
Black whiskey

"No one will ever love you, do you think you deserve love? no you don't..." "I love you, and I'm not ashamed to say it .." "The truth is... everyone deserves love..." love, that mystical force that binds bodies today... love, that sensational feeling...that language that everyone knows...well I don't think I deserve it...at least not ever... That was until I took a cup of this intoxicating black whiskey...Grey Hampton

CJ_Willy · Urban
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47 Chs

month 10 part 2

Bella's Pov

  Fate.. fate was my nemesis, fate took pleasure in torturing me, fate enjoyed watching me in pain

     Fate??, Fate would do whatever it could to make sure that the worse always happened to me.

    In this story, I am the protagonist, and my antagonist was fate. Fate was the monster in black always looking for my downfall.

Years ago, I had made a promise never to let fate win completely and that I would fight it.

Today, it had won the battle.

I didn't even realize when I was crying, I didn't even know why I was crying.

I was always a victim of circumstances and in all I did to have happiness, I felt pain instead.

Wasn't it money that I found a problem when I was younger? Now I had the money in excess and was I still happy? NO

Now that I had become famous and influential was I Still happy?.NO

Even the rich do cry.

I walked under the heavy snow that day crying.

My tears were cold but the opposite was happening to my body.

I was sweating, not because of the coat I wore but because of an unusual heat going on through my body.

I couldn't even control my tears again.

I tried to look at my phone to get my self and Uber but I could barely see the screen, my tears didn't allow me.

"Hey Siri, please get me an Uber around my location" I said with a cracked up shaky voice .

I was even surprised it heard my voice and got the Uber.

The man looked at me sadly as he picked me up.

He handed me a tissue box silently and drove me to Suzie's location.

When I got in front of the house, my tears increased again.

I tried to control it but I couldn't. Fuck I was a mess.

My swearing ability had increased tremendously ....all thanks to Grey.

I pressed the door bell and closed my eyes.

"Who is it" I heard Suzie scream.

She then peeped through the window and saw me.

"Bella"she said happily, probably didn't know I was crying.

Then she opened the door, the smile and enthusiasm on her face suddenly dropped.

"Holy fuck!!!,. What happened??!!!" She screamed.

I couldn't even say anything, the tears just kept on pouring down from my eyes.

"Bella" she said in a worried tone holding my hands.

"...it was a contract Suzie...a fucking contract".. I choked.

She looked so confused.

"Please talk to me you're a scaring me.." she worried.

"My marriage... between Grey and It was all a contract....it's supposed to end in a year... his father thought I would be a bonus to their company... that's... that's why... that's why...Grey...Grey knew...Grey didn't tell me... he didn't tell me... he didn't..he didn't..." I said crying and sobbing as I spoke.

She pulled me into a hug. I cried on shoulders.

What if Suzie leaves too?

What if my mom leaves too?

What would I do?

How would I cope?

"It's okay baby girl, it's okay, just relax, calm down" she cooed in my ear.

I kept on crying.

I didn't even know why I was crying...was it because of Grey? But he said he tried to talk his dad out of it . I should believe him right? But he wasn't completely honest from the beginning....

Fuck I hadn't cried in years.

I had been too strong.

I needed a break from all this.

I was tired, I needed space from the society, from the world...

This would have been the perfect time to enter a coma and be out of it after a year or two.

Suzie pulled me into the house and locked the door.

"It's okay, I'm here for you" she said and I noticed she had some water in her her eyes.

She was crying too, for me.


Grey's Pov...

I didn't know how long I laid on the bed with my eyes open, I was numb to my environment and didn't even realize when Martins entered the room until he tapped me aggressively.

I turned and looked at him surprised.

"How did you get here?"

"I took a flight down here as soon as you called" he said with worry in his voice.

I arched my brow confused.

"What time is it? I asked.

"It's past 10am " he said.

Wow, I stayed up that long.

"Dude don't tell me you haven't' slept till now?" Martins asked.

I shrugged." How could I? "

"Man... what happened dude, you freaking scared me dude, the way you said it man .. you sounded like you were going to commit suside or something, I was fucken scared" Martins stressed.

I didn't even know what to say. My world had been spinning for the past 15 hours

It was just like that day that my mother died, only that this time instead of me destroying everything around me I couldn't move.

I felt like I was paralyzed at the spot.

..."she cried man, she cried because of me..." I managed to say.

"Dude .."

"I should have told her...I should have told her earlier but I was just being an ass...fuck I'm screwed"...

"Do you want me to talk to her for you?" He asked.

I shook my head vigorously.

"Please don't, just give her space or whatsoever, please... just don't" I said.

I had lost her....I had actually lost her.

Exactly what I was trying to avoid, I didn't want her to like me so that it wouldn't be hard for her to leave,. Now she's just broken.

I'm fucked up. Fucked up,I'm never gonna forgive my father for this, never.

." You need to sleep Grey" he said.

I shook my head," I can't"

"I'll send for some sleeping pills, I need you to sleep, you're gonna hurt yourself" he said.

"I can't sleep when I know she's in pain Martins, I can't" I said.

"Where is she?" Martins asked.

"I think she went to meet her bestfriend, she said that her bestfriend was also spending Christmas with her Aunt here in England somewhere at brook street.

Then it occurred to me that today was 25th, such a lovely way to spend Christmas right? Yet again, it's ruined.

Martins then called a hospital to send some sleeping pills to our hotel and faked doctors report and sent to them.

Martins forced me to drink some fruit juice and took the pills too.

"Don't go hard on yourself buddy, you tried your best" I heard Martins say faintly and I realized I was slowly being pulled into sleep.

"Dude, please don't talk to her about it, I don't want you to" I whispered.

But Martins didn't reply, I knew my bestfriend too well, he never listened, he always tried to look out for me.

I heard the room door open and it closed, and so did my eye lids.


Bella's Pov

My eyes slowly opened and a bright Ray of light creeped into my eyes.

My eyes felt heavy and swollen,I had cried all night.

I didn't even know when I slept off, but I was glad I did.

Because I felt a bit better this morning, the heavy pang of pain had left and was only left with memories.

Memories of Grey and I ... every moment we shared, and every good memory we had.

Why was I pushing him away? He didn't cheat on me? He didn't use me? He didn't play me?

He only hurt me, his intentions earlier was to marry me for a year.

So imagine if he didn't end up liking me? We would have just parted ways??.

But that would have been better tho, if he had kept up with his initial behaviors maybe I wouldn't have been this hurt when I found out.

I wish he had told me earlier, I wished he had been completely honest from the start.

Now, it was too late to change anything, the deed was already done.

And now his father saw me as a liability to him.

I was the one that caused all this, maybe I wouldn't have pushed him into bringing me here.

He said he didn't want me to leave, but yet, I walked myself into this mess.

Thank you fate, you've done the your worse this time.

I heard the door slowly crack open and Suzie peeped inside.

Last night when I came into the house I was in so much tears I couldn't even talk to her Aunt properly and say Hello.

She didn't even bother asking me what was wrong, she just tucked me peacefully in bed while I cried with Suzie holding me in my arms.

"You awake?" She asked calmly.

I nodded and sat up, she opened the door wide enough and brought in a tray.

"I made you breakfast" she said and walked in.

"What about your aunt?" I asked.

"She went to work, she'll be back by 2pm" she said.

She came and sat beside me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked touching my head.

"Better" I said an forced a smile out of my face.

"I was glad I slept" I added

She smiled.

Then she pulled out something from under the bed.

"I wanted to give you this today... merry Christmas Belle" she said.

Fuck... today was Christmas

I smiled and took it from her.

"I'll open it later when you're not here so you won't see my shocked face" I said and she giggled.

"Tough Christmas huh?" She asked.

"The toughest I ever had" I said.

Then the door bell rang.

"I'll go get it" she said and left.

A few minutes later, I heard her shouting at someone.

I panicked and got out of the bed. She had removed my clothes and replaced them with her pajamas.

I went to the living room and saw her standing at the door yelling at someone.

..."he was your friend Martins, you knew about it but you didn't warn him, don't try to support Grey here, get the fuck away from here..."

..."I'm not here for that Suzie I just want to see her and be sure she's okay...."

"She's so not okay, she cried Martins, since I became her bestfriend I had never seen her cry. Ever!! And you think she's okay???" What was he thinking??did he think she was some kinda joke..."


"No no no no don't Suzie me Martins, don't!! Fuck do you know how long she endured his bullshit initially..."


"Everytime she would come to me complaining, so all those efforts she made to make him like her was supposed to end in a fucken year..."


"Get away Martins, your friend hurt my sister, and that indirectly means he hurt me, and you knew about this... that makes you an enemy too" she screamed.

"Okay first of all Suzie, Grey didn't send me here, I came on my own, he called me last night and told me what happened and I had to fly as quick as I could all the way from San Diego to England, I arrived this morning and found him broken even more than I had seen him before.

I asked him where Bella was and he told me your street address and I had to track your house down illegally, don't even ask me how.

I'm here because I want to see Bella, he told me not to come here but I insisted because I care about her too okay??!

He's my friend sure,but I'm not responsible for his failed decisions. I told him to tell her about it, it's not my fault he didn't listen, he was too scared to tell her because he didn't want to loose her for God sake Suzie are you blind??

Can't you see he was sincere, you had walked into the house so many times to meet him on heated arguments with his dad, you think he'll go to the extent of ruining his relationship with his father if he didn't care for her???!!..

Putting the anger on me doesn't worth it Suzie it's not my fault. And ending a good friendship because of this is just dumb Suzie, it's not my fault, the only thing I could do was to advise him.

But you want me to leave right? You want to push me away too?? Fine..I'll leave"

I heard him Walk away and then Suzie shut the door behind her.

She looked confused.

"You shouldn't have reacted like that, Martins tried you know, he was really nice, and you shouldn't just end your friendship with him because of that" I said.

She exhaled," you're my best friend and I'm just gonna look out for you okay? I've never seen you that way before and it broke me Bella, you're like the sister that I never had and I'm just trying to protect you" she said.

I walked up to her and hugged her tight.

"Thanks Suz, but this is my personal battle now, and I'm gonna do this one alone" I whispered.

"Thanks for always being there for me when I needed you the most, always protecting me from bullies and all, thank you" I added.

"I'm always here" she added.