
Bleach: Another Story

A young man is given a second chance at life. He gets transmigrated into Bleach as Kurosaki Ichigo and was also given a normal system. Follow him in his journey as he gets girls and destroys his enemies. There are some techniques from other animes so there will be some references. There's also +18 scenes so you're already warned.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
198 Chs


"What's wrong?" Ichigo asked as he got up. Rukia showed him her phone. Ichigo narrowed his eyes and leaned closer to the phone.

"What's the 12 other dots supposed to be?" Ichigo asked Rukia.

" Those 12 dots are Hollows and they're heading towards our direction." Rukia explained. Ichigo widened his eyes.

'What. This didn't happen in the original. But Master Gyatsu did tell me that the battlefield is where the unexpected will be expected.' Ichigo thought to himself. He looked at Rukia in the eyes.

"Then we'll deal with them." Ichigo declared. Rukia shook her head.

"No. You aren't a Shinigami, if you kill them their sins cannot be purified meaning that they cannot go to Soul Society." Rukia argued.

"Then make me one!" Ichigo shouted with a grin on his face.

" Hell no! It's illegal!" Rukia argued while crossing her arms.

" Awww man.... " Ichigo whined and sighed in defeat.

" Fine. You win. I'll just sit here and watch. " Ichigo sat down on the rubble filled ground. Rukia smiled a little and walked out to the streets.


Ichigo heard a lot of Hollows roaring loudly and stomping towards them. ' She can remove her limiter if the situation requires it so I probably don't need to worry too much. But I still need the powers though! ' Ichigo thought to himself. He calmed down and looked at Rukia.

Rukia was standing outside with her katana unsheathed. She was waiting for the Hollows to attack. She didn't have to wait long.

One Hollow appeared behind her and slammed its giant hand down.

Rukia jumped out of the way and cutting it's hand while doing it. The Hollow roared in pain. Rukia didn't stand there and leaped up towards its head.

Rukia slashed downwards cutting the Hollow in half. The Hollow disappeared into ashes. Rukia landed on the ground gracefully and smirked.

"This is going to be easy." She muttered. She jumped away again. A black hand slammed into the ground destroying it. Rukia severed it's arms with one slice and jumped up to the air.

When she was about to cut it in half, she was kicked away by a giant clawed leg. Rukia flipped and landed on the ground.

She saw two Hollows in front of her. She looked around and saw 3 Hollows on her left, 3 on her right and 3 more Hollows behind her.

They roared angrily and started stomping towards her. Rukia was worried a little but she shoved that emotion to the back of her mind and dashed to the two Hollows in front of her.

Once she was close enough she leaped at the Hollows

She easily sliced the first Hollow's mask in half. The other swung its claw-like hand at Rukia. Rukia raised her right hand up.

"Bakudo #8: Seki."

An orb of light blue energy was generated above Rukia's hand. The claw-like hand struck the blue energy.


The hand was repelled back and the Hollow lost its balance. Rukia quickly sliced its mask in half. The Hollow screamed and slowly turned into ashes.

Rukia was turning around when suddenly a giant hand slammed her back to Ichigo's house.


Rukia slammed into the brick wall of Ichigo's house. Ichigo widened his eyes and appeared in front of her.

He unstrapped his curved claymore and looked at the Hollow who did that to her.

He disappeared and reappeared in front of the Hollow. The Hollow couldn't react on time when Ichigo decapitated him.

While the head was falling down to the ground, the body slowly turned into ashes and disappeared. The head met the same fate.

Rukia was coughing while she got up. She looked over herself and groaned. She had three slash wounds that started from her left shoulder to the center of her torso.

"Rukia!" Ichigo appeared in front of her. He gently sat her down again.

"I'm fine human! Just ket me finish the job!" Rukia shouted at him. Ichigo shook his head.

"I'm not letting you do that. Look at your wounds. I'm not letting you die in front of me." Ichigo looked at her seriously.

" This is nothing. We Shinigami have better endurance than you humans!" Rukia argued stubbornly. Ichigo gripped her shoulders tightly.

"Like I said Rukia. I'm not letting you die." Ichigo argued calmly.

"Why do you care so much?!" Rukia shouted angrily but also feeling confused at the same time.

"Because you're the only friend that has special powers like I do!" Ichigo shouted back. Rukia gasped and widened her eyes.

"Y-you have special powers?" Rukia stuttered out. Ichigo smiled a little and nodded.

"I'll show you them tomorrow. But you have to rest, Rukia. These wounds are very deep." Ichigo looked at her wounds and sighed.

"But who's going to finish them all?" Rukia asked him with furrowed eyebrows. Ichigo raised an eyebrow and pointed his index finger to himself.

Rukia sighed and looked at her katana. She raised it and pointed the blade at Ichigo's chest. "When I stab this blade into you,I will pour some of my power into you so you will become a Shinigami." Rukia explained the process to him. Ichigo nodded understanding it but Rukia had more to say.

"Are you sure you want to do this, human? I don't know if this'll actually work." Rukia asked him with uncertainty in her voice. Ichigo sighed.

" It's the only option we have. I'm willing to take the risk to protect you and my family. " Ichigo answered with a warm smile on his face. Rukia snorted.

"You fool! I don't need protection! " Rukia argued. Ichigo chuckled.

"We'll see about that. " Ichigo muttered. Rukia looked at Ichigo's brown eyes.

"By the way, I didn't get your name. May I ask for your name?" Rukia asked him. Ichigo smiled and grabbed the sharp blade. He got closer so the tip of the katana was barely pricking his chest.

"My name is Kurosaki Ichigo, just call me Ichigo." Ichigo introduced himself with a grin.

He pulled the blade to himself while Rukia pushes.


It resulted in a powerful surge of energy that releases waves of force in all directions. Ichigo felt a new force entering his body, he smirked. "It's Shinigami time." He muttered with a grin.

The Hollows roared and pushed through the force. Suddenly, one of them had their arm severed. Then it suddenly had its mask cut in half. The Hollow crumbled to nothingness.

Ichigo landed on the ground gracefully and glared at the Hollows standing in front of him.

Rukia who is now in a white shihakusho looked at Ichigo with surprise. "He absorbed all of my powers. But how? I was only giving him half of it. " She muttered to herself while looking at Ichigo.

Ichigo was in a new uniform. He had a shihakusho on. Rukia widened her eyes. "That design. I've never seen it before!" She muttered to herself.

Ichigo's shihakusho was pure white. He had a black belt tying around his waist and black beads tying around his chest. He was also wearing black boots. He had two black X's on his wrists and an X marking on his chest. Ichigo also had black markings circling his neck.

But perhaps the most noticeable thing about him were the two blades he was holding in his hands. It was the blades he used before he turned to a Shinigami. But one of the blades changed. [Pic]

"What kind of a human is he? I've never met a human with enough Reiryoku to confuse my senses, I've never met a human who has enough strength to kill a Hollow with one slash. I've never met a human.... that has two Asauchi as large as their bodies!!" Rukia was flabbergasted. All she could do was marvel at Ichigo's strangeness.

Ichigo looked at the Hollows and suddenly disappeared from Rukia's vision.

'First Form: Thunderclap and Flash, Ninefold.'


In a flash, all of the Hollow's masks and their heads were sliced in half. Ichigo appeared in the air and disappeared.

He reappeared beside Rukia who was still shocked beyond belief. "I told you I could do it." Ichigo grinned at her. Rukia huffed.

" Yeah. And all it took was you absorbing all of my powers, idiot." Rukia looked at him angrily.

" Oh shit. Can I return them? " Ichigo asked her. Rukia shook her head.

" It's safer if I wait for my powers to return slowly. But I need a place to stay. " Rukia looked at him. Ichigo nodded.

"I have the perfect place for you to stay, Rukia....

To be continued....