
Blazing eyes (Uchiha OCSI)

Being reborn in a world full of monsters, the young Uchiha realizes that he would need overwhelming skill to survive. But he doesn't have much time, as he is only older than Itachi by one year. How will Kaen Uchiha live and survive in a world where he is in constant danger? Not a gamer system, no wishes, just old plain Sharingan that is all you need. Check Fanfiction(dot)net for the rest of the chapters and other stories. It is the same name. (I am the original author, just transitioning to Webnovel too.)

Ironwolf852 · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Kaen's body felt incredibly light. Even as flames escaped his skin, he didn't feel any pain. After all, the stored chakra in his seal burned, not his body. It was a year's worth of chakra trapped in the seal, now released for Kaen to use. Still, he found it hard to control his chakra volume. But it was fine, as both previous Hokages and Orochimaru could take it, no matter what he threw.

Trees exploded from the ground Kaen stood on. Kaen avoided them by launching himself forward toward Orochimaru. Yet the stream of water crashed at Kaen, making him hold. Using one sign was all he needed to mold his chakra to create a wall of flames to block any further water from reaching him. The area filled with steam as fire and water clashed against each other. Only Kaen's eyes could see through it.

Kaen soon found Orochimaru within the steam and went after him. Yet, the Second Hokage interfered and blocked his path. Even though he couldn't use his signature Flying Thunder God jutsu, he still possessed sensing abilities and great speed. Yet Kaen easily blocked the Second's kick and grabbed his leg before throwing him at the First Hokage.

Kaen was stronger and faster than ever while his seal was open, as he could use the chakra he stored. While Kaen could feel that the chakra burned rather quickly, he still had much of it. Enough to throw one high-level jutsu after another to burn Orochimaru's summoned snakes and trees trying to trap him. As well as to block the water jutsu trying to take him down.

"You will have to try harder, Orochimaru," Kaen said as he faced both the First and Second Hokage.

Kaen didn't have any trouble fighting both previous Hokages at the same time. While he occupied them, Kaen saw that the Fourth Kazekage made his move and, using his sand, tried to capture Orochimaru. The battle has turned tables as Kaen could suppress the reanimated Hokages alone. While Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage, overpowered Orochimaru.

Blocking a punch from the First, Kaen kicked the Second away. His sharingan saw through all attacks. With his speed, he could react to them in time to counter them with powerful attacks of his own. Kaen quickly knocked them back, and before they could come at him again, he molded his chakra to create another powerful fire jutsu.

"Fire Style: Fire Lotus Jutsu."

From the ground where the previous Hokage stood, giant lotus made of fire emerged, consuming them and restricting their movements. Still, they were called the god of shinobi for a reason, and the Second quickly managed to free one of his hands before they were turned to ashes and create a hand sign, calling water around him.

"Water Style: Fury of the Torrential Deluge Jutsu," The Second announced his jutsu name.

Vast amounts of water started to form an immense vortex, rapidly increasing in size and power, canceling Kaen's fire lotus and freeing the previous Hokage. But it wasn't the end. The churning whirlpool soon expanded outward, becoming a massive dome of raging water covering a vast area, including the ground and the air. Then, it was launched at Kaen.

"Secret Technique: Splitting Skies."

Kaen smiled at the powerful water jutsu coming to him, and instead of trying to dodge it or block it, he spun his chain before slashing at the vortex of water—the water split in two and passed by Kaen from both sides. But it wasn't only the water that split. The ground before Kaen had a deep cut into it. But his chain broke into hundreds of pieces, unable to withstand Kaen's strength. Yet he wasn't done yet.

Kneading his chakra and converting it to fire was easy enough for Kaen as his chakra was already in fire nature. That was one of the conditions for creating the Hundred Suns seal. Kaen had to turn it into nature to store the chakra in the seal. So, he made it in fire nature, as he was best at fire nature ninjutsu. It let him mold his chakra fast and create powerful fire jutsu.

"Fire Style: Great Flame Flower"

To some, being unable to use other jutsu styles might be a problem, but Kaen excelled in fire release. Kaen took great pride in creating dozens of fireballs in the air and throwing them at his opponents. He could combine his chakra with his archery if he had better control. But he feared that he would break his bow and arrows with this much chakra. After all, it was his first time using the seal, and he could already tell it wasn't in this perfect form.

"Wood Style: Unbreakable Dome."

The First Hokage covered himself and his brother in the wooden dome as the fireballs rained down on them. The powerful jutsu they threw at each other made their marks in the desert. Massive sand domes were formed by the water pushing the sand around. Scorch marks were left around them from Kaen's fire-style jutsu. Yet, the First's wood style left no marks but still was able to protect them from Kaen's jutsu.

"I think this is the end, Orochimaru," Kaen said to Orochimaru, who kept his distance to protect himself and only defended against Rasa.

"You have grown far beyond my expectations," Orochimaru replied. "But I should have expected it. When the first time we fought, you were still a child compared to what you are now. I have to say, I have never seen a seal like the one on your body. But it does feel similar to Strength of a Hundred Seals."

"You have a good eye, but I had to make some modifications because it wasn't suited for me," Kaen said with a proud smile. "But please don't be scared and surrender. I want to destroy you."

"We shall see," Orochimaru said with a smirk.

Kaen knew Orochimaru wasn't a fool and quickly realized that Kaen couldn't hold his new form for long. And he promptly retreated with the previous Hokage to have a defensive formation. Kaen wasn't worried too much. He still had enough time left to take him down. Still, Kaen knew he couldn't fight the previous Hokage any longer and should seal them.

"Don't worry about Orochimaru, Kazekage," Kaen said as Rasa returned to Kaen's side. "My shadow clones will keep him busy. I will destroy the Hokage's body; you shall capture them in your sand. Then I will be able to seal them."

"Which Hokage?" Rasa asked.

"Both," Kaen replied, molding his chakra.

"At the same time?" Rasa asked, but Kaen had already made a hand sign.

"Secret Fire Style: Crimson Butterfly Jutsu."

Hundreds of fire butterflies appeared around Kaen. Then they turned into thousands before there were too many to count. The butterflies soon scattered and went for the previous Hokage. The second used his water-style jutsu to take them down, but the butterflies, like having a mind of their own, flew around the water attacks and landed on the Hokages, covering their bodies entirely.

"This is the end," Kaen announced, and he could see the previous Hokages smile at him.

The butterflies exploded into palm-sized flames. They couldn't do much damage to the previous Hokage on their own, but hundreds and thousands of them ripped their bodies apart. Seeing the scene, Orochimaru tried to interfere but was stopped by dozens of arrows flying toward him. Seeing his chance, Rasa summoned his golden sand and buried the previous Hokage under it.

To finish the job, Kaen used his chains to wrap the sand coffins before slamming his palms and sealing them with an unbreakable fuinjutsu. Kaen had fun fighting against the previous Hogake, as they gave him many challenges. But Kaen decided to end it once he spent enough of the chakra and became more comfortable controlling it.

"Your arsenal of Jutsu is even more impressive than I imagined," Orochimaru said, seeing that the previous Hokages were sealed.

"You haven't seen it all," Kaen replied, forming a hand sign.

The arrows scattered around them resonated with Kaen's chakra and formed a massive seal on the ground where Orochimaru stood. Kaen only gave a smile as a warning before activating the seal, creating an enormous explosion that reached the skies. Rasa barely managed to lift his golden sand to block the shockwave.

Once the dust and smoke cleared, Kaen looked at the crater he created. His sharingan scanned to see Orochimaru getting out of the ground, battered and injured. But Kaen kept his guard up, not knowing what Orochimaru could have under his sleeve. Kaen didn't believe he got Orochimaru so easily, but he still couldn't hesitate and moved to confront him.

Not wasting words, Kaen grabbed Orochimaru and smashed him into the ground. Only to be revealed that it wasn't Orochimaru but a mud clone. A giant snake emerged from the ground where Kaen stood and tried to swallow Kaen whole, but it was too slow to catch Kaen. Kaen dodged it and backed off a few meters away. With the snake, Orochimaru emerged from the ground, too.

"You had the nerve to use me like this, Orochimaru," Kaen heard the snake mutter in a low voice.

"You will survive, Manda," Orochimaru replied. "Now return to Ryuchi cave."

"Hmph, you are only prolonging your inevitable fate, Orochimaru," Kaen said, seeing the snake disappear in smoke. "Will you start to run again, or shall we finish this once and for all?"

Kaen observed what Orochimaru would do but also kept an eye on Rasa. The Fourth Kazekage ensured the sand coffins were secure, and the previous Hokage couldn't escape. Still, Rasa also watched Kaen and Orochimaru waiting for an opportunity to strike. Orochimaru was breathing heavily. Even though he didn't look like he had severe injuries, he was still not in his best condition.

"I can see your chakra still burning brightly," Orochimaru replied, taking out his sword. "I can imagine it gives you quite a bit of strength, similar to Akimichi clan secret jutsu. You could easily match and even overpower the previous Hokage in taijutsu. I truly wish I could have your body, but alas, I know when I am outmatched."

"Then run," Kaen said. "For I shall begin the hunt."

Kaen smiled and looked at the sky. Orochimaru followed his gaze. Both of them saw a rain of arrows falling on them. Kaen's shadow clones were too far to hit Orochimaru directly but were great for support. Orochimaru grunted and used his sword to deflect the arrows while trying to back off. Kaen used his sharingan to predict the landing of the arrows to step around them.

While Orochimaru was stuck deflecting the arrows, Kaen was able to land a kick into Orochimaru's chest without any resistance. Orochimaru flew through the arrows hitting the ground, but he quickly got on his feet. the arrows continue to fall on him, piercing his skin and flesh. Kaen could tell that Orochimaru had used a lot of chakra by summoning the previous Hokage and the giant snake, yet he still managed to surprise Kaen.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough."

It wasn't a complicated jutsu, but Orochimaru used it with a lot of force. Orochimaru exhaled a powerful gust of wind into the air, knocking out all the arrows coming at him. Leaving a clearance around him, at least for a while, until another volley comes from Kaen's shadow clones. Using the opening, Orochimaru tried to run, but before he could, Kaen used his still-intact chain to catch his leg and drag him back.

"This is the end of the line for you, Orochimaru," Kaen said. "You exhausted everything you could."

"Finger bullets!" Kaen was quickly proven mistaken and had to let Orochimaru go as he dodged fragments of bone flying at him. "Orochimaru-sama, I am sorry to be late. Please leave. I will buy you as much time as I can."

"Kimimaru," Orochimaru smirked at Kaen as the white-haired and pale young man stood to protect him. "Use everything you have."

Orochimaru had no heartwarming speech as he left the boy and retreated. Kaen was about to pursue it when bones emerged from Kimimaru's body, forming a dragon. Rasa rushed to stop Orochimaru but was stopped by Kimimaru as the sharply pointed bones burst out of the ground, almost piercing Rasa's and Kaen's legs.

"Neither of you will pass me," Kimimaru announced. "Not until I am dead."

"Kaen," Yugao appeared next to them. "Be careful. His kekkei genkai lets him manipulate bone. His defenses are hard to break, and his offensive is powerful. We couldn't stop him."

Although Yugao wasn't injured much, Kaen could tell she was tired. Kaen looked at Kimimaru to find wounds on his body, but he still stood firm. Not wanting Orochimaru to escape, Kaen molded his chakra. He had to end Kimimaru fast and not allow him to fight back. So, Kaen used as much chakra as he could.

"Did you know bones burn at two temperature points?" Kaen asked. "First, organic materials of bones start to burn at three hundred Celsius. The not-organic at six hundred Celsius. Rasa, I need an oven."

Understanding what Kaen wanted, Rasa quickly created walls and a roof around Kimimaru, leaving only a small opening for Kaen to see inside. Using his molded chakra, Kaen used what he called Hellfire Jutsu. Slamming his palms into the ground, a flame emerged from within the sand oven. It was dark flame, and soon, they could hear Kimimaru's scream before all went silent.

Rasa let the sand fall to the ground, revealing only ashes-covered the ground. There was no body left, nor any bone. Not wasting time, Kaen quickly tried to rush to chase Orochimaru, but he collapsed on the ground just as he took a step. He was out of chakra. It was hard to control the chakra within the seal, so it was impossible to predict how much he had at any time. But after using so many high-level jutsu, it shouldn't have been a surprise that he had exhausted all of it.

"Kaen, are you all right?" Yugao came to Kaen and helped him to his feet.

"The chakra in my seal is gone," I explained. "It feels like I went from hundred to zero in one second. Don't worry about me. I need to get used to it. Go after Orochimaru."

"I can't," Yugao whispered into Kaen's ear.

Kaen followed Yugao's gaze to see Rasa looking at them. Kaen realized quickly that Rasa might use his weakened body to kill him. After all, Kaen was a powerful shinobi from another village—a village he planned to attack. Anko and Hana came up to them soon, too. So, Rasa didn't dare to fight them all simultaneously, but it would be a perfect opportunity if they left Kaen alone.

Rasa didn't seem to be too concerned about Orochimaru either. It was clear that Rasa would prefer Orochimaru to be alive and give trouble for Konoha; that way, they couldn't truly invest themselves fighting Suna. They would have to make a peace pact, even if Rasa tried to attack Konoha. Rasa was a Kazekage for a reason, and he saw an opportunity to minimize the fallout with Konoha.

A.N. As always, If you want more, up to seven advanced chapters, you can support me on pa treon. com \ ironwolf852. And if you have any requests for stories, I will only take them on my pa treon.