
Bleach! The world of Fang and blade!

So you died, only to find yourself being chased by hollows! Does that mean that the world of Bleach is real? And who the hell is this guy with glasses? Follow Greyson as he finds himself entering into the world of Bleach! After a fateful encounter, he wakes up in the Rukon district with a new system to help him on his journey! Enter the world of bleach with a system! If you love Bleach and want more, check out my Patreon page! https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 20: Jūryoku no Megami, part 2!

Grayson opened his eyes and took in his surroundings as he once again found himself inside his inner world. The place was surrounded by a thin mist like the last time, with Grayson being able to make out concrete pillars in the darkness with some floating in the air and others radiating a black form of energy into the sky that was filled with stars of all kinds, realizing that they were the only source of light.

"Looks like I did it," Grayson said to himself, seeing that he certainly wasn't in his room anymore.

"So, you have finally decided to pay me a visit again?" A female voice suddenly said, distracting him from his thoughts and getting his attention.

"You..." Grayson said, seeing the distorted form of a woman standing before him, just as he had done last time.

"You can still not see me, can you?" The voice said, seeming disappointed.

"What do you mean?" Grayson asked, not understanding.

"Don't you already know?" The shadow said as it slowly walked over to what looked like a broken throne and sat down.

Grayson watched as the shadow sat down, feeling bad that he couldn't even see his own zanpakuto's form, having a sudden idea of what he could try and do.

"Hmm... Maybe if I put my last two points into Zanjutsu." Grayson thought as he opened his stat screen.

Name: Grayson.

Level 25. (3400/12000).

Class: Soul reaper of squad five. 5th seat.

Health: 235/235

Stamina: 235/235

Reiatsu/Reiryoku: 285/285

Skills- Hadō 31 Shakkahō level 3/10.

Hadō 1 Shō level 2/10.

Flash step 4/10

Strength: 25/100 (1/10)

Speed: 15/100 (1/10)

Intelligence: 55/100 (1/10)

Enhanced skills -

Zanjutsu: 2/10 (1/10)

Zanpakuto name: Jūryoku no Megami.

Hakuda: 5/10 (0/10)

Kidō: 3/10 (0/10)

Skill points available: 2.

Grayson looked at his stats screen and placed his last two skill points into his Zanjutsu skill, feeling the instant upgrade before he closed the display screen and looked back over to the shadow.

Grayson's vision of his zanpakuto started to change slowly before the blurry shadow started to take shape.

The shadow form of his zanpakuto slowly took shape, revealing her full appearance. It was a beautiful woman with long black hair, black lips and black makeup around her eyes. She had a seductive smile on her face as she crossed her legs, causing Grayson to turn red as he saw that she was only wearing what looked like a black corset with knee-high black boots and some sort of armoured black gloves that reached up past her elbows.

(See picture in comments here! This picture is the best I could find for how I see her in my head.)

"Oh... Is what I am seeing true." She suddenly said, leaning forwards on her throne.

"Can you finally see me?" She asked, seeing her own reflection in his eyes.

Grayson quickly regained his composure and took his eyes off of her exposed cleavage, looking into her dark eyes, feeling as if they were sucking him in.

"You are my zanpakuto..." Grayson asked slowly.

"What's wrong, master... Are you disappointed, or were you not expecting me to look like this or something?" She asked before she stood up and started walking over towards him.

Grayson didn't know what to do and simply stood still, watching as she did a circle around him before standing in front of him.

"I take it you want to learn how to control my power?" She suddenly said as she turned her back to him.

Grayson gulped as he looked her up and down, taking a quick peak at her ass for a second before looking back up at her head.

Suddenly Grayson felt a power come over him and dropped to his knees, feeling as if something was crushing him.

"Arghh!" He yelled in pain.

"W-What is this?" He said, having to use all of his strength to look towards his zanpakuto spirit.

"It's not spiritual pressure..." He thought, feeling the weight grow stronger as his body dropped flat onto the ground.

"Hmm, you can't even withstand that much?" His zanpakuto said before she clicked her fingers and stopped whatever was holding Grayson down.

Grayson felt the weight disappear and took a huge breath of air, having been unable to even breathe under such pressure.

"W-What the hell was that?" He asked, between breaths.

"You want to control my power?" She suddenly asked as she sat back down on the broken throne.

Grayson slowly sat up, keeping his guard up as he looked her in the eye.

"What in the hell was that?" Grayson thought, feeling a little overwhelmed by what was happening.

"If you really want to control my power then you should at least be able to withstand that." His zanpakuto said, sitting back down on the broken throne.

"I guess this will do for now." She then said as she tossed him a normal sword, letting it crash onto the ground before it slid over to his feet.

"Here is your test." She said slowly, crossing her legs again as she said it, doing it on purpose as she had already grown fond of toying with him.

"If you can reach me with that sword, then I will lend you my power... However, If you cannot... Well, you will see." She said as she leaned back into her seat.

Grayson looked down at the basic sword and then back at his zanpakuto spirit.

"So, all I need to do is reach you with this sword?" He asked, watching as she nodded her head.

"Alright then," Grayson said as he crouched down and gripped the handle of the sword in his right hand, getting ready to pick it up.

Suddenly the weight that he had felt before returned, giving him the crushing feeling that he had felt before.

"Ahh... Shit!" Grayson said as he did his best to pick up the sword and stand to his feet.

"Oh?" His zanpakuto said in surprise as she watched his resolve.

"His body has already adapted to the weight after only experiencing it once?" She thought as she watched him take a step forwards.

"How very interesting..."

"This pressure..." Grayson said, doing his best to take another step, using his spirit energy to boost his abilities, trying to power through the best he could.

"I can do it... Just a little bit further!" He said to himself, seeing that he was only another six steps away from his goal.

"Come on! Almost there!" He shouted as he took another step, feeling his forearms and legs burning as he tried to keep his grip on the sword while holding himself up with his legs.

"Very good, just a little further." His zanpakuto said as she watched with interest.

Grayson had only three steps left to go and took one more, getting even closer to his goal.

However, the weight that he felt upon his body became even greater as he felt his legs give way under him and crashed onto his knees.

"N-No way!" Grayson thought as the weight upon him increased, seeming to freeze him in place as his body went into shock from the pressure it felt.

"I-I-I can't move..." He thought, feeling his arms burning as he almost dropped the sword, using all of his strength to keep hold of it.

"My, you really are a stubborn one." His zanpakuto said as she uncrossed her legs and stood up, looking down at him with a disappointed look.

"However, it would seem that I overestimated you. And I have no use for a weak master." She then said as she held her arm out, materializing the Shikai form of her sword and grasping the hilt in her hand.

"If you cannot even reach me, then you have no right to borrow my power." She said, pointing the sword at him.

Grayson could feel the immense weight over him, crushing his very soul as he tried to fight against it.

"N-No! I won't give up!" Grayson yelled, forcing all of his spirit energy into his body as he used it to boost his strength, allowing him to stand back to his feet.

"Not possible..." His zanpakuto said in surprise.

"You can really move under this weight..." She said as she looked at the expression on his face.

"I will not give up!" Grayson yelled, taking another step forwards as he held the sword in his hands tight.

"L-Lend me your power... Jūryoku no Megami!!!" Grayson yelled at the top of his lungs as he took his last step, thrusting the sword in his hands towards her, watching as it went right through her chest, causing her entire body to glow.

Suddenly her body exploded in a burst of spirit pressure as the weight over Grayson lifted, leaving him feeling as light as a feather.

"I did it..." He said, feeling his body start to recover from the stress it had been under.

"Jūryoku no Megami... I understand now." Grayson then said as he squeezed the hilt of the sword he was now holding in his hand, seeing that it was his Shikai release.

Slowly a dark spirit pressure started to radiate off of the blade before it took the form of Jūryoku no Megami once more as she wrapped her arms around his neck from behind him.

"Well done... Master..." She whispered in his ear before she released him and twirled to the side.

"I will lend you my power whenever you need it... Just leave it all to me." She said as she stroked his chin with her fingers before she disappeared back into the sword in his hand, leaving Grayson standing alone inside of his inner world.


Alright thats the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it.

More coming soon!