
Black Wood

Violet Matthews is a college Junior who attends Blackwood University. She considers herself to be ordinary, like all the other students. When a handsome transfer student named Ryder Evans shows up, she finds herself drawn to him and wants to understand why. With the new Occult Studies class now available this year, Violet soon realizes that supernatural beings aren't just myths anymore. Will Violet learn all the secrets that are being kept from her, or will she be forever in the dark?

IvyWhite · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 8: Girls Being Girls

After school, the three of us went down to the Bistro to grab some coffee and just hang out for a while.

"Evelyn, stop looking for Matt through the window! You look like a crack head leaning over the back of your chair like that.." Jo stated as she rolled her eyes at Evelyn's actions.

I'm pretty confident the sole reason she even said she wanted coffee was so she could see Matt again..

"Josephine! I do not look like a fucking crack head! Besides, I'm way too cute to be on crack." She flipped her long golden hair over her shoulder for dramatic affect.

"Ahahahahaha!" all three of us howled out loud as Evelyn said that.

"Hey guys!" Matt announced as he took a seat in the vacant chair beside Evelyn and took a sip of his coffee.

"Oh, hey Matt! Are you on lunch?" Evelyn asked excitedly.

"Yeah, finally! I just figured I'd come hang out with you guys since you're out here."

"Well, good! I have to call my brother and give him a list of all the drinks we need for the party tomorrow night, so you can help me figure out what to get!"

"As long as you get me a bottle of Pink Whitney and Patron, I'll be happy!" I added as I pulled out my phone to see if I could look up this Ryder guy on Facebook.

Once I eventually found his page I couldn't help myself but to look at his pictures. I'm instantly drawn to this picture of him that was taken in the Blackwood Garden. He's standing against the oak tree with both of his arms resting behind his head. His gorgeous silver hair laying perfectly across his face, his steel-gray eyes glowing in the sunlight, and his magnificent smile that shows his slight dimples..

Oh god, what I wouldn't give to be pressed up against his body right now and to have him touchin-

"Hey, did you find that guy on Facebook? Let me see!" Jo snaps me out of my daydream and grabs my phone out of my hand.

"Ohhh, he looks so fucking hot in this picture dude! Ugh.. you're so damn lucky.."

"What do you mean?" I raise an eyebrow and look at Jo, confused.

"He's totally into you, dude! I mean, why else would he purposefully knock into you just to put his number into your phone?" She made a teasing, kissy face and laughed.

"Wait! You think he knocked me down on purpose just to do that?" I squish both my eyebrows together, trying to sway the possibility that Jo's right..

"Uh, duh! You mentioned he gave you an evil grin when he handed your phone back. That's proof enough, right?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"Well.. I suppose. But I just don't get it.. I mean, why would a guy like him be interested in a girl like me? I'm nothing special. Don't get me wrong, I think I'm pretty and stuff but he is.. Just so.. perfect.. and the way his eyes glow in the light is just stunning.." I started to trail off.

"Oh girl, you got it bad!" Jo laughed and nudged my arm.

"UGH! I know! I don't know what's going on with me.. I've never met a guy who could make me feel this way by just looking at him. I swear it's like the universe is pulling me toward him and I don't know why.."

"Okay thanks bubba! Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, and make sure you bring Mandy! I'm dying to meet her! Okay, love you, byyyeee!" Evelyn said on the phone with her brother.

Lucas is Evelyn's brother. He's 24 and even lives in our hometown, which is an hour and a half away but is the closest neighboring town. Jo and I used to have the biggest crush on Lucas when we teenagers, so whenever he's around he likes to pick on us for it. Evelyn couldn't even keep one secret from her brother and just had to tell him..

"I told Lucas everything we need for the party! He said he would bring his beer pong table too, so I guess that means we need to prepare to get our asses kicked by him." She shrugged her shoulders and laughed.

We stayed at the Bistro for another hour, before heading back to our dorm house. Our dorm house is actually nicer than what you'd think it'd be. Obviously the building itself is old, just like all the other ones in this town, but it was renovated and had two extra floors added to it, so now it has four in total. The second floor is just a hangout spot for the students who live here. It's mainly just one enormous room that has four large couches that sit in front of a huge movie theater style screen, a kitchen area with a bar, and obviously it has two bathrooms in the back. It also has a separate room off to the side full of computers, TVs, and gaming consoles. It makes for the perfect place to throw parties.

Our room is on the fourth floor, thank god, because it's the only floor with large rooms that have private showers. As we're making our way up to our room, all I can think about is taking a scolding hot shower to help clear my head.

Walking through door I let out a sigh of relief before saying, "I'm going to go take a shower."

After locking the bathroom door, I take off my jeans and tank top, leaving me wearing my matching lace thong and bra set. I love them because they make me feel attractive, even if no one else sees them.

After my shower I threw on my favorite pair of black cotton shorts that barley cover my ass, and an old black v-neck t-shirt. I combed through my ridiculously thick black hair before throwing it up in a messy bun on top of my head.

I come out of the bathroom and put on my black vans before looking at the girls and saying, "I'm gonna run down to the Chinese restaurant to grab some takeout, do you guys want anything?"

"No, that's okay! I have an interview at the Bar in thirty minutes and I asked Evelyn to tag along with me! We'll just grab something while we're there." Jo and Evelyn put their shoes on and grabbed their bags before heading out.