
Blackened Male God, Bye Again [To Be Deleted]

This author has something to say: You can’t actually delete novels in WN, but I will start deleting all the chapters. I’m sorry for all the readers that has supported this novel, but I’m going to do a major revision soon and will be also deleting my account here. Thank you for everything.

00110111 · History
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243 Chs

Vixen Above, Mensao Below (51)

Song Jia gave up convincing all of them and returned to her room.

Before the party started earlier, Ye Minzhe had been dragged off by Ouyang Che and Gong Qiye. Until now, he still hadn't returned.

Song Jia barely closed the door behind her when a solid and warm body pressed her against it.


Ye Minzhe's breath smelled of alcohol. He ran his lips lightly along her cheek, moving towards her sensitive ear. Licking her earlobe, he murmured her name again.


Song Jia pursed her lips. She still hadn't turned on the light, so she could only try to find his gaze in the darkness.

"Ye Minzhe, are you drunk?"

"I am." Ye Minzhe laughed a little. "But not drunk enough to confuse other girls for you."

After Ouyang Che and Gong Qiye dragged him off, they made him drink several shots of whiskey to celebrate his eighteenth birthday. Ding Xiuxiu was also there, and thinking that he was drunk, she tried to seduce him to spend a night with her. Fortunately, Ye Minzhe had a high alcohol tolerance and shoved her off.

He tried to find Song Jia, but because the mansion was crowded, he couldn't easily find her.

More often than not, the people he encountered were more girls that wanted to flirt with him. Finally, he went into Song Jia's room and decided to wait for her there. The combination of her flowery scent on the bed and the strong alcohol had made him heady.

"Jia, I want my gift," Ye Minzhe whispered into his ear, so close that his warm breath sent shivers down her spine.

His mouth moved along her throat, trailing wet heat along her skin, kissing and tasting. Song Jia stifled her moan, her hands sliding down his back and touching the indent of his spine. Ye Minzhe let out a loud groan.

Ye Jia's body was very sensitive. Every time Ye Minzhe touched her, Song Jia felt a spark flare up across her skin.

"Jia, say yes," he said, his voice almost a plea. Her response to him had electrified his whole body, causing the urgent desire he had tried restraining to explode.

Outside the door, Song Jia could hear people talking and laughing, their voices unintelligible. The music had changed, and maybe the DJ had heeded her request, because it was no longer loud and booming.

Instead, it had changed into a slow tempo, with an almost intimate vocal.

Song Jia let out a gasp as Ye Minzhe claimed her mouth, his tongue tasting her, mimicking the act he was desperate for. His hands moved over her slowly, sliding beneath her clothes, touching her waist. Song Jia's moan was captured by his kiss when he paused to rub his thumbs at the undersides of her breasts.

And when his hands finally covered her breasts, she felt her nipples tighten to meet his palms.

"Yes." Song Jia's voice was barely above a whisper. "Yes."

She could no longer think. For some reason, she didn't feel as repulsed as when Gu Yuan had tried to touch her before. Ye Minzhe's touch on her body felt familiar, just like the way her legs had weakened and her core became wet felt familiar.

Ye Minzhe gave a loud groan. He kissed her again, fierce wild kisses that made her throat become parched as her whole body became filled with desire.


How they tumbled into bed and removed their clothes, Song Jia could no longer remember. Flashes of images only remained in her brain, like how Ye Minzhe had made her arch her back when he lowered his head between her legs.

Or how deeply he grunted when he finally drove deeply inside her.

"Jia...ah, Jia...don't be so tight..."

Song Jia's wrists were pinned by his hands above her head, with his tongue in her mouth and his cock deep inside her. Again and again he thrust into her, long, hard strokes that drove her crazy.

"Minzhe...slow...slow down..."

The louder she cried out, the faster the frequency of his thrusts became. Ye Minzhe let go of her wrists and raised her hips with his hands instead. Song Jia wrapped her slender legs tightly around his waist. Their bodies lurched with the force of his thrusts.

Between his violent pumping, messy liquid dripped down on the bedsheet. The place where they were joined together was already slick, causing Ye Minzhe's thrusts to become smoother. The sound of slapping flesh and churning of love juice echoed inside the bedroom.

"Jia," Ye Minzhe groaned. His scalp was numb, and the feeling of being inside her was addicting. All of the illegal substances and alcohol he had tried before were nothing compared to this.

The way they fit perfectly together sucked Ye Minzhe into a vortex of pure ecstasy. He would never forget the feeling of being completely submerged into her in this lifetime. He withdrew his hard member and struck deeply into her, causing Song Jia's breasts to shake from his rough movements.

Song Jia shook her head, her hair plastered to her drenched forehead. Her tears mixed with sweat gave her a lewd appearance, and the moans that escaped her lips drove Ye Minzhe to thrust even faster.

"Ahh!" Song Jia screamed, her eyes rolling back in her head as she reached her orgasm.

"Jia, I love you. I really love you."

Ye Minzhe's body was full of lean muscle from doing sports along with his intensive training in martial arts. Right now, he was like a well-oiled machine moving his hips nonstop, with the high attacking power of a wild beast. And Song Jia was exactly that prey being pressed down underneath him, receiving the full brunt of his starving affection.

His cock slammed fiercely into her core without skill, only doing the most primitive movement, thrusting in and out until the girl inside his arms trembled and parted her lips to beg him to slow down.

But Ye Minzhe's head came down and he kissed her again, interrupting her words, his tongue plunging into her mouth almost as rough and wild as his hard length below, demanding another orgasm.

With heavy and rapid pistoning, Ye Minzhe finally ejaculated into her. He let out a low, shuddering moan, jerking wildly into her, his seed spilling into her womb. Song Jia threw her head back as she received the accumulation of his desire for over several years.

But Ye Minzhe didn't stop at all. His member was larger than ever as it stayed deep inside her wet warmth. The muscles on his hips and bottom contracted as he continued to thrust.

White turbidity spilled out from the cracks as his cock slid in and out of her, her petals tender and swollen, like a pink rose.

Song Jia blinked, her eyes misty. Even though she knew she would take contraceptives later on, she still couldn't help but scold him.

"You didn't even wear a condom...and you still didn't pull out..."

Ye Minzhe propped himself up with his elbows, kissing her lips gently. But the movement of his lower body didn't slow down at all, instead becoming even more aggressive.

"Jia, don't worry, I'll take full responsibility."

Ye Minzhe hid a smile as he continued to kiss her, while his scorching meat stick plunged in again and again. His lips went down and sucked on her breasts, gently biting it with his teeth, making Song Jia feel bursts of electric shock.

"Minzhe...Minzhe, ahh..."

Ye Minzhe quickly thrusted, and the way she tightened around him almost made him roar out loud. He ground his molars together, jerking her hard against him as he continued to plunge deeply inside her. He thrusted into her as if he didn't have a choice, as if he was a prisoner of the act, as if he would die if he didn't continue.

Song Jia opened her eyes to see Ye Minzhe gazing fiercely at her as he surged into her.


Song Jia arched her back, her toes curled up, and her whole body trembled as her climax ripped through her, hard and fast. Ye Minzhe clung to her waist tightly, and the scream that was about to escape her throat was blocked by his mouth. His hand pressed against the back of her head, and the saliva that Song Jia didn't manage to swallow was drank by him.

Ye Minzhe penetrated deeply into her, filling every inch of her with himself. Song Jia hugged him, her face buried into his neck as he slammed into her deeper and deeper with every thrust.

Her insides were hot and throbbing, pulsing tightly around his hardness. She let her hands run up his back, scraping his skin. He hissed and pounded even faster.

He surged into her again and again. Hard. Fast. Deep. The bed creaked as if it was about to collapse. Ye Minzhe had her thighs spread wide, and he rocked into her like a conqueror wanting to take everything she had.

Song Jia felt his organ begin to harden and twitch and knew that he was close. Song Jia caressed his back as he began to grunt loudly with every thrust. If possible, he became longer and harder, and she bucked wildly while trying to get closer.

Her name spilled from his lips as he thrust over and over inside her, one strong arm clamped around her waist.



Song Jia reached climax again as Ye Minzhe threw his head back, his face muscles tightening, his teeth clenching. She felt their hearts beating through his hard length, felt him swell even more, and then his hips jerked and hot jets of his release sprayed deep inside her womb, his thick semen filling her up.

The last thing she could remember was Ye Minzhe's voice in her ear, murmuring to her incoherently to milk him dry.

And Song Jia slapping his dirty mouth, opening her lips to say:

"Happy birthday, pervert."