
Bleach: Brave Guardian

Completing his system's goal, he is given another chance to start anew. His purpose to gather strength to fight a world-threatening event.

ironictw1st · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Chapter 40: The Story Begins

(Next Day)

Rukia running through the night to avoid leading the Shinigami to Ichigo. Her sprinting leading her to think back to her memories with the new friends she made.

'They're a bother. All these feelings aren't necessary for a Shinigami. It's unbecoming, Rukia Kuchiki. I think I've stayed in this world for too long…'

A loud male voice entering her ears. "Yes!" She stops running to look up. A red-haired Shinigami crouched on a light post. "See, you understand." The voice continues. He unsheathes his blade as he continues to speak. The moon's light gleaming off the blade.

"Though, to put it another way, because you stayed in this world so long, you were able to prolong your life a bit more, Rukia!" The Shinigami says. His red hair tied back in a ponytail. A pair of goggles above his forehead.

"Renji!" Rukia says recognizing him. The Shinigami jumps from the light post and slashes down at where Rukia is standing. She quickly steps back to dodge the blade.

"You had an assailant from Soul Society lurking right behind you, but you were so deep in thought, you didn't even notice until I called your name. Granted you have been in a Gigai for a month or two. You've become too lax." He points the sword at the girl and says. "Spit it out, where is the human who took all your powers?"

Rukia shocked and shakes her head. "Just because I'm in a Gigai doesn't mean I've lost my powers. Furthermore, there's no way a human would be able to take my powers."

Renji with an expression of anger glares at her. "It was a human, otherwise you wouldn't have such a human expression on your face! You're from the Rukon Districts like me before the Kuchiki took you in. They spent time and money to make you an elite but look at you. Looking like a human. There's no way that's a good thing!"

Komamura watching from the sides shaking his head. 'So, the boy is worried about her? Hm? I don't remember being allowed to use our Bankai for our entrances…'

Flower petals floating above the two as Byakuya steps out from behind Rukia. A captain's haori on him.

"Right, Captain Kuchiki?" Renji asks looking at the man.

Rukia turns around slowly to look at the older man.

A slash from Renji alerting her to his presence. She manages to dodge out of the way but not before a cut appears on her face.

"Passing on Shinigami powers to a human is a grave crime." Renji says standing back up straight. "Consider it compassion from Central 46 to let us handle it, instead of the Punishment Force. Now tell us where he is. After we're done taking you in, we'll go after the one that took your powers and get rid of him."

His assault continuing as he leaves a cut on Rukia's leg.

'I suppose I should step in.' Komamura ready to move stops upon seeing a blue flash.

A flash as a blue arrow passes by Renji stopping his continued assault on Rukia. Renji dodging out of the arrow's path turns towards the direction.

"An unarmed girl being attacked by two men with weapons?" A young teenager with a slender build says as he approaches. His straight hair reaching chin length. No bangs to cover the glasses he wears.

"What are you doing here, Ishida?" Rukia asks.

"Sheer coincidence. Nothing for you to worry about." He replies making up a blatant lie. "I had a sudden urge to visit the local 24-hour sewing shop. I did not come over here because I felt the presence of Shinigami and came to look. I absolutely wouldn't carry this bag just to use it as an excuse."

'…' Komamura holding in a laugh as he watches.

Renji cuts bag and the supplies inside fall out. Leaving a cut on Ishida's arm.

"I asked you a question. Just who are you? Well, whatever. I'll just kill you first." He says readying his blade.

"Wait, Renji!" Rukia starts to speak but stops upon seeing a third towering figure of a Shinigami enter the scene.

"Do not act outside of the mission scope." Komamura says with his hand on his blade.

"Tsk. Why'd they let the 7th come along…" Renji mumbles to himself.

"I'm Uryu Ishida. Nice to meet you." The boy replies with a nod.

"What's with the change of attitude?" Renji says pointing his blade at the boy.

"You may be a Shinigami, but you'd still want to know the name of your killer, right?" Uryu says pushing up his glasses.

Komamura shaking his head. 'I can't help them if they both have death wishes.'

Renji's hand starting to shake with anger. "It's decided! I'm going to kill you!"


A sword blocking Renji from killing off Uryu who falls over bleeding.

"Tsk. Why are you blocking my way, Komamura?" Renji asks the hulking figure.

"Captain Kudo said there's no need for senseless killing." His hand holding firmly onto Renji's blade.

Rukia stops for a bit shocked. Renji steps back and shakes his head. "What do I care for a captain that isn't my own?" Before he can continue yelling at Komamura; an oranged haired young man enters the scene. In his right hand an absurdly large Zanpakuto. He steps in front of the Quincy on the ground to check over him.

"Who are you?" Renji asked confused at the new Shinigami.

"Ichigo Kurosaki. The one who will beat you. Nice to meet you." He says with a frown on his face. Looking between Rukia, Komamura, Renji and Byakuya.

'Hm? So, this is the kid the captain wanted to train? I'll give him a hand if it looks like he can't handle himself.' Komamura stepping back beside Rukia and observing. Rukia nervous at the large man beside her starts to panic.

"There's no need to worry, little one. My captain ordered me to bring you back alive and not to kill anyone. I will prevent your friend from being harmed." A smile on Komamura's face as he looks at Rukia.

"Yo-you're i-in the 7-7th division?" She says shaking a bit.

"Komamura Sajin, 6th seat of the 7th division." He says with a nod.

'He blocked Renji easily and he's only the 6th seat? Captain Kudo is raising monsters in that division…'

Ichigo's ears perking up at the number of the division, but before he can comment Renji asks him a question.

"You're wearing a shihakusho? What division are you from?" Renji asks and then stares at the Zanpakuto. "And what's with that oversized Zanpakuto?!"

"Well, I did think it was big after comparing it to Rukia's… It is rather large now that I look at it…" Ichigo says with a frown.

"The size of one's Zanpakuto mirrors the size of one's spiritual energy…" Renji says looking at the sword. "A kid this young with a sword this size?!"

"That's because he hasn't mastered his control yet. Or else every captain in the Gotei 13 would have swords the size of skyscrapers." Komamura adds.

"I see. You're the human who took Rukia's power, huh!?" Renji says as he dashes towards Ichigo.

Ichigo blocks the strike and launches a kick of his own at Renji's stomach. Renji knocked back gets back up for another charge. Blocking the strikes, he waits for the right moment and lunges out with a right hook to Renji's face.

'He fights like the captain…' Komamura and Byakuya watching the altercation. Byakuya sighing and speaking up.

"You were caught off guard, Renji." Byakuya says. "I had thought I had recognized him from somewhere. You're the one that killed a Menos Grande."

"What's the name of your Zanpakuto?" Renji asks looking at Ichigo with a wary gaze.

"Name? So, you guys name every one of your swords?" Ichigo says confused at the question.

Komamura shaking his head. 'Captain you didn't teach him yet? Maybe he isn't ready…'

"I knew it. You don't even know your Zanpakuto's name. And you think you can fight me as an equal? You're 2000 years too early!" Renji moving his hand over his blade. "Roar! Zabimaru!" The blade changing shape to a large blade connected like an extension whip. Ichigo tries to block the strike but is caught unaware by its ability to bend. His shoulder hit as he drops his weapon.

"You will die by my hand, Renji Abarai!" His hand whipping the sword towards Ichigo.

Komamura appearing before the sword and grabbing a hold of it. "That is enough." The 9-foot-tall man's voice echoing through the street. "Can you stand boy?" Komamura asks the kid behind him. Ichigo grasps the sword in front of him and nods. He stands up as Komamura moves out of the way.

"Good, I thought you were going to die to easily. Well then, fight hard and die!"

Ichigo's reiatsu starting to flare as the sher force pushes Renji back. His speed increasing as he cuts past Renji's defense and then cutting the goggles off of Renji's forehead.

Ichigo remaining calm dashes past the whip sword and slashes down at Renji. Renji dodging continues to step back.

Renji's leg starting to buckle under the pressure from Ichigo's reiatsu. 'I won't make it in time…' Ichigo jumping up to slice down and kill Renji.

His blade disappearing as only the hilt remains. Ichigo looks down at it and back towards the two remaining Shinigami. He takes a quick step away from Renji and observes them. Komamura shaking his head and Byakuya holding up the blade that was cut off. Dropping it he reaches for his blade.

Byakuya shunpoing trying to cut down Ichigo. Komamura interrupting his path as he tries to reach Ichigo.

"You aren't allowed to kill on this mission either, Captain Kuchiki." Komamura says with a smile.

Byakuya stepping back and sighing. "I see…" He nods and looks at the stationary Ichigo.

"Ichigo! Run!" Rukia yells out to him.

"I understand, Rukia. This kid…" Byakuya starts as Ichigo rushes at him. A fist aimed at his face. Byakuya side steps that attack his hand moving to his sword. Quickly cutting the Saketsu and Hakusui. The two vital spots of any Shinigami.

Ichigo slowly slumping to the ground from the wounds looks at Rukia.

"He should die in less than an hour. And even if he does survive, his Shinigami powers and spiritual energy will be lost." Byakuya says as he looks away from the fallen Ichigo.

Komamura shakes his head and looks to the boy. 'I can't stop mad dashes towards death... How am I supposed to tell the Captain…?'

Renji opens the gate to return to Soul Society as the three Shinigami and Rukia enter. Not before Rukia gives Ichigo one last glance.

'I can't move… I can't speak… She protected me…' Ichigo closing his eyes. 'Rukia!'

Ichigo feeling the rain stops and looks up. Spotting Takashi standing over him. A barrier above his head blocking the rain from hitting his body, as well as Uryu's.

His eyes turning as he sees another person approaching as well. An umbrella in his hand and a cat sprinting towards him.

'It's…so…cold…' Ichigo's vision turning black.

"Hm… It appears Komamura will want me to punish him when he returns to the division…" Takashi says sighing a bit. "Urahara, can I leave him in your care? I'll return after I deal with the aftermath in Soul Society." He says turning to the former captain while his freehand pets the cat.

"Heh. How frightening Captain Kudo. A student of yours capable of fighting Menos Grande and Lieutenants. I suppose if it had to be anyone it was you." Urahara says with a smile. "I'll look after him for you." He continues removing the smile on his face.

Takashi nods as he looks down. 'I suppose unlocking his potential now won't be a bad thing…'

"Let's go to your place before I do this." Takashi says lifting his student and fixing the amulet. 'Can't let others do all the work for you Ichigo.'

Urahara nods as he holds up an umbrella. "It really is a waste for you to use kido like that." Pointing out the barrier blocking the rain from hitting Takashi.

"As long as you don't rat me out, we'll be fine." Takashi says with a smile. "Put Uryu on my back."

Here's the last chapter as promised! Thanks for reaching the goal everyone!

Let me know what you think below as the plot finally starts! Please continue to support the work! There might be more chapters at the top 10.


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