Renji's strength. Numerous individuals believed he could become the pinnacle of this year's graduates, predicting that he might even secure a spot among the top five seats in a team.

Eventually, Abarai Renji became a part of the sixth division, further enhancing his reputation.

As the candidates proceeded through their assessments, it became apparent that only a select few managed to endure the challenging five-minute threshold. Around a dozen candidates were able to successfully secure their desired positions within the teams of their choosing. Those who didn't pass would need to await the forthcoming distribution.

Time sped by, and soon the assessments drew to a close.

One final candidate remained.

"Su Li, Grade 6, Class 1!"

Prompted by the invigilator's voice, Su Li confidently stepped onto the stage, his demeanor composed.

"Which division would you like to be assessed for?" inquired the invigilator.

Su Li's smile was a reflection of the answer he had already decided upon.

"I choose the second division."

This choice had long been on Su Li's mind.

The second division held sway over the secret mobile team, functioning as a higher-tier organization. The captain of the second division held the position of commander-in-chief over the secret mobile team. This formidable unit managed punishment, assassinations, intelligence, and the safeguarding of Seireitei. Its might was unparalleled.

In Su Li's quest to establish dominance over the Shinigami realm, harnessing the power of this unit was an inevitable step. Moreover, Tui Wan had advised that mastery of this unit would better equip Su Li to face future challenges such as Aizen's rebellion and potential invasions by the invisible empire.

Thus, the second division was the natural choice for Su Li.

"Eh, it's finally someone's turn to assess for the second division!"

Accompanied by a hearty chuckle, Omaeda Marechiyo, the vice-captain of the second division, stepped onto the stage.