
Bleach: Another Story

A young man is given a second chance at life. He gets transmigrated into Bleach as Kurosaki Ichigo and was also given a normal system. Follow him in his journey as he gets girls and destroys his enemies. There are some techniques from other animes so there will be some references. There's also +18 scenes so you're already warned.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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198 Chs

Restoring What Was Stolen

"Hello, Rangiku-san!" Orihime greeted Rangiku joyfully when she arrived at The Urahara Shop. Rangiku who was busy reading a Vogue Magazine looked at her and smiled.

"Orihime!!" Rangiku got up, threw the magazine away and hugged the orange haired beauty. They hugged each other for a few seconds before releasing it.

"What brings you here, Orihime?" Rangiku asked her.

"I'm here to do my daily training with Ichigo. " Orihime answered her truthfully. Rangiku raised an eyebrow at her.

" Girls your age should be hanging out with your friends. Why are you here training with Ichigo? " Rangiku asked while feeling confused. Orihime chuckled.

" Because I want to get stronger so that I can fight side by side with him without him worrying constantly about me. Shopping and hanging out can wait for a while And besides, I already have you guys as friends. " Orihime answered with a bright smile on her face. Rangiku sighed in defeat.

"At least I tried..." She muttered.

"Why not train with us, Rangiku-san? It'll be fun!" Orihime suggested. Rangiku immediately shook her head.

"Oh no no! I'm not feeling well today. My stomach is feeling painful, yeah that's it!" Rangiku gave a very poor excuse. Orihime giggled.

"You're very funny, Rangiku-san! C'mon, let's go!" Orihime grabbed Rangiku's hand and forcefully dragged her along with her.

"H-hey! I said I don't wanna train! I'm really not feeling well!" Rangiku whined. Orihime laughed.

"You'll love it I promise. Yes, there's a lot of sweat and soreness involved. But the feeling of getting stronger at the end of the day is motivating and very addicting. " Orihime smiled at her. Rangiku frowned and stayed silent.

They arrived at the training facility. Rangiku immediately stared at Ichigo who was swinging a long, giant metal pole like he was swinging a sword.

The metal pole had weights bigger than a 14 wheeler's tires. The total amount of weight on the weights is equal to 2 tons of weight. This training is the reason why Ichigo can swing his claymores like he's waving a small stick.

"1499..... 1500!" Ichigo grunted as he put the weights down gently. He sighed and looked at the newcomers. His serious expression immediately brightened up.

"Orihime! Rangiku!" Ichigo greeted them happily while waving at them.

"Hi Ichigo!" Orihime greeted back joyfully. She looked at Rangiku who was in a daze. She was staring at something.

Orihime looked at where Rangiku was looking and giggled. Rangiku was staring at Ichigo's muscular chest.

'What the hell? Every single detail on his chest is so perfect! Holy crap! No wonder why the ladies go crazy around him! ' Rangiku gulped and looked down at his pants.

'I wonder.... ' Rangiku was about to think about the unthinkable but Orihime snapped her out of it just in time.

"Are you okay, Rangiku-san? You're dazing off." Orihime asked Rangiku sweetly. Rangiku nodded.

"I'm fine, Orihime. I just don't feel so sure about this. This just doesn't feel right." Rangiku muttered feeling a bit. uncomfortable the longer she stayed in the training facility.

Orihime frowned and looked at Ichigo who had a serious aura around him. 'So this is what you wanted my help with.' She thought to herself.



Flashback to the day before any of that happened. Ichigo and Orihime were sitting together on a grassy field.

"So you're saying that Rangiku-san is missing a piece of her soul because it got absorbed by Aizen's Hōgyoku a long time ago. " Orihime reiterated Ichigo's explanation. Ichigo nodded.

" Precisely. " Ichigo muttered.

" And you want me to restore it. " Orihime added. Ichigo nodded again.

" You can revive dead animals now, Orihime. I'm sure this will be a piece of cake for you." Ichigo told her with a nonchalant expression.

"This is my first time doing this. What if I mess her soul up even more? " Orihime asked with a worried tone. Ichigo ruffled her hair gently.

" Don't think about all of that, Orihime. I know that you will succeed. " Ichigo motivated her. Orihime smiled a little.

" Thanks Ichigo. I needed that. "



Back to the present.

" Ummm.... What are you guys going to do to me? " Rangiku asked worriedly. She was sitting on the ground in a meditative position.

" Oh it's nothing harmful. We're just gonna restore what was stolen from you. Now just relax, it'll take only a few minutes at best." Ichigo reassured. Without saying anything, Orihime summoned a half-oval orange dome that covered Rangiku. It was Sōten Kisshun, except it was different now.

'Sōten Kisshun, Restoration. I reject! ' Orihime chanted in her mind. She knelt down on the ground and began to work.

Orihime could sense the inner workings of Rangiku. She could immediately sense something wrong near her soul. It was like someone only took a bite of out of an apple and didn't finish it.

Orihime quickly started restoring the missing piece of Rangiku's Soul. It only took a few minutes to get the job done.

The dome disappeared and her hairpins returned to Orihime. Rangiku opened her eyes and blinked repeatedly. She looked around.

"Huh? What happened? I thought you said that you were going to restore something that was stolen from me? " Rangiku pouted at Ichigo.

" You lied to me! Hmph!" Rangiku huffed childishly. Ichigo chuckled.

" I did not lie, Rangiku. Would you be so kind and sense your soul please?" Ichigo asked her.

"Sure sure..." Rangiku sighed and closed her eyes. Two seconds have only passed and Rangiku opened her eyes widely.

"Do you feel it now?" Ichigo asked her. Rangiku nodded.

" The missing piece. It's back." Rangiku whispered. Ichigo smiled.

" That's what I meant by restoring what was stolen from you. A princess like you does not deserve a life of mediocrity. Everyone deserves to be the best version of themselves, no one is excluded to this rule." Ichigo explained. Rangiku squealed happily.

" Eeek!!! I wanna push you to the ground and ride you till sunset right now!!" Rangiku declared.

" In front of Orihime? " Ichigo looked at Orihime who was giggling in amusement. Rangiku looked at Orihime.

" Double team?" Rangiku suggested. Orihime nodded.

" Yes, double team. But not now, we still have to train. " Orihime reminded her. Rangiku sighed.

" Of course, training. " Rangiku whispered.

" Uh.... What's this, Rangiku-san? " Orihime asked her.

" What's what? " Rangiku asked her back feeling super confused. Orihime grabbed Rangiku's right hand.

" This. " Orihime pointed at the nails on her index finger. The nails on Rangiku's right index finger were bright red. There was also a pitch black circle drawn on the red nails.

'I swear that circle looks like the Soul King's eyes. I mean people have been speculating that she has a nail of the Soul King on her.....Holy shit, Orihime you cute genius! I think you just gave Rangiku a power up! ' Ichigo thought to himself while widening his eyes in realization.

"Oh yeah! I remember this! This odd nail is what I used to have when I was a child. When one of my soul piece got taken away, this nail disappeared without a trace. And now it's back! " Rangiku smiled happily.

" Hmmm..... " Ichigo looked at Rangiku.

" Hey Rangiku. Guide your Reiryoku to your index finger that has the weird nail on it. " Ichigo ordered her. Rangiku tilted her head cutely at him.

"Why?" Rangiku asked him.

"No reason. I just wanna see what happens when you do it." Ichigo explained. Rangiku shrugged, what's the worst that could happen right?

When Rangiku's Reiryoku was guided to her right index finger, the black eye on the nails started flowing up to her fingers and to her hand. It was flowing up to her elbows slowly.

Her skin was slowly turning black and there was a red aura around her right hand.


All of a sudden, a black spike rose out of her hand in a flash. "What the fuck!!!" Rangiku squealed in horror. She immediately stopped channeling her Reiryoku to her index finger.

The spike went into Rangiku's hand again and her transforming skin retuned back to it's original color. The weird nail was still there still looking the same as before.

Orihime and Ichigo looked at her with a surprise look on their faces. Rangiku looked at her right hand in disbelief.

"What the fuck was that!?

To be continued.....