
Blazing eyes (Uchiha OCSI)

Being reborn in a world full of monsters, the young Uchiha realizes that he would need overwhelming skill to survive. But he doesn't have much time, as he is only older than Itachi by one year. How will Kaen Uchiha live and survive in a world where he is in constant danger? Not a gamer system, no wishes, just old plain Sharingan that is all you need. Check Fanfiction(dot)net for the rest of the chapters and other stories. It is the same name. (I am the original author, just transitioning to Webnovel too.)

Ironwolf852 · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Using fang over fang jutsu while transforming into a four-headed wolf made a mess of the terrain and the enemy. Hana forced them to scatter and run away from her as she was unstoppable in this transformation. Hana's first target was the weirdo with two heads and probably no brain. He looked dangerous and probably had unpredictable abilities.

Hana knew how important vision was in battle; her opponent having two sets of eyes would be troublesome. But she had four sets of eyes watching him, so she wasn't too concerned. Having separated him from the rest, Hana was prepared to quickly finish him and return to help others if they needed any help.

Hana decided to use Fang over Fang jutsu again but wanted to rip her foe into pieces this time. Yet, before she could do so, she noticed her opponent change. His skin turned darker, and he grew horns from his head. She didn't want to wait for him to reveal his abilities and attacked him again. Hana went straight through him, yet she didn't feel the impact she should.

Hana separated from her dogs, the three Haimaru brothers, and transformed into her original form. As aspected, when she turned to her opponent, he was fine. No, they were fine. Instead of a two-headed man, two bodies stood with two limbs covered in metallic scales. Hana didn't know if there were any flesh under the scales.

Hana's foes smirked at her, but she wasn't too worried. They weren't on her level, and she knew it because they couldn't react to her movements before. Hana already deducted that they could merge and separate from each other and maybe merge with other people. So, it was better not to give him a chance to do so.

Their reddish skin, horns on their foreheads, and black metallic and scaly limbs made them something inhuman. Was it the effect of the cursed seal Hana had heard of? Well, it didn't matter much. She had to take them down quickly and join the others, believing she had chosen the weakest of the enemies. It would be embarrassing if someone came to help her and saw her struggling.

She wasn't great at ninjutsu, but Hana was proud of her taijutsu. She believed it to be on par with Kaen. Hana communicated with her dogs before her opponent could say or do anything and drew her kunai before rushing at her opponent. As Hana expected, her foes were fast but nowhere near Kaen's level, nor did they possess reaction speed enough to counter Hana.

Hana ran in before her dogs and threw her kunai at one of the opponents. She heard a metallic clash as her foe blocked her kunai. Her weapon bounced off her enemy, but she expected that. Hana kicked her foe in his head once she was near him, forcing him to block it and cover his eyes. Using this chance, Hana grabbed the kunai that bounced off her opponent and thrust it to his eye as he lowered his metallic arm.

"Ukon!" The other opponent yelled out, seeing Hana down her foe.

Before the second could attack Hana, three more of Hana's clones rushed at him, pushing him back. He could barely block the clone movements, and aside from his metallic arm and leg, the rest of his body sustained severe damage. The real Hana finished her opponent by breaking his neck before she joined her clones.

"Fang over Fang!" Hana yelled out.

Her dogs transformed as they quickly understood what she meant and attacked her opponent from four sides together. The winds created by the jutsu ripped her opponent into pieces, only leaving the metallic limbs relatively safe. The rest of his body was a bloody mess that covered Hana and the ground. With a job well done, Hana quickly sealed her opponent's bodies before turning to the sounds of fighting.

In the end, Hana didn't even let her opponents fight back and finished them quickly. She couldn't have allowed herself to be distracted or feel pity for her opponents. Four other enemies were awaiting them, and then Orochimaru. Hana didn't believe that Kaen could lose, but she knew that Orochimaru was a difficult opponent and Kaen might need help to finish him.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

Anko looked as the redhead girl summoned three enormous and deformed bodies. From one glance, Anko could tell they were the work of Orochimaru. Anko felt pity for the girl. She was only a tool for Orochimaru and would die by her hands soon. Anko could understand why the girl fought. No one disobeyed orders from Orochimaru. Anko knew very well what that man was capable of.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

Anko answered the girl's summoning with her own. A giant blue snake with green eyes wrapped around Anko in a protective manner as the smoke cleared from summoning jutsu. Anko's summon towered over the redhead's summons. Yet Anko knew that her snake was still nimble and fast, even if he was as large as the tallest trees.

"Anko-sama, it hasn't been long since we made a contract, but you are already using me," The snake spoke. "You couldn't make me any happier. But is that Orochimaru I sense from the girl before you?"

"Aoda," Anko addressed her summon. "We don't have much time. There are other opponents we need to deal with after her."

"It won't be that simple," The Redhead said before taking her flute to her mouth. "No one has survived the sound of my flute. And you won't be an exception, disregarded trash."

"She has a foul mouth," Aoda commented. "I don't think we will like the sound of her flute. Be careful, Anko-sama."

As the redhead played her flute, her summons moved to the melody. Anko realized that the redhead's summons was mindless and moved only with the redhead's control. It was impressive that a girl her age could split her concentration to control them and still be able to move. But she was still just a girl, even if she could use the cursed seal's power.

Anko didn't bother to move and let Aoda take care of them. Anko's summoned snake moved swiftly, biting and ripping one of the redhead's summons with his fangs. With his tail, Aoda flung the other away and crushed the last one with his large body. Seeing that her summons amounted to nothing, the redhead's skin darkened as she pulled more power from the cursed seal.

Anko sighed. She knew what kind of price one had to make to pull power from the cursed seal. But the girl was already lost in her power, and there was little Anko could do to save her, especially if she didn't wish to be saved. Anko prepared to move since the girl was agile enough to dodge Aoda. Yet before she could, she heard the melody coming from the flute and felt her body melting, leaving nothing but bones.

"What did you do to, Anko-sama?" Aoda asked, trying to swallow the redhead whole as he saw that his master couldn't move.

"This is demonic melody," The redhead said, jumping over Aoda and rushing toward Anko. "You have fallen into my trap, and it is the end of you."

The redhead let out a sigh of relief. The snake was challenging to deal with, but if she managed to kill the summoner, the summon would disappear, too. Taking out a kunai, the redhead jumped to Anko and was about to stab her in the heart and finish the fight. Yet just as the redhead was to do so, Anko caught her hand and twisted, making the redhead drop her kunai.

"A pretty trick," Anko said. "But you are nowhere near the level to hold me in genjutsu. I was Orochimaru's student before. I can endure pain, girl."

Anko thought it would be better to keep her alive and get more information about Orochimaru and his hideouts, just in case. So, Anko broke the redhead's arms before stabbing her with her kunai covered in paralyzing poison. Anko quickly tied her tight as the redhead fell and made Aoda swallow her. The girl will be fine for a few hours in Aoda's stomach, and she won't be able to escape.

Yugao took a deep breath, calming her heart and senses while facing her two opponents. One was a tall and large young man. The other was dark-skinned and had six arms. Yugao concluded that the six-armed kid would be most troublesome to deal with as the large young man looked strong, but she didn't think he possessed great intelligence.

"The hell was that dog?" The six-armed boy asked as he got into his stance.

Yugao momentarily looked in the other direction to see Hana and Anko taking on their opponents, leaving Yugao with these two. The Daimyo guards were fighting the last shinobi of the Sound. Seeing that Orochimaru had brought them with him, they couldn't be too weak. She have not heard of them, but it would be best to deal with them quickly and not let them use any tricks that Orochimaru might have taught them.

"Deal with her, Jirobo," The six-armed boy ordered his comrade.

Yugao gracefully dodged the large young man's punch and jumped over him while drawing her sword, leaving an extended but too-shallow cut for her liking. Instead of turning back to fight the large young man named Jirobo, Yugao rushed at the six-armed boy. She stabbed her sword at his chest and pushed him back simultaneously. Yet she saw no blood.

"Kidomaru!" Jirobo yelled out for his friend.

Instead of trying to force her sword to cut Kidomaru, Yugao jumped back and dodged a kunai that he spit out. She felt Jirobo was rushing at her from behind, as his giant steps were quite loud. Yugao spun around him, leaving another cut. Still, it was too shallow again. Jirobo's body was quite sturdy, more than it usually should be.

"Summoning Jutsu!" Yugao turned to Kidomaru to see him summon a swarm of spiders.

Yugao smiled at the display. He was lucky not to face Kaen. Seeing the spiders, Kidomaru would be nothing but ashes at this point. Kaen had a special hatred for bugs, especially for spiders. But Yugao didn't rush to finish the fight. Firstly, she observed that Kidomaru had some substance covering his skin. It was the same substance that he spit at her.

"Step aside, Jirobo," Kidomaru said. "I will finish her."

The six-armed boy used his spiders to make a web to trap her, and behind that web, he threw kunai made of a weird light orange substance. Yugao didn't find cutting the webs and deflecting the kunai challenging. Her sword was swift and sharp, but she knew that it would be the best choice to stay on the defensive, as who knows how much chakra her opponents had, considering they had cursed seals.

Seeing that nothing worked for her, Yugao's opponents became frustrated and used their cursed seals to draw more power. Yugao saw that black tattoos quickly covered their bodies. After powering up, Jirobo slammed his hand into the ground and pulled out a boulder-sized stone before throwing it at Yugao.

Again, Yugao used her superb speed, easily dodging the attack, and went for Kidomaru. This time, she used the dust covering the area of the stone that hit the ground to get behind Kidomau. Yugao stabbed at his spine, willing to finish this fight, but to her surprise, Kidomaru dodged the attack and got away. Jirobo was again upon her, but Yugao found him too slow to possess any danger.

Ignoring his friend, Kidomaru threw more kunai and web to trap her. Instead of dodging or deflecting the attack, Yugao used Jirobo's large body as a shield and hid behind him. Jirobo took Kidomaru's attack without flinching and tried to punch Yugao, only for her to easily dodge him and make another cut along his arm.

"We need to use everything we have, Jirobo," Kidomaru said. "The bitch is too quick and tricky at our level."

"Fine," Jirobo replied.

Jirobo's body underwent another more dramatic change: his mohawk grew into a long, spiky mane reaching his shoulders, and his skin turned brownish. His irises turned yellow, covered by black. And he had various warts all over his body, especially on his face. Kidomaru had a similar change but had horns on his forehead, shoulders, and elbows.

"Let's do this, Jirobo," Kidomaru said, and Jirobo roared in agreement.

Jirobo rushed at her while Kidomaru backed away. Jirobo was a bad opponent for Yugao, as his body was rugged and sturdy, hard to cut. Despite how many times Yugao dodged Jirobo's attacks and cut him, it was always too shallow. Her sword couldn't reach deep enough to do any permanent damage. She didn't wish to waste her chakra on them as she was worried about Orochimaru. But she had no choice but to use a bit of her chakra to deal with them.

An arrow passed her hair as she tilted her head. She had to smile at the Kidomaru's effort, but she had fought Kaen multiple times. His arrows were faster and more dangerous. Kidomaru's attacks were nothing but a joke to Yugao compared to Kaen's. Kaen could predict his opponent's movement, and his arrows had chakra in them, making them hard to block. And they were too fast to dodge them.

Yugao was tired of dealing with Jirobo's abnormal body, so she used some chakra to coat her sword and used Jirobo's momentum. Yugao cut his head off his shoulders. Even then, Yugao had to use considerable strength to deal with the young man. She wondered what kind of experiments Orochimaru used on the young man to make his body so sturdy.

"Jirobo!" There was no place for Kidomaru to hide in these plains. "No matter. He was the weakest of us. You are probably the strongest of the bunch, and once my comrades finish your friends, you will die. All I have to do is hold you off. And with my third eye in the back, you won't be able to kill me. I suggest you retreat before it is too late."

"Hmm, if you can see me so well, I only need to move fast enough for you not to be able to react," Yugao said her first words to her opponents before disappearing from Kidomaru's sight.

"What?" Kidomaru barely managed to ask before he found two of his arms flying in the air. "Ahhh!'

Blood spluttered as Yugao used flicker jutsu to cut Kidomaru apart. Firstly, she cut off his arms, one by one, as he tried to protect his vital points. Soon enough, there was nothing left but his torso and head. Kidomaru lost his voice while screaming in agony. Yugao finished him by cutting his head off. Then she cleaned her sword and turned to see that Hana and Anko finished their opponents, too. But she noticed that Daimyo's guards were killed, leaving the last shinobi of the Sound standing.

A.N. As always, If you want more, up to seven advanced chapters, you can support me on pa treon. com \ ironwolf852. And if you have any requests for stories, I will only take them on my pa treon.